Zots Vote Show Wish Tape In Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Bobby Brown's Birthday Toys (2025)

Also Coming To Song John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Pretend Library Steady March Song Was Used In Riding In Barney's Car 1995 VHS 28 Letters 36 Notes 4 Words 8 Syllables 32 Words For Lyrics 8 Da's Buddy Begins With J Key Of F Major Soon After Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa New Years Eve 2024 Kevin Decides He Wants To Do John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Buddy Begins With J Just Like These New Category Pages For These Years Kevin Picks For Now Wednesday January 1 2025-Present Will Be Summit Central Show Direct-To-Video Great Visit Fun Miss Angela John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet WNED PBS Channel 17 Between The Lions Tape Pineview With Mr. Phil Sony Music, Blue Bowl From Tots A Title Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 WNED PBS Channel 17 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Laa-Laa’s Watering Can Fun VHS DVD Program, Summit Show Direct-To-Video John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Science Caps 128 Prizes, Will Vinton Show Direct-To-Video WNED PBS Channel 17 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Pretend Library Kevin's Birthday 2024 Kids' Favorite Songs Together Forever Sing-Along Songs Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Sing-Along Songs Fun With Music, Summit Show Direct-To-Video John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Science Caps 128 Prizes, Spectrum Show Direct-To-Video John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Pretend Library Steady March, Shoes On At Pineview Seven Monsters Show Direct-To-Video John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet With Key Of F Major Fully Animated Cartoon With Counting Little Fuzzy Little Seven Monsters, Sony Show Direct-To-Video John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Key Of F Major, Blue Bowl From Tots A Title Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 WNED PBS Channel 17 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Laa-Laa’s Watering Can Fun VHS DVD Program, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet VHS WNED PBS Channel 17 Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Shows Of Sony Music, No, Those Places VHS Tape Do Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Fun Maya Miguel Top Fabulous Programs Pineview With Mr. Phil Fabulous Dinner At Pineview Sony Television Garden, Zoo, Flower, Toy, No, Those Places VHS Tape Do Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Pineview Programs John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Sony Ballad With Garden, Zoo, Flower, Toy, Outgoing Tape A VHS WNED PBS TV Schedule Winnie The Pooh Halloween Bob The Builder Christmas We All Sing Together Program Sesame Street 1993 Hit Title Elmo's World Up And Down John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Between The Lions Tape, But This Time Which These New Television Programs Coming To John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Song Was Used In Riding In Barney's Car 1995 VHS Will Be There Which For Now This Time Some New TV Shows Are Coming Soon To John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet WNED PBS Channel 17 Blue Bowl From Tots Fabulous To Eat Those Sunday Mornings Listen To That With Wind, Rain, Sleet, Hail, Snow, Fall, Winter, Birthday Parties, Seasons, Holidays, Supermarkets, Restaurants, Stores, Libraries, Shops, Bakeries, Cars, Vans, Minivans, Buses, Motorboats, Bookstores, Wagons, Bicycles, Motorcyles, Trolleys, Subway Trains, Police Cars, Scramblers, Roller Coasters, Hurracaine, Snowy Blizzards, Hotels, Undersea Adventures, Town Halls, Classrooms, Post Offices, Castles, Ponds, Countrysides, Farms, Oceans, Beach Houses, Submarines, And Toy Shops With Fantastic Collection From Blockbusters: Barney Direct-To-Video VHS And DVD From Barney Home Video: Play any Barney video or DVD white tape purple writing with favorite Barney songs. Barney Theme Song which tune of Yankee Doodle before Barney title card before it first started. Program starts with that stuffed animal Barney probably he or she will shout out his name. Whenever they're all done playing a tape probably might be time to sing I Love You. To the tune of This Old Man Barney sings that first verse with some kids hugging then joining second and final verse to this then it was just time to end this will be time for Barney to say goodbye stuffed animal Barney winks before ending that tape then the end credits featuring some fabulous stills then previews of the other videos from Barney. Veggietales Program VHS And DVD Direct-To-Video: Join Bob the Tomato here and Larry the Cucumber singing hits like Water Buffalo Song, The Hairbrush Song, The Yodeling Veterinarian Of The Alps, Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, Dance Of The Cucumber, here others. Thomas Direct-To-Video VHS And DVD Based On Books By Rev. W Awdry: Hop on board The Island Of Sodor to join Thomas, Percy, Gordon, Edward, Toby and their friends six narrators being narrated by Ringo Starr of The Beatles, George Carlin, Alec Baldwin, Michael Brandon, Michael Angelis, and Mark Moraghan. Between The Lions Direct-To-Video VHS Program Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 For Reading Wild Books Announcer Bunny Program Preview In The Beginning Plus PBS Kids Logo With Dot In The End: Come visit that place Busterfield Library there together for now home of some cubs for it. The series focuses on a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called, “The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library” starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse, the Information Hen, who answers library calls, and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library’s thesaurus. The program's format is intended to promote literacy and reading; in each episode, the lions introduce a picture book to the audience and read it. Some episodes have featured adaptions of well-known folktales or ancient myths or fables, while others have featured popular storybooks such as Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type, or shown the lions learning or benefiting from the lessons presented by the story. The series often features an array of educational segments formatted each in its own distinctive style, particularly parodies of well-known media redesigned educationally for younger audiences or simple animations, some sketches more repetitive than others. A distinctive feature of the series is that it is virtually never set outside of the library, as it usually chronicles the lions' experiences within it. A subplot features a pair of pigeons named Walter and Clay comically infuriating a living bust of the library's deceased founder, Barnaby B. Busterfield III, located in an upper section of the library, that is normally intended for comic relief. After the fourth season, the series underwent a noticeable format change. Notably, the show consisted of two ten-minute shorts, each a condensation of an earlier episode, tied together and united around a theme. The series also began to focus on consonants instead of vowels. Old segments such as "Magic Time" "Sam Spud" and "The Monkey Pop-Up Theater" were replaced with new ones such as "Joy Learno" and "The Flying Trampolini Brothers". Later episodes shifted away from the earlier focus on reading, and stories were just told to tie into the theme of the episode. Major characters such as Busterfield, Heath, Walter, Clay, and Martha Reader vanished from the show as well, despite still appearing in the intro. The Monkey Pop-Up Theater: A monkey with blonde hair (monkeys are often featured as background characters or library patrons in this series) opens a pop-up book which presents a zany musical performance by monkeys who sing in operatic voices. The Vowelles: Three colored lips with satin gloves and wigs perform vowel songs for an audience. In the first few seasons, Click's hand would pick up the letters of a word from the book and transition them to their segment to establish the vowel and word family of the episode. The Vowelles are usually accompanied by Johnny Consananti and Martha Reader. In Season 1, the stage backdrop is not lit, leaving viewers to see only lips, and usually satin gloves and feather boas, and hair. In seasons 2–4, the dark stage background is replaced with a colorful silver background obviously revealing that The Vowelles are only three pairs of lips surrounded by wigs, and usually accompanied by satin gloves and feather boas, and the unidentified puppets in the audience are replaced with monkeys and Johnny Consananti is the announcer. Martha Reader and The Vowelles is a parody of Martha Reeves and The Vandellas, a popular Motown group from the 1960s. The Word Doctor with Dr. Ruth Wordheimer: Dr. Ruth Westheimer portrays "Dr. Ruth Wordheimer", a friendly therapist. Her two types of clients are:Monkeys who need help reading or understanding long or difficult words (they are having a "Long Word Freakout"). Words that are dissatisfied with their current meaning. (By replacing certain well-chosen letters, Dr. Wordheimer is able to give the word a new meaning and a new lease on life.) Little Wendy Tales: In an animesque segment, a girl with black hair tied in pigtails reads the misadventures found in Little Wendy Tales when sitting next to her white cat Cuddly Kitty on her bed. In classic fashion, the dark-haired girl and Cuddly Kitty transform themselves into The Punctuator and Emoticon the Cat (a parody of Sailor Moon, among other anime clichés) and saves Wendy by means of switching around the punctuation, altering the scene in the process. She rereads the altered adventures after correcting the sentences. Fun with Chicken Jane: A parody of the famous Dick and Jane books for children. In this, two naive children, Scot and Dot, place themselves in harm's way. An intelligent chicken named Chicken Jane spells out an obvious solution to the problem. At the last moment, the children get out of the way and Chicken Jane gets hurt instead. The theme song is a parody of the old Alka Seltzer jingle. When the skit starts, Scot, Dot, and Chicken Jane come skipping down a dirt road to the jingle that goes "Look, look, see, see, coming down the lane. Here comes Scot, here comes Dot, here comes Chicken Jane!" When the skit is over, Scot and Dot headed back up the road (Chicken Jane limping along behind with an injured wing) to "Look, look, see, see, going up the lane. There goes Scot, there goes Dot, there goes Chicken Jane!". In the Episode, "Stop That Chicken", Chicken Jane once fell out of one of the books and ended up in several other books which are Colonial America, Sleeping Beauty, and Cook A Lot Like Me by Molly Stewpot (a reference to Martha Stewart). The very demanding chef Molly sees Chicken Jane and wants to use her in one of her recipes while ignoring what Chicken Jane is saying. The book is then swatted at in an attempt for Chicken Jane to come to life while jelly is spilled onto Molly in a defeat, and Leona succeeds in getting Chicken Jane back in her book. The Adventures of Cliff Hanger: This common cartoon segment centers around Cliff Hanger, a lantern-jawed outdoorsman who is usually stranded hundreds of feet above the ground, holding onto a branch on the side of a cliff (hence the skit's title). Each episode presents Cliff with a preposterous situation of some kind, which he attempts to use to his advantage by reaching into his backpack, pulling out what he calls his "trusty survival manual", and following the instructions provided there. The instructions, though often highly unorthodox, usually prove successful, and Cliff briefly escapes from the cliff. But, inevitably, another highly unlikely incident sends Cliff back to where he started, hanging onto his branch once again. The cartoon then ends when the branch starts cracking as Cliff says his baleful catchphrase: "Can't... hold... on... much... longer!" and the sun sets as a cliff hanger. This scene occurs at the beginning of the cartoon as well. Similar to cartoons such as Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner, these cartoon clips follow the same storyline; although Cliff never gives up on trying to get off the cliff, he never succeeds. Each segment begins and usually ends with a theme song sung off-screen by a formally dressed group of singers (flying by in a helicopter), singing "Cliff Hanger, hanging from a cliff! And that's why he's called Cliff Hanger!" Cliff attempts to attract their attention to his predicament by calling out "Excuse me! Excuse me!", but to no avail. In one episode, he apparently succeeds at drawing their attention, and they rescue him, but it turns out he is simply dreaming. He once got off the cliff when he jumped on a whale's blowhole and washed up on a beach in "The Last Cliff Hanger" and Lionel is upset about the last book, but eventually missed his cliff and, through a series of bizarre events (thanks to the writer, Livingston Dangerously), got himself back onto it. His name is a play on the media term "cliffhanger" which is often shown on non-Between the Lions episodes as "to be continued". In three episodes Cliff Hanger and the Solid Oil Lamp, Cliff Hanger Meets the Sleeping Gypsy, and Cliff Hanger and the Sheep on a Ship, Cliff Hanger imagines he is in a restaurant eating steak, he is in a bathtub and a starstruck door. In another episode, Lionel's friend Lenny, a lizard, introduces a similarly styled series of books called Justin Time, about a stereotypical explorer named Justin Time who relaxes in a hammock until an absurd scenario like those of Cliff Hanger occurs, forcing him to intervene to restore the calm, boasting, "Couldn't be more comfortable.", as opposed to Cliff Hanger's catchphrase "Can't hold on much longer!" He too used a version of the Survival Manual, called a Safety Manual, which is from his Survival Kit, a version of Cliff Hanger's backpack and the same formally dressed chorus, riding in the back of a Pickup truck introduces him at the beginning of the story, singing "Justin Time, he's always saved just in time! And that is why he is called Justin Time!" Then Justin rudely tells the singers "Go away!" just like how Cliff Hanger always gets their attention to his predicament. Ironically, Lionel disliked this series. One Justin Time segment was ever shown as it only appeared in one episode. In the series, the character Lionel is a fan of Cliff Hanger books, which his sister Leona thinks are pointless. But, even in episodes where she expresses hatred, she has shown respect for it, such as when she decided to help Lionel get Livingston Dangerously to write more books. Gawain's Word: A Wayne's World spoof hosted by a knight with an American surfer accent, featuring two jousting knights charging at each other, each touting a speech balloon with half of a word which then became their respective names, then demonstrating the word. For example, one skit featured "Sir Sh" dressed in silver armor and "Sir Ark" dressed in gold armor. Then Gawain says, "Blend on, dudes!" when it is time to put the halves together. When Sir Sh bumps into Sir Ark, their speech balloons meld together to form the word "shark." Then they react to the word, by running away from a hovering shark. Though the title of the segment clearly is a parody of the Saturday Night Live skit, the two knights in the segment speak more characteristically like Bill and Ted from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure than Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World. Tiger Words: A pun of golfer Tiger Woods. Tiger is always seen participating in a spelling competition (modeled off a golf tournament), where he always misspell a word. While the crowd and announcer are surprised and dismayed at his error, Tiger corrects his mistake by using another tool in his pencil bag (using an eraser to fix mistakes in pencil, or paint to fix mistakes in pen, for example). Tiger correctly spells the word and wins the championship. Sam Spud: Par-Boiled Potato Detective: A spoof of the Sam Spade detective stories, this segment portrays a par-boiled potato (voiced by Michael K. Frith) who types out the voice-over narration typical of film noir on a late night, making and correcting typographical errors that demonstrate word sounds. This segment makes heavy use of sight gags based on wordplay (such as the narrator referring to the entrance of a "tomato"—1930s slang for an attractive woman—who is revealed to be a real tomato wearing a costume; or a neon sign that blinks the words "Flicker Flicker" or "On" and "Off"). In most cases, the segments would end with a live-action child watching Sam Spud on television and calling out to his or her mother that "there's a talking potato with a hat on and no mouth!" (or some variation), and the mother calling from offscreen telling her child not to worry and that it's educational television, so it must be good for him/her. On one occasion, it ends with the mother saying that it is not nice to say "dumb", after a girl was describing a pickle with a zipper. The Un-People: A Mo Willems cartoon aimed at teaching kids their prefixes. The main character is "young" Monica Maxwell, a girl about 8 years-old who seems to have an inordinate amount of trouble with a group of rambunctious rhinos or other misfortunes. The segment always begins with the rhinos running amok (or other non-rhino related situations, such as when Monica marches down a street in a parade) usually in Monica's house. The clever, resourceful girl somehow manages to subdue or round up the rhinos, for example, putting them in a zippered bag (not all these segments have relationship with rhinos.) And, all of a sudden, the evil Un-People come along and "un-zip" the bag, causing the rhinos to run free again and resume their rampage of destruction (or other misfortune not caused by the animals.) But when the crime-fighting Re-People appear, they "re-zip" the bag and the destruction of the charging rhinos stops, or other misfortune-quelling results. This segment is a parody of common superhero-themed cartoons such as the Justice League. There are at least two skits that did not feature rhinos—the "undressed"/"redressed" skit where a marching band is seen without clothes, only to get redressed in their outfits, and the "unbuttoned"/"rebuttoned" skit where Monica is seen playing in the snow, with her coat becoming unbuttoned and then finally rebuttoned. Silent E: A sly criminal, Silent E, has the ability to make the vowel sounds say their names and changes the words without a silent e into words with a silent e, for example: he changes a cub (which resembles Leona) into a cube, a tub into a tube, a twin into twine and a can into a cane. In each segment, Silent E is carted off to jail by a policeman. Silent E then writes a note to the policeman, which usually reads something like, "Sure do like that pin/cap you're wearing! I would love to get a closer look!" The policeman then remarks, "Well, sure! I don't see any harm in that!" The policeman hands the object to Silent E, who then easily escapes by using either the policeman's pin and turning it into a pine to climb out the window or the policeman's cap and turning it into a cape to fly out the window. Either way, after that, the policeman shouts, "Well, Silent E, you may have slipped out of my grasp this time, but mark my words: I'll get you YET!!!!" Dr. Nitwhite: This sketch usually begins with Dr. Nitwhite ordering in his assistant, Watson (the character most guilty of calling him "Dr. Nitwit"), for Nitwhite claims he has discovered "the only word in the entire English language!" with a particular letter combination in it, showing extreme pride in his achievement. Unfortunately for Nitwhite, Watson casually utters an expression or sentence containing another word with that same combination (for example, in one sketch, Nitwhite proudly presents what he claims to be the only two-letter word with the short 'I' sound: in. An impressed Watson remarks, "Dr. Nitwhite! This time, I think you have really done it!"). After Nitwhite realizes this, he breaks down and advises Watson to leave, which the latter does, calling him "Dr. Nitwit" once more. Vowel Boot Camp: In this segment, the soldiers, who are lowercase vowels (except the drill sergeant, who is an exclamation point and is revealed to be aptly named Sergeant Mark in one sketch), practice making their sounds and then go out to make words. The famous catchphrase is "This isn't 'Camp [name]', this is Vowel Boot Camp!" In three skits, the lowercase "I" soldier is seen missing a dot before being corrected by the drill instructor, the "U" soldier is seen upside down, looking like a lowercase "N" before being corrected by the drill sergeant to set his head to the proper position and the "O" soldier has a pillow from his footlocker in his mouth before the sergeant (who had told him this on several prior occasions) tells him to spit it out, which he does. Portions of this segment deal with silent "E" and letters containing two vowels. For example, the "I" soldier is accompanied by two letters, "R" and "P" to form "rip" until the "E" is added at the end of the word to turn the word into "ripe". The drill sergeant then asks the soldiers regarding the rule prompting the soldiers to sing the tune "When "E" on the end plays a no-talking game, the vowel before it says its name." The tune would later be the basis for the following examples. Another example is when the "A" soldier is placed between two lowercase consonants "M" and "N" to form the word "man". However the "I" soldier comes into the word to change it into "main". The drill sergeant then asks the other vowels regarding the rule, prompting them to sing the tune "When two vowels stand side by side, the first one says its name with pride." The sergeant always ends up getting trampled by the vowels as they leave. On one occasion, he misses them, but they end up shutting the door on him, locking him in, causing him to bang on the door. The Lone Rearranger Rewrites Again: A spoof of The Lone Ranger, this animated segment features an intelligent, banana nose cowboy named The Lone Rerranger, (or Lone for short), with his horse Hiho, and his sidekick whose name is Russell-Upsome Grub, and a sentence which needs to be rearranged. For example, "Horses must ride cowboys into the corral" needs to be rearranged to say "Cowboys must ride horses into the corral". After Lone fixes the sentence with his whip, he, Hiho, and Russell leave and the people who did what the original sign said for them to do never get a chance to thank him or Russell, or something loosely related to the subject. Afterwards, the segment would end with Lone on top of Hiho yelling, "Hi-yo, Hiho! Away!", and then the camera would pan to Russell, who was seen covering his ears and then saying, "Why you must you always yell in that poor horsey's ears?" Moby Duck: A spoof of Moby-Dick, this takes place in a peapod (spoof of Pequod) where there are two captains. The first is Captain Starbuck, the second Captain Ahab. Starbuck looks through a telescope and sees a white animal and yells, "Wait, Cap'n! Thar she quacks! Moby, the great white duck!" Captain Ahab takes a closer look and gives the tagline "Nay, Mr. Starbuck! That not be Moby, the great white duck! Argh!", and explains the differences and sounds out syllables, showing, for example, Daisy, the entertaining white snail. The two admit defeat before continuing their search. A running gag is the fact that they never look behind them, which is exactly where Moby is. Another running gag would feature an onscreen assistant throwing water into the face of Ahab, humiliating him. The author is said to be "Melvin Hermille", a spoof of Moby Dick author Herman Melville. Blending Bowl: A kind of "bowl game" in which NFL players blend sounds to make words. It stars former NFL superstar quarterback turned FOX Sports co-host Terry Bradshaw as a commentator. It is similar to Gawain's Word and Blend Mart but with a football setting. Opposite Bunny: A superhero bunny who saves the day by turning bad things happening in the neighborhood back into good things. The segment ends with the neighbors reviewing the opposites. For example, one episode has the neighbors saying, "First it was raw; now it is cooked. How does that bunny do it?!" Swami Marmy: This segment features Smarmy Marmy as a fortune teller who tells monkeys their future. In one segment, she tells a monkey that his sister will drop in for a visit, after which she literally, drops in from above. In another segment, she simply tells a monkey "Oops!" after which Marmy knocks her crystal ball off the table and it rolls off and breaks. Fred Says: Fred Newman portraying himself appears onscreen sounding out a word syllable by syllable after which he acts it or demonstrates it in his usual humor by attaching sounds to each syllable. On multiple occasions, Fred would appear doing his segment twice in the first season. What's Cooking?: A cooking segment starring Theo and Cleo Lion as chefs. In each segment, they have a recipe and all the things they need (and a few they do not need) in front of them with their names on them (For example, slammed and rammed ham with no yam or clam). They read the recipe step-by-step that usually involves getting rid of the extra ingredients and doing something (rather literally) to the main item before placing it in something. When they reach the last step, that involves cooking the food for a certain amount of time, they just say "Nah" and eat it raw. Sometimes, the camera zooms in on the refrigerator and segues into a Sam Spud segment. The Joy Learno Show: Female Parody of Jay Leno talks to various guests about words and their meanings. Replacing Letter Songs: Each song for the vowels such as "a" and "e", etc. This is sung in different words such as "Ben" and "hen". At the end, a letter is replaced such as "t" and changes a letter to "ten". Heath the Thesarus would sometimes introduce the segment by saying, "And now, a little poem in which letters change. And make something very interesting happen." Marmy's Poetry Corner: This segment features Marmy with guest stars. Bob The Builder Direct-To-Video DVD VHS Lyrick Studios And Hit Entertainment: Join Bob, Wendy, Scoop, Muck, Dizzy, Roley, Lofty, their cat Pilchard, Mr. Bentley and the gang as they fix things. Jackie Chan Adventures Direct-To-Video From Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment: The series focuses on a fictionalized version of Hong Kong action film star Jackie Chan, who operates in life as an archaeologist and special agent, combatting threats that are mainly magical and supernatural – based on real-life mythologies and supernatural stories from Asia and around the world – with the aid of his family and close friends. New Batman Adventures Direct-To-Video Batman And Robin From Warner Home Video: Soar along with new Batman tapes from Warner Home Video to save the day. Richard Scarry Direct-To-Video Learning 6:30 Super Why Low Pitch Four Tabs: Join Huckle Cat, Lowly Worm, Miss Honey and the gang with six Richard Scarry videos from Random House Home Video from 1989 to 1994. The Puzzle Place Direct-To-Video Tapes VHS From Sony Wonder: Join Skye, Leon, Kiki, Jody, Julie, Ben, and the gang with six Puzzle Place videos from the PBS show now on VHS: "Accentuate The Positive", "Tuned In", "Rip Van Wrinkle", "Rock Dreams", "Sing-Along Songs", and "Deck The Halls". Produced by Lancit Media New York and KCET Los Angeles. Video Treasures Volumes From 1986 Distributed By Miliken Publishing Company And Pacific Arts: Sarah, Joey and their mom read their bedtime stories before bedtime. Zoboomafoo Direct-To-Video Kratt Brothers PBS Kids 5 Tapes From Warner Home Video: Join Zoboomafoo with five cool tapes from Warner Home Video: "Play Day At Animal Junction", "Zoboo's Little Pals", "Look Who's Home!", "Sense-Sational Animal Friends", and "Zoboo's Scary Tails". Dragon Tales Direct-To-Video VHS And DVD Columbia Tristar And PBS Kids which this says: Join Emmy and Max as they visit Dragonland with their friends Ord, Cassie, Zak and Wheezie, and their friends. Teletubbies Program 1997 Direct-To-Video PBS Hit Program From Warner Home Video: From 1997 produced by Ragdoll Productions here Rolf Saxon narrated. Bloopy's Buddies Direct-To-Video VHS Program Exercise Workout TV PBS Television Hit Program: Preschoolers learn to exercise and be healthy. Huggabug Club Direct-To-Video Titles VHS PBS Program Puppets And Kids TV Huggabug: In addition to Miss Audrey and Miss Judy, the program features full-bodied puppets who magically appear with the help of a computer: Uncle Huggabug, a cowboy insect; Miss Oops-A-Daisy, a clumsy flower; and Auntie Bumble, a grandmotherly bee. The cast also includes the "Buggsters", a group of multi-cultural kids who sing and dance. Littlest Schoolhouse Direct-To-Video Volumes From Hi-Tops Video: Join the gang with six Little Schoolhouse volumes: Volume 1 "All About The Alphabet", Volume 2 "All About Numbers", Volume 3 "All About Shapes", Volume 4 "All About Animals", Volume 5 "All About Sounds", and Volume 6 "All About Colors". Reppies Direct-To-Video VHS Program Florida Stations Fun Music PBS Programming From Northstar: The series centers around a group of anthropomorphic reptile creatures (in oversized costumes) that sing in a music group and interact with a Mary Poppins-like English tutor, who also sings and dances. In some of the episodes she seemingly displays magical powers. Harold And The Purple Crayon Direct-To-Video Based On Book By Crockett Johnson: Based on book by Crockett Johnson for here fun as it did narrated by Sharon Stone being lip-syncing by stuffed animal Zoe, she is wearing a pink tutu such a fun narration. Timothy Goes To School Direct-To-Video From N Circle Entertainment Books By Rosemary Wells PBS Version Of 4920: Timothy Goes to School primarily focuses on a young enthusiastic anthropomorphic raccoon named Timothy (voiced by Austin Di Iulio), who attends kindergarten at a fictional place called "Hilltop School" along with ten other students (each of which are of different animals except for the Frank Twins and Claude). The kindergarten class is taught by Mrs. Jenkins, a comforting teacher who enjoys educating and helping her students. Monday February 3 2020 was the PBS Kids version of show 4920 "Elmo The Engineer". That day's show about some engineers. Letter People Direct-To-Video Volumes 60 Fun Episodes: A little dog is minding his own business when various figures (including a female figure carrying a bunch of helium balloons) enter the gates of Letter People Land as the song plays: Come and meet the Letter People, Come and visit the family, Words are made of Letter People, A, B, C, D, follow me. Program Beginner's Bible Direct-To-Video Volumes Time-Life Kids Jumbo Pictures From Sony Wonder: Share God for faith, love, courage, and values with Kathie Lee Gifford singing a series theme. Clarissa Explains It All Direct-To-Video 1994-1995 VHS Videos Titles From Sony Wonder: Join Clarissa with 4 Clarissa videos "Dating", "Take My Brother Please", "Enslaved By The Bell", and "Ferguson Explains It All". Hey Arnold Direct-To-Video VHS From Paramount: Join Arnold, Helga, Lila and their friends with 5 VHS videos "The Helga Stories", "Urban Adventures", "Arnold's Christmas", "Love Stinks", and "Partners". Donkey Kong Country Direct-To-Video From Paramount Volume 1 Home Is Where The Bear Is And What's In The Mail Today: Donkey Kong is an ape who happens to find a magic coconut called the Crystal Coconut, which grants wishes and is capable of answering questions asked of it. Join them in their very first hit "Legend Of The Crystal Coconut" on VHS from Paramount. First volume Bear In The Big Blue House. Volume 1. September 15, 1998. Buster And Chauncey's Silent Night (coming October 13), The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss, The Swan Princess III: Mystery Of The Enchanted Treasure. Volume 1: Home Is Where The Bear Is, and What's In The Mail Today. Don't Go Away, There's More Bear In The Big Blue House Coming Right Up. Ned's Newt Direct-To-Video Volumes From Paramount Volume 2 Friends For Life And The Big Little Visitor: The series begins with 9-year-old Ned Flemkin finally scraping up enough money to buy a pet. However, upon reaching the pet store, the only thing he can afford is a newt. Join Newt there which 3 volumes: "Home Alone With Newt", "Jurassic Joyride", and "Saturday Night Fervor". Volume 2. September 15, 1998. Same as volume 1, but it's volume 2. Buster And Chauncey's Silent Night (coming October 13), The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss, The Swan Princess III: Mystery Of The Enchanted Treasure. Volume 2: Friends For Life, and The Big Little Visitor. Get Ready For More Bear In The Big Blue House. Coming Up. Rescue Heroes Direct-To-Video Program From Teleton Volume 4: Need A Little Help Today And Lost Thing: Rescue Heroes focuses on a group of rescue personnel who aim to save lives around the world from both natural and man-made disasters. At the end of most episodes the Rescue Heroes would give safety tips and discuss how to handle the conflict presented in the episode. The episode would then usually conclude with the motto "Think like a Rescue Hero, think safe." Volume 4. December 1, 1998. Same as volume 3, but it's volume 4. Madeline, The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss, Buster And Chauncey's Silent Night. Volume 4: Need A Little Help Today, and Lost Thing. Bear In The Big Blue House Will Be Right Back. Nelvana Blazing Dragons Direct-To-Video VHS From Columbia Tristar Volume 6: Picture Of Health And Magic In The Kitchen: The series' protagonists are anthropomorphic dragons who are beset by evil humans, reversing a common story convention. The series parodies that of the King Arthur Tales as well as the periods of the Middle Ages. Volume 6. March 2, 1999. Same as volume 5, but it's volume 6. Muppets From Space (coming July 14), And The Adventures Of Elmo In Grouchland (coming October 1), The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss, Bear In The Big Blue House, Songs From Jim Henson's Bear In The Big Blue House. Volume 6: Picture Of Health, and Magic In The Kitchen. Now More Bear In The Big Blue House Coming Your Way. Pokemon Direct-To-Video Kids WB TV Network Volume 8: The Big Sleep And And To All A Good Night: Ash Ketchum is 10 years old and ready to start his journey in the world of Pokémon and dreams of becoming a Pokémon master, but on the day he is to receive his first Pokémon, Ash oversleeps and wakes up in a panic, running into Gary Oak, who becomes Ash's rival. Professor Oak, the local Pokémon researcher, has already given away the three Pokémon (Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle) he entrusts to new Pokémon Trainers when Ash finally reaches Oak's Lab. Volume 8. June 22, 1999. Same as 7th title, but it's volume 8. Muppets From Space, The Nuttiest Nutcracker (coming October 19), The Muppets Take Manhattan, The Great Muppet Caper, The Muppet Movie, Bear In The Big Blue House, The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss, Bear In The Big Blue House Books. Volume 8: The Big Sleep, and And To All A Good Night. Now More Bear In The Big Blue House Coming Your Way. Lassie Direct-To-Video VHS Program From Nickelodeon Sony Wonder: Join Lassie do will keep your paws into. Speed Racer Direct-To-Video VHS Program TV Hit From Family Home Entertainment: The manga spawned an anime adaptation which actually became a bigger success. 52 episodes were produced from 1967 to 1968. In 1997, Tatsunoko produced a modernized version of Mach GoGoGo which aired on TV Tokyo, ABC lasting for 34 episodes. An English adaptation of this remake was produced by DiC titled Speed Racer X, which aired in 2002 on Nickelodeon. Only the first 13 episodes were adapted due to licensing disputes between DiC and Speed Racer Enterprises. Mach Girl was a web-based series by Tatsunoko Productions, created by Tatsuo Yoshida's daughter, Suzuka. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Direct-To-Video VHS Program EP/SLP From Family Home Entertainment: Join the fun with turtles with seen now on video. Hello Kitty Direct-To-Video VHS 1995 Program EP/SLP From Family Home Entertainment: Join Hello Kitty and the gang with 4 great tapes. Victory Garden Direct-To-Video PBS Program Show Do Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 With James Underwood Crockett: Join James Underwood Crockett he makes fantastic gardens. Boohbah Direct-To-Video Title Program PBS Kids Ragdoll Program: According to Anne Wood, the show's visuals were inspired by scientific photographs of microscopic life and cell structures. The main characters, the Boohbahs, are "atoms of energy" who sleep in charging pods. Every episode follows the Boohbahs performing a dance routine where the audience is encouraged to participate. The creators at Ragdoll Productions designed the show as an interactive "televisual game" with an emphasis on spatial awareness, motor skill development and puzzle solving. Pinwheel Direct-To-Video VHS Children's Television Workshop Nickelodeon Program TV Program From Warner Home Video: It was created by Vivian Horner, an educator who spent her earlier career at the Children's Television Workshop, the company behind Sesame Street. The show was geared to the "short attention span of preschoolers," with each episode divided into short, self-contained segments including songs, skits, and fun animations. Planet Matzah Ball Direct-To-Video Puppets And Fully Animation World 6:30 Super Why Low Pitch Four Tabs: Join Oogie, Jenna, the aliens, plus their friends with 2 fun programs "Hanukkah On Planet Matzah Ball" and "The Seder On Planet Matzah Ball" narrated by Stephanie D'Abruzzo first lip-syncing by stuffed animal Zoe, she's wearing a tutu sweet as top did purple and yellow bows. Wiggles Direct-To-Video VHS And DVD From Lyrick Studios And Hit Entertainment: Join Greg, Anthony, Murray, and Jeff, plus a couple others Wags the Dog, Dorothy the Dinosaur, Captain Feathersword, and Henry the Octopus singing favorite Wiggles tunes like We're Dancing With Wags The Dog, Fruit Salad, Can You Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist, and here others. Caillou Direct-To-Video PBS Kids Program VHS And DVD Produced By Cinar From Warner Home Video: Join Caillou, Daddy, Mommy, Rosie, plus their friends Rexy, Teddy and Gilbert both fully animated here live-action. This produced by Cinar on VHS and DVD from Warner Home Video, seen on PBS Kids. Steven Spielberg's Animaniacs Titles Direct-To-Video Warner Bros. From Warner Home Video: Play, visit three Warners Yakko, Wakko and Dot to do that which here in their tower. Saddle Club Movies Based On Books By Bonnie Bryant From Warner Home Video: Join Carole, Stevie, Lisa, Kristi, all their friends riding at probably Pine Hollow Stables based on The Saddle Club books by Bonnie Bryant. Mary-Kate And Ashley You're Invited Direct-To-Video Party VHS Millie Davis Photo: Join the Olson twins with 8 You're Invited videos. Mary-Kate And Ashley Adventures Mystery Direct-To-Video Millie Davis Photo: Join the Olson twins with 11 solving videos. Mary-Kate And Ashley Direct-To-Video Millie Davis Photo: Join the Olson twins for each fun program. See N Say Video Phone Direct-To-Video 6:30 Super Why Low Pitch Four Tabs: Join Seymour, Titus, Tululu and the gang with four VHS tapes: "The World Of Animals", "Trouble At Mother Goose Land", "Sing-along Surprise Party", and "Treasure Hunt" fun end labels just to do that together. Seen Angelina Ballerina Direct-To-Video VHS And DVD Hit From Hit Entertainment: Join Angelina Ballerina and the gang dance together. Wishbone Direct-To-Video From Big Feats Entertainment: Join Wishbone, Sam, David, Emily, Wanda, Joe, and the gang, Wishbone imagined some novels. Marc Brown's Arthur Direct-To-Video VHS And DVD PBS Kids Based On Books By Marc Brown: Join Arthur, D.W., Binky, Buster, Francine and the gang based on books by Marc Brown with 2 fun stories plus the Arthur Theme sung by Ziggy Marley And The Melody Makers on this wonderful kind of day the opening would go Open Up Your Eyes Open Up Your Ears Get Together And Make Things Better By Working Together share a first story plus also Word From Us Kids where kids talk about the episode showing around the classroom for each fun episode then a second and final story before the end credits shorter version of the song It's A Simple Message. GhostWriter Direct-To-Video From Children's Television Workshop Republic Pictures: Join Sheldon, Blaze, David and the gang from 1992 to 1995 as they teach reading and writing skills to some schoolchildren. George Shrinks Direct-To-Video From Kaboom Entertainment PBS Kids Program Based On Books By William Joyce: Join George, Becky and the gang based on books by William Joyce. Yu-Gi-Oh Direct-To-Video Program VHS DVD Kids WB Program From 4 Kids Entertainment Swimming At Casey Middle: Yu-Gi-Oh tells the tale of Yugi Mutou, a timid young boy who loves all sorts of games, but is often bullied around. One day, he solves an ancient puzzle known as the Millennium Puzzle (千年パズル, Sennen Pazuru), causing his body to play host to a mysterious spirit with the personality of a gambler. Swimming at Casey Middle can be seen in that 2002 Punky Brewster program to it probably fun as it did Pool New Years Party Swimming At Casey Middle: New Years Eve Jokes. Shelley Duvall's Bedtime Stories Direct-To-Video VHS From MCA/Universal Home Video: Join Shelley Duvall with six bedtime stories programs from MCA/Universal Home Video with the announcer to that trailer is John Leader. Groundling Marsh Direct-To-Video Program VHS From Lyrick Studios Teletubbies At Miss Candy's Duckieland From Show 4103: Groundling Marsh takes place in a magical swamp. Most of the mutant-like characters are "Groundlings" but look very different from each other. They can be described as any combination of animal, human, elf, and plant. One of the characters is a robot named Stacks. Generally, humans never appear in the series except as an alien presence represented by a boot or a voice. Most often, humans come to the marsh to dump trash and disrupt the ecosystem. The show was designed to be educational and so the story of each episode includes morals such as friendship, honesty, caring, and protection of the environment. Join them in 2 great videos "Courageous Adventures" here and that popular "Treasures Are For Sharing". Teletubbies at Miss Candy's Kevin took Ma to a blue rubber band place Kevin first see. To it windmill was about to stop spinning that means just in time for Sesame Street. Duckieland from show 4103 that plot will be "Baby Bear Writes A Story About Porridge King". Two sponsors on this: "F", 11. When Kevin Doody was so small, he used to listen to The Big Comfy Couch side A that have the 19 Sing-along Songs CD. The Ten Second Tidy was used on the CD as well. Then it comes again. episodes, characters, voices, and other fun stuff. Clumsy Ballet was used from the episode "Sticks And Stones." After Clumsy ballet was the Ten Second Tidy before you could go right to side "B". Old MacDonald's Sing-Along Farm Direct-To-Video 3 Tapes From Dic Toon-Time Video: Join Old MacDonald, Lucinda the Chick, Alfred the Pig, Celeste the ballerina cow, Harpier the Horse, and the gang with 3 tapes on VHS: "That's What Friends Are For", "Share And Care Alike", and "Past, Presents And Future". Rimba's Island Direct-To-Video 3 Tapes From Dic Toon-Time Video: Join Rimba the Gorilla, Bakari the Crocodile, Ilana the Giraffe, Paquito the Lion, and Pria the Elephant with 3 tapes on VHS: "Lost And Found", "We Love To Share", and "You Are Special". Kidsongs Program Tape Direct-To-Video Produced By Warner Bros. Records Together Again Productions: Sing along with the Kidsongs kids for any Kidsongs video or DVD collection of video adventures. Secret Adventures Christian Direct-To-Video From 1994 VHS: Watch and play with 7 fun Secret Adventures episodes with different closed captions the back said Used With Permission here like O.K. there. Sagwa The Chinese Siamese Cat Direct-To-Video PBS Kids Sesame Workshop From Warner Home Video: Based on the Sagwa books by Amy Tan watch Sagwa tales from Warner Home Video. Steven Spielberg's Animaniacs Titles Direct-To-Video Warner Bros. From Warner Home Video: Play, visit three Warners Yakko, Wakko and Dot to do that which here in their tower. Oz Kids Direct-To-Video VHS Volumes Program Paramount 9 Tapes ABC TV Network The Alpha Susan Song: The two main characters of this series are both human: Dot and Neddie (the children of Dorothy and Zeb). The minor characters are Boris and Bela (the children of the Cowardly Lion), Tin Boy (the son of the Tin Woodman), Scarecrow Jr. (the son of the original Scarecrow), Jack Pumpkinhead Jr. (son of the original Jack Pumpkinhead), Frank, (the son of the Wizard), and Andrea, (daughter of Glinda). Similar to series like Muppet Babies, the faces of most of the adults are never shown. Nine videos can be seen on YouTube Monday March 21 2022 Kevin celebrates Taylor's birthday, that day was the PBS Kids version of show 5133 "Turtle Tunes", that day's show's all about turtles here like that pal Morty the sea turtle. Same as it did Morty voiced by David Rudman to it with such a fun surprise. Sweet as it did songs about Susan Ford based on books with: The "Alpha Susan Song". See Aaahh Real Monsters Direct-To-Video Nickelodeon VHS From Sony Wonder: The show focuses on three young monsters—Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm—who attend a school for monsters under a city dump and learn to frighten humans. Many of the episodes revolve around them making it to the surface in order to perform "scares" as class assignments. Join the fun with 2 monster videos "Meet The Monsters" and "Monsters' Night Out" program. CatDog Direct-To-Video VHS From Paramount From 1999: The series revolves around Cat and Dog, a conjoined flexible twin of a cat and a dog, who share the same body with no tail or hind legs. Join them with 2 CatDog videos "CatDog Vs. The Greasers" and "Together Forever". Secret World Of Alex Mack Direct-To-Video VHS From Sony Wonder: Alexandra "Alex" Mack is an ordinary teenage girl, living with her parents, George and Barbara, and prodigious older sister, Annie, in the industrial town of Paradise Valley, Arizona. The town is largely funded around Paradise Valley Chemical, a chemical factory that employs most of the adult residents, although the factory's staff and history are notoriously shady. While walking home after her first day of junior high school, saddened by an embarrassing encounter with a boy and bullied for having a Trollz lunchbox, Alex is nearly hit by a truck from Paradise Valley Chemical, and during the incident, she is accidentally drenched with GC-161, an experimental substance developed by the factory. She soon discovers that it has given her strange powers, including telekinesis, shooting electricity from her fingers, and the ability to dissolve into a mobile puddle of water. Alex finds this exciting and fun, however, her powers prove to be unpredictable (occasionally, her skin glows a bright yellow when she is nervous). She confides only in Annie and her best friend Ray, choosing to keep her powers a secret from everyone else, including her parents, for fear of what the chemical factory's CEO, Danielle Atron, will do to her if she finds out. Join them with the "In The Nick Of Time" VHS. See Adventures Of Pete And Pete Direct-To-Video VHS From Sony Wonder: Join Pete and Pete with 3 videos "Classic Petes", "School Dazed", and "Farewell, My Little Viking". Medabots Direct-To-Video From A.D.V. Films Volume 3: Dancin' The Day Away And Listen Up: The series centers around Medabots, artificially intelligent robots, whose purpose is to serve humans in a future time. The series begins with a ten-year-old (nine in the Japanese version) boy named Ikki Tenryō, who wants to become a champion of the World Robattle Tournament. Volume 3. December 1, 1998. Madeline, The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss, Buster And Chauncey's Silent Night. Volume 3: Dancin' The Day Away, and Listen Up!. Now More Bear In The Big Blue House Coming Your Way. See Adventures Of Tintin Direct-To-Video HBO Program Volume 5: A Wagon Of A Different Color And Shape Of A Bear: The television series was directed by French director Stéphane Bernasconi, with Peter Hudecki as the Canadian unit director. Hudecki was the primary director but could not be credited as such due to co-production restrictions. It was produced by Ellipse (France) and Nelvana (Canada) on behalf of the Hergé Foundation. Volume 5. March 2, 1999. Muppets From Space (coming July 14), And The Adventures Of Elmo In Grouchland (coming October 1), The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss, Bear In The Big Blue House, Songs From Jim Henson's Bear In The Big Blue House. Volume 5: A Wagon Of A Different Color, and Shape Of A Bear. Bear In The Big Blue House Will Be Right Back. George And Martha Direct-To-Video VHS From Sony Wonder Volume 7: Mouse Party And Bear's Birthday Bash: The books describe the activities and adventures of best friends George and Martha. These activities include taking dance classes, going to the beach and the amusement park, and playing practical jokes on each other. In a humorous way, the series teaches about friendship. George and Martha sometimes argue, but always make up. Volume 7. June 22, 1999. Muppets From Space, The Nuttiest Nutcracker (coming October 19), The Muppets Take Manhattan, The Great Muppet Caper, The Muppet Movie, Bear In The Big Blue House, The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss, Bear In The Big Blue House Books. Volume 7 simply it: Mouse Party, and Bear's Birthday Bash. Bear In The Big Blue House Will Be Right Back. Sailor Moon Direct-To-Video VHS From 1997 Based On Books By Naoko Takeuchi Six Titles From Dic: Join Sailor Moon and the gang based on the Sailor Moon books written and illustrated by Naoko Takeuchi with six VHS tapes: "A Moon Star Is Born", "Scouts Unite", "Evil Eyes", "Jupiter And Venus Arrive", "Secret Identifies", and "Good Queen, Bad Queen". Michael Sporn Direct-To-Video VHS EP/SLP 8 Tapes From Family Home Entertainment: Join in the fun here for 8 Michael Sporn programs: "Ira Sleeps Over", "A Child's Garden Of Verses", "Jazz Time Tale", "The Red Shoes", "The Marzipan Pig", "Poems For Children", "Nursery Rhymes", and "The Story Of The Dancing Frog". Scholastic's The Baby-Sitters Club Direct-To-Video Fun Ann M. Martin's Books HBO Program From Goodtimes Home Video: Based on The Babysitters Club books by Ann M. Martin reading with produced by here Scholastic. Join Kirsty, Stacey, Claudia and the gang with 13 sweet adventures. The series originally aired on HBO from January to March 1990, and was produced by the Scholastic Corporation. Guts Direct-To-Video Nickelodeon VHS The Alphabet Song From Sing Along Listening Game With Song Old MacDonald From Show 4019: The series was filmed at Sound Stage 21 at Universal Studios Florida on a set dubbed the "Extreme Arena". This arena consists of a turf playing field, a pool, a racing track, an obstacle course and the Aggro Crag. Fun as it did from a 1995 program Owen's Goodbye Language Tune Letter Barnyard Special Meeting Cole played that one where Big Bird, Bob, Gordon, David, Hoots, Maria and kids sing The Alphabet Song from Sing Along from 1987 scene 9 from show 3910 gang is Now I've Sung My ABCs The Listening Game from Havin' Fun With Ernie and Bert Cole played that song Old MacDonald from show 4019 plus Clover sang a goose verse fabulous treasury. Sing-Alongs Animaniacs VHS Program From Warner Home Video: Join Yakko, Wakko and Dot in 2 sing-along videos from 1994: "Wakko's World" and "Mostly In Toon". Men In Black Direct-To-Video Volumes Kids WB Program VHS From Columbia Tristar Home Video The Alpha Sarah Song: The show features characters from the 1997 science fiction film Men in Black, which was based on the comic book series The Men in Black by Lowell Cunningham, originally published by Marvel / Malibu Comics. The series was produced by Adelaide Productions, a division of Columbia TriStar Television, and Amblin Entertainment as a half-hour series originally airing on Saturday mornings, and later moving to weekdays during its final run. Songs about Sarah Kennedy: The "Alpha Sarah Song". Mona The Vampire Direct-To-Video Produced By YTV British UK VHS DVD Program Based On The Books By Sonia Holleyman: The series follows the adventures of Mona Parker, who refers to herself as "Mona the Vampire", as well as her two best friends, Lily Duncan ("Princess Giant") and Charley Bones ("Zapman"), and her pet cat, Fang, as they imagine themselves confronting a new supernatural foe, or solving a supernatural mystery, in every episode, but there are always rational explanations for what they see. Adventures From The Book Of Virtues Direct-To-Video PBS Fully Animated Cartoon Fantasy Comedy Drama Family Anthology: The series centered on two best friends: 10-year-old Annie Redfeather, who is Native American, and 11-year-old Zach Nichols, who is white. In each episode of the series, one of them commits an act contrary to that day's chosen virtue (loyalty, compassion, courage, moderation, honesty, etc.) and suffers pain as a result (be it physical or moral). They seek counsel of one of Annie's animal friends. These animal friends are four anthropomorphic mountain-dwelling entities who between them possess immense knowledge of legends and literature as well as common sense and a lively sense of fun. They utilize classical works of famous authors, philosophers, poets, as well as fables and myths to communicate the truth of virtue to Zach and Annie. Plato, the oldest, is a scholarly bison; Aurora, the most gentle, is a red-tailed hawk; Socrates "Sock" is a rambunctious bobcat; and Aristotle "Ari" is a prairie dog who is seldom without his bag of books. These four, whose existence seems a secret from the majority of humans in the town of Spring Valley, advise Annie and Zach patiently and often. The children then proceed to live according to the virtue of the day, completing what they have begun. Anne Of Green Gables Direct-To-Video Cartoon Sullivan Entertainment PBS Kids Program Based On Anne Of Green Gables Books By L.M. Mongomery Writer Producer And Director Kevin Sullivan Comedy Drama: Many supporting characters are sourced from Sullivan's television series Road to Avonlea, which is based on Montgomery's books The Story Girl and The Golden Road. Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss Direct-To-Video TV Program Six Volumes From 1999 The Alphabet Song From Sing Along Old MacDonald Had A Farm From Show 4019 Based On The Dr. Seuss Books By Dr. Seuss: It combines live puppets with digitally animated backgrounds, and in its first season, refashioning characters and themes from the original Dr. Seuss books into new stories that often retained much of the flavor of Dr. Seuss' own works. In many respects, seasons one and two of the program are very different shows. The two seasons have completely different intro and outro credit sequences and songs reflecting their differing orientations. The virtual settings seen in this show are created by Jim Henson's Creature Shop. Big Bird, Bob, Gordon, David Hoots, Maria and kids sing The Alphabet Song from Sing Along with some onscreen letters then Old MacDonald Had A Farm from show 4019 Kevin joins in which singing a goose verse. Some intervals will be Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss Volumes Intervals Program Dr. Seuss Books With The Alphabet Song From Sing Along Then Old MacDonald Had A Farm From Show 4019 With Goose Verse Shows Fun. Secret World Of Alex Mack Direct-To-Video VHS From Sony Wonder: Alexandra "Alex" Mack is an ordinary teenage girl, living with her parents, George and Barbara, and prodigious older sister, Annie, in the industrial town of Paradise Valley, Arizona. The town is largely funded around Paradise Valley Chemical, a chemical factory that employs most of the adult residents, although the factory's staff and history are notoriously shady. While walking home after her first day of junior high school, saddened by an embarrassing encounter with a boy and bullied for having a Trollz lunchbox, Alex is nearly hit by a truck from Paradise Valley Chemical, and during the incident, she is accidentally drenched with GC-161, an experimental substance developed by the factory. She soon discovers that it has given her strange powers, including telekinesis, shooting electricity from her fingers, and the ability to dissolve into a mobile puddle of water. Alex finds this exciting and fun, however, her powers prove to be unpredictable (occasionally, her skin glows a bright yellow when she is nervous). She confides only in Annie and her best friend Ray, choosing to keep her powers a secret from everyone else, including her parents, for fear of what the chemical factory's CEO, Danielle Atron, will do to her if she finds out. Join them with the "In The Nick Of Time" VHS. Clarissa Explains It All Direct-To-Video 1994-1995 VHS Videos Titles From Sony Wonder: The main characters in the show are Clarissa Darling, her family (consisting of her father Marshall, her mother Janet, and her younger brother Ferguson) and her best friend Sam, all living in a small, unnamed suburban town. Clarissa had a pet baby alligator, Elvis, which she kept in a kiddie-sandbox and appeared sporadically in early episodes. Clarissa was credited with becoming the first Nickelodeon series to feature a female lead, which led the network to create other shows such as The Secret World of Alex Mack, The Amanda Show and The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo. Its popularity among both boys and girls also helped to debunk a myth that a children's series with a female lead would not appeal to boys. Clarissa dealt with normal adolescent issues such as first crushes, getting a driver's license and preparing for college and working. These topics were dealt with far less dramatically than they were on other similar shows at the time (such as Full House and Blossom). For instance, in one episode Clarissa accidentally shoplifts a piece of lingerie but is neither caught by store security nor punished by her parents; she spends most of the episode trying to figure out how to remedy the situation on her own. Although terms like "hell" and "sex drive" were occasionally uttered during the show's run, most dialogue was kept family-friendly. One running gag involved her friend Sam often entering the scene by a ladder (accompanied by a characteristic chord of guitar music) through her bedroom window. A repeating theme during the series was the sibling rivalry between Clarissa and Ferguson, showing their repeated attempts to harm or even (as in the series premiere) to "kill" each other. Unique to the show was Clarissa's tendency to tackle the episode's central theme through the creation of a fictional video game. The show also integrated some of Hart's real-life likes, such as the band They Might Be Giants. Join Clarissa with 4 Clarissa videos "Dating", "Take My Brother Please", "Enslaved By The Bell", and "Ferguson Explains It All". Hey Arnold! Direct-To-Video VHS From Paramount: Hey Arnold! takes place in the urban fictional American city of Hillwood. Creator Craig Bartlett described the city as "an amalgam of large northern cities I have loved, including Seattle (my hometown), Portland (where I went to art school) and Brooklyn (the bridge, the brownstones, the subway)"; the city also contains inspirations from Chicago, such as a baseball field called Quigley Field (a reference to the real-life Wrigley Field). Evan Levine of the Houston Chronicle commented on the series's "backdrop of dark streets, nighttime adventures and rundown buildings, all seen from a child's point of view." At the end of the episode "Road Trip", when Helga and Miriam are returning home after having car troubles en route to South Dakota, they pass a sign marking the Washington State border, implying that Hillwood is in Washington. The Pig War, as re-enacted in the episode of the same title, took place on the boundary between what is now British Columbia and the state of Washington. A bridge that leads to downtown Hillwood resembles Portland's Burnside Bridge, while Gerald's house was modeled after the Victorian houses seen in Nob Hill, Portland. New York City (with landmarks such as the Empire State Building, Twin Towers, and Statue of Liberty visible in the skyline) was also seen in Helga's dream in the episode "Married", presumably as a separate city from Hillwood in-universe. Join Arnold, Helga, Lila and their friends with 5 VHS videos "The Helga Stories", "Urban Adventures", "Arnold's Christmas", "Love Stinks", and "Partners". Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss Volumes Intervals Program Dr. Seuss Books With The Alphabet Song From Sing Along Then Old MacDonald Had A Farm From Show 4019 With Goose Verse Shows Fun: Just a clip from the last episode on each tape. Big Bird, Bob, Gordon, David Hoots, Maria and kids sing The Alphabet Song from Sing Along with some onscreen letters then Old MacDonald Had A Farm from show 4019 Kevin joins in which singing a goose verse. The audio from the show excerpt and a male announcer saying one of these: Don't Go Away. There's More Of The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss Coming Right Up. Get Ready For More Of The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss: Coming Up. Now More Of The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss Coming Your Way. The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Seuss Will Be Right Back. Paragraph Programs 1998 Sesame Street Version Sesame Street DVDs Version Of Hit Random House Releases: Watch your cool great Sesame Street DVD versions here of favorites with great Random House releases. Mr. Potato Head Show Direct-To-Video Cartoon Based On TV Mr. Potato Head By George Lerner Sing Along 2004 DVD: Throughout the series, Mr. Potato Head always puts on a TV episode with the help of his Kitchen Crew and presents each episode to the TV Guys so that they can air them on television. During production on each episode, Mr. Potato Head and his Kitchen Crew have various misadventures. Sing Along 2004 DVD. Kevin already played that Christmas 2018 with 1987 VHS vintage words on top blue screen in the end. FRAME 1: Biff greets the viewer from the rooftop of 123 Sesame Street, where he and Sully are repairing the building's TV antenna. They have with them a small TV set to check their progress with. Suddenly, the gang (Bob, Maria, David, Gordon, Big Bird, Hoots the Owl and the kids) burst through the door, dragging a piano with them. They inform the workers that they're going to hold a rooftop sing along and invite them to join. Biff passes until they can finish their work. They begin the sing along with "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt." Next, the adults lead everyone in singing "Stand Up and Pinch Your Nose." Biff reports that they've fixed the TV antenna and turn on the TV to see if it functions and they all watch Madeline Kahn singing "Sing After Me" with Grover (EKA: Episode 1112). FRAME 2: Biff attempts to change the channel, but pulls the knob off the set. As he continues his repairs, everyone argues over what to sing next. Bob allows Nicole to pick and she starts singing "The Alphabet Song," as everyone joins in. Now, Bob chooses a song - "We All Sing with the Same Voice." They all sing the chorus, leading to children singing "We All Sing With The Same Voice" (EKA: Episode 1708). As they finish the song, Big Bird now has a song to sing - "Cheer Up." Bob doesn't know how to play that, but Sully happens to. He warms up with a short, classical piece and plays as Big Bird and the gang sing. Biff calls Sully over to show him that he's fixed the knob on the TV set. He turns it on, showing Olivia singing "Sing" while Linda signs lyrics (EKA: Episode 1330). FRAME 3: Biff gives the fixed TV a playful slap, causing the back to pop off and fall off the roof. He assures them he can still fix it. Hoots wants to sing the "Barnyard Boogie Song," and demonstrates it on his sax. Everyone recognizes it as "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" and they sing it, with Hoots adding a verse about his saxophone. Suddenly, everyone sees bubbles rising up from the streets below. Ernie yells up, telling them he's got a song. But, since he's in the bathtub, he can't come to the roof, so he's told to sing from down there. "Rubber Duckie" (EKA: Episode 0136). FRAME 4: Biff and Sully have fixed the TV set again and place it by the pigeon coop, so they can watch the following Bert sings "Doin' The Pigeon" (EKA: Episode 0536) (Intro Cut). FRAME 5: As night begins to fall, Bob suggests they do their big finish - only they can't remember how the song goes. They all begin singing "What's the Name of That Song?" Soon, they're joined by some Muppet kids (including Farley) from a building across the way, and some of their friends down below (Luis, Susan, the Honkers, Oscar the Grouch and the Two-Headed Monster). As the song builds to its crescendo, the TV antenna breaks off and falls over. As the slight chaos ensues, one of the children asks if Biff calls himself a repairman. He replies, "No, a Republican! I call myself a Republican." Secret Lives Of Men Direct-To-Video Count It Higher: Great Music Videos From Sesame Street 2005 DVD: Three divorced men get thrown back into the bachelor life. With nothing left but each other, Michael, Phil, and Andy form an exclusive club and embark on a new phase of their existence. Someday, they might comprehend the mysteries of women, love and golf. Until then, they'll continue carrying on The Secret Lives of Men. Count It Higher: Great Music Videos From Sesame Street 2005 DVD. FRAME 1: The announcer introduces The Count's countdown show, which kicks off with the #7 video of the week. The Count's favorite part is counting backwards to a film leader countdown that precedes the video. "Ten Commandments Of Health" from Advice You Can Count On (EKA: Episode 1139). FRAME 2: The Count introduces the next video, featuring "the world's hottest frog, Kermit, proudly hopping to the surging rhythms of..." "Doo-Wop Hop" from I'm Green And I'm Proud (EKA: Episode 2071). FRAME 3: After the song, the Count mentions the number of jumps Kermit and the animals made. Big Bird makes a celebrity guest appearance and requests a rock and roll song for the next video. The Count then introduces... "ZZ Blues" from On A Clear Day I Can Z Forever (EKA: Episode 2317) (Ending Edited). FRAME 4: The Count introduces a bonus video...‎"Honk Around The Clock" from Play Through The Nose (EKA: Episode 1631). FRAME 5: After the video, the Count is seen counting the bricks, but leaves off on his 453rd brick to resume his hosting duties. He introduces another celebrity promo... ...with Oscar the Grouch, who wishes viewers a rotten day and requests that the Count play a moldy oldie. "Letter B" from Sesame Road (EKA: Episode 1495) (Ending Cut). FRAME 6: The Count introduces the next video, starring a group who "milked" their talent for all it's worth: How Now Brown and the Moo Wave. "Wet Paint" from Signs Of The Times (EKA: Episode 2033) (Beginning And Ending Edited). FRAME 7: The Count introduces the next song, which splashed it's way up to the #2 spot. "Do De Rubber Duck" from The Harder They Scrub (EKA: Episode 2304). FRAME 8: After the video, the Count points out his own appearance in the song, and how many bubbles he counted in it. Finally, the Count introduces the #1 video. He informs regular viewers of the program that they can always count on the same song being #1 every week, because it's his favorite. "Count It Higher" from Letters Of Love (EKA: Episode 0553). FRAME 9: The Count wraps up another edition of his countdown show, and tells viewers to tune in next week, when "Count it Higher" will be #1 once again. Maggie Winters Direct-To-Video TV NBC Sitcom Sitcom Monster Hits 2003 DVD: Recently divorced from her dentist husband, Maggie Winters moved in with her mother Estelle in her home town of Shelbyville, Indiana and got a job at Hanley's, a local department store. Monster Hits 2003 DVD. Kevin already played that Christmas 2018 with 1990 VHS with rectangles 2 copies of this words on top blue screen in the end. FRAME 1: The announcer (Jerry Nelson) introduces the "live - on tape" ceremony and its host Herry Monster, who explains that one of the year's monster song hits will win the Fuzzy Award. Elmo, who holds the envelope with the winner's name inside, is eager to know who won. Herry tries to take the envelope to keep Elmo from opening it, which leads to an onstage chase. The announcer introduces the first two Monster Hits... "Fur" (EKA: Episode 0812). "Herry's Family Song" (EKA: Episode 2337). FRAME 2: Herry briefly stops chasing Elmo to introduce (and imitate) the next nominee. "Frazzle" (EKA: Episode 0847). "Two Heads Are Better Than One" (EKA: Episode 1447). FRAME 3: Herry has Elmo promise that he won't open the envelope, and then introduces the next song. "Fuzzy And Blue" (EKA: Episode 1644). "Comb Your Face" (EKA: Episode 1851). FRAME 4: Herry presents "The Lifetime Monster Achievement Award" to his mommy, who sobs hysterically "I couldn't have done it without you son!" Herry then presents a special song to his mom before crying with her and Elmo. "That Furry Blue Mommy Of Mine" (EKA: Episode 1052). FRAME 5: Herry assures Elmo that the envelope can be opened after the next three songs. "Healthy Food" (EKA: Episode 2404). "What Do I Do When I'm Alone" (EKA: Episode 0269). "We Are All Monsters" (EKA: Episode 1405) (Redubbed Version). FRAME 6: The time has finally come to open the envelope. Special guest Cookie Monster comes onstage to announce the winner, but becomes tempted to eat the envelope ("Big moral decision") and does. Elmo looks inside Cookie's mouth to see who the winner is, which happens to be Cookie. "C Is For Cookie" (EKA: Episode 0372) (Rhythmic Clap Beats Added Throughout The Song). FRAME 7: Cookie holds his Fuzzy Award victoriously as the crowd cheers and cameras flash. Herry closes the show by saying "Thanks fur everything." As the credits roll, the announcer mentions Transportation by "Titanic Airlines." Accommodations by "Great Monster Motels." Sports Night Direct-To-Video ABC Program 1998 Sesame Street Version Sing Yourself Silly 2005 DVD: The show is said to be a semi-fictional account of the ESPN SportsCenter team of Keith Olbermann and Dan Patrick, with Rydell representing Olbermann and McCall representing Patrick. Patrick has confirmed this on his syndicated radio program The Dan Patrick Show. It has also been said that many of the storylines for McCall were inspired by Craig Kilborn, who was an anchor on SportsCenter during the mid 1990s. Sing Yourself Silly 2005 DVD. Kevin already bought that tape green square no rectangles white screen of death in the end. FRAME 1: Big Bird asks the viewer if they know what "silly" is and demonstrates with his spinning bow tie. He then presents the series of silly songs. "The Honker-Duckie-Dinger Jamboree" (EKA: Episode 1920) (Edited). FRAME 2: Maria and Luis pop out wearing Groucho glasses and say, "Now that was silly!" "Ladybugs Picnic" (EKA: Episode 0416). "Jellyman Kelly" with James Taylor (EKA: Episode 1800). FRAME 3: Gladys comments, "Now that was silly!" and walks off laughing, only to trip and fall off-screen. "Wavin' Goodbye To You With My Heart" (EKA: Episode 1475) (Introduction Cut). FRAME 4: The Amazing Mumford and his duck appear in a puff of smoke, with the duck exclaiming "Now that was silly!" in Mumford's voice, while Mumford lets out a quack. "Old MacDonald Cantata" (EKA: Episode 2350) (Edited). FRAME 5: Forgetful Jones comments, "Now that was spinach!" and realizes he forgot what the right word was. "Everything In The Wrong Place Ball" (EKA: Episode 2596) (Edited). FRAME 6: Forgetful still can't remember the word "silly," and asks the viewers if they remember the word. "One Banana" (EKA: Episode 1941). FRAME 7: Count von Count counts seven bananas before saying, "Now that was silly!" "Calcutta Joe" (EKA: Episode 2492). FRAME 8: Big Bird and the Honkers take some time to address that silly songs are no laughing matter. "Mary Had A Bicycle" (EKA: Episode 0698) (Kermit's Intro Cuts Off). FRAME 9: Oscar comments, "Now that was yucky! I'm not gonna say 'silly'," but Elmo points out that he did say "silly." Oscar snaps back, "Who asked you, pink face?" and walks down into his trash can. "Ten Turtles" (EKA: Episode 0425). "Put Down The Duckie" (celebrity version) with John Candy, Andrea Martin, 2 baseball players of the New York Mets Keith Hernandez and Mookie Wilson, Jane Curtin, Madeline Kahn, Joe Williams, Paul Reubens, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Wynton Marsalis, Celia Cruz, Itzhak Pearlman, Gordon Jackson, Jean Marsh, Paul Simon, Jeremy Irons, Pete Seeger, four football players of the New York Giants, and Carl Banks (EKA: Episode 2534) (Introduction Redubbed, Closing Lines Cut). FRAME 10: Big Bird asks what the song was. The Kids confirm, "Now that was silly!" and they dance to "The Honker-Duckie-Dinger Jamboree" while the credits roll. Afterwards, the video concludes with Maria and Luis donning Groucho glasses and exclaiming "Now that was silly!" (repeated from Frame 2). Cupid Direct-To-Video ABC Program 1998 Sesame Street Version Sing, Hoot And Howl With The Sesame Street Animals 2004 DVD: Trevor Hale is attractive, witty, uncommonly intelligent—and he may be Cupid, the Greco-Roman god of erotic love. Probably not, but he thinks so. Trevor's insistence that he is Cupid lands him in a mental hospital, where he meets psychologist Claire Allen, a renowned authority on romance. Trevor tells Claire that he has been stripped of his godly powers by Zeus, and exiled from Mount Olympus as a punishment for arrogance. To win his way back among the gods, Trevor must unite 100 couples in everlasting love, without his bow and arrows. Claire does not believe in Cupid, but she risks her career by releasing Trevor from the hospital, assuming responsibility for his behavior. Trevor finds work as a bartender, and regularly disrupts Claire's group therapy sessions. All the while, he plots his campaign to promote romance, and earn his way back to Olympus. While encouraging sexual abandon in others, Trevor remains chaste; he believes sex with a mortal will confine him to Earth forever. Sing, Hoot And Howl With The Sesame Street Animals 2004 DVD. Kevin already bought that Christmas 2018 with 1991 VHS white square no rectangles but a green barcode words on top blue screen in the end. FRAME 1: The Sing, Hoot & Howl club, comprised of various Muppet animals, sing a rendition of "Old MacDonald." Big Bird attempts to quiet things down so he can start the meeting, helped by a roar from Chicago the Lion (the club's secretary-treasurer). Big Bird gives the first song request to a working "watch dog" who represents Acme Watches. "Cow Dog Song" (EKA: Episode 0783) (First Two Verses Cut). FRAME 2: Gladys the Cow was none too impressed with the last film about a dog chasing cows, so she gives the watch dog a taste of his own medicine. Meanwhile, Big Bird translates for a Spanish-speaking lamb, who requests her favorite song. "Baa Baa Bamba" (EKA: Episode 2360) (Edited). FRAME 3: Chicago wants to pick a song, but he's interrupted by the bubbling of Frances the goldfish. "Starfish" (re-filmed version) (EKA: Episode 2487). FRAME 4: Chicago tries to go next, but he's interrupted again by a cricket, who hops on the piano keys to play out its request. "Insects In Your Neighborhood" (EKA: Episode 1887) (Introduction Cut). FRAME 5: Gladys returns, having chased the watch dog all the way to the subway. She dramatically alludes to her song request about the pride of being a certain animal. The piano-playing wolf guesses it's an aardvark. "I'm An Aardvark" (EKA: Episode 0425). FRAME 6: Gladys continues to give clues about her song, but a pig interjects before she can reveal the answer. "Pig's Love Song" (live-action version) (EKA: Episode 0572). FRAME 7: Gladys sobs and claims she'll never tell her song, that is until Chicago attempts to go next. Before Gladys can finish her introduction, the other animals finally answer in unison — a cow! "I'm Proud To Be A Cow" (EKA: Episode 1650) (Edited). FRAME 8: Gladys wants to pick a second song. The others complain, thinking it'll be another cow song, but Gladys reassures them that it's about all animals. "We Are All Earthlings" (from that 1991 special Big Bird's Birthday Or Let Me Eat Cake). FRAME 9: Chicago roars to draw attention to his request: a song about "cute, little babies." Big Bird admits he doesn't think they have a song about babies, so Chicago roars again, which makes Big Bird and the others quickly reconsider. "What Are Babies Called?" (EKA: Episode 0116). FRAME 10: Big Bird tries to settle a dispute between a chicken and an egg, who both have different song requests. Big Bird wonders which comes first, which sets off another argument. "Chicken Or The Egg" (EKA: Episode 0276) (Beginning Cut). "Cluck Around The Clock" (EKA: Episode 2817). FRAME 11: As the credits roll, the club finishes by singing a reprise of "Old MacDonald," with verses to include a duck, a horse (Buster), and an elephant. Encore! Encore! Direct-To-Video NBC TV Sitcom 1998 Sesame Street Version Elmo's Sing-Along Guessing Game 2003 DVD: On the verge of becoming "The Fourth Tenor", Lane's character injures his vocal cords and must move in with his family, who run a vineyard in Northern California. Elmo's Sing-Along Guessing Game 2003 DVD. Kevin already bought that Thursday January 3 2019. FRAME 1: Elmo welcomes the viewer to Elmo's Sing Along Guessing Game and meets today's contestants - Mary and her little lamb from Nursery Rhyme, South Dakota, and Mr. Johnson, who isn't there for the game; he's mistaken the studio for the bus stop. Elmo then goes over the rules - a question will be asked, followed by a music video that contains the answer. If the player wishes to answer, they must jump on the trampoline and then ring the bell (following their crash landing). Elmo reads the first question - "What part of the body am I? If you didn't have me, you couldn't bend your arm to tickle your nose." They turn their attention to the video monitor. "I Love My Elbows" (EKA: Episode 2582). FRAME 2: The players don't seem to have an answer. Elmo knows and performs the answering method; the answer is elbows! The players aren't happy he got the answer and the director reminds Elmo the host doesn't answer the questions. Elmo apologizes, admitting he loves the trampoline. He proceeds with the next question - "What do you call the front part of your head?" "One Fine Face" (EKA: Episode 2220) (Introduction Cut). FRAME 3: Elmo begs the players to think of an answer, then (not being able to control himself) jumps on the trampoline and answers for them - the face! The players all start to argue, prompting the director to cut away from the game and roll a special public service announcement. "Get Along" (EKA: Episode 2600) (Introduction Cut). FRAME 4: To keep Elmo from ruining the game anymore, the director puts Mr. Johnson as host, while Elmo becomes a contestant. He reads the next question from the cue cards - "What do you call something you sing that has words or just a lot of [Next card] 'la la's?" "Elmo's Song" (EKA: Episode 2710) (Introduction And Closing Cut). FRAME 5: The contestants are too busy dancing to answer, but Mr. Johnson knows it. He jumps on the trampoline, rings the bell and answers - a song! The director takes over hosting (while Johnson decides to stay right by the bell until his bus comes). She asks the contestants - "What are the two numbers that come after the number 6?" The video screen rolls two clues. "The Alligator King" (EKA: Episode 0411). "Eight Balls Of Fur" (EKA: Episode 2669) (Ending Cut). FRAME 6: All the players know the answer and jump at once, all crashing onto the director. She calls a tie and takes a lie-down after asking the next question - "What do you call the one person in the whole world that you most like to play with?" "My Best Friend" (EKA: Episode 2474) (Edited). FRAME 7: Mary and her lamb have the answer and head for the trampoline. Their bounce is so great, they don't come down. The director leaves the stage, letting Elmo seize control of hosting duties. Now, Elmo pulls a studio audience member to play the game and the lucky person is Oscar the Grouch, who wishes to get it over with. Elmo asks him his question - "What is it that Grouches really love to collect?" "I Love Trash" (1973 Version) (EKA: Episode 0510) (Edited). FRAME 8: Mary and her lamb finally land and give their answer, while Oscar answers the current question. He is offered anything he wants and wishes for an exit from the show. It's now time for the final question - "What is the name of this famous dance?" "Lambaba" (EKA: Episode 2789). FRAME 9: Mary's lamb has the answer and answers with her bleating, which Elmo accepts, making her the winner! The lamb requests the song play again and everyone starts to dance as the credits start rolling. Part-way-through, Elmo notices Mr. Johnson, sadly still waiting for his bus. A horn blares and a bus crashes through the wall, being driven by Grover. He states the bus is going to Cincinnati (where Johnson would visit his mother), then asks how to get there. Johnson does his trademark faint and Grover joins the others in dancing the "Lambaba" while the remainder of the credits roll. Sports Night Direct-To-Video ABC Program 1998 Sesame Street Version Sesame Street: 25 Wonderful Years 1997 DVD: Sesame Street: 25 Wonderful Years 1997 DVD. Title Card: The title of the home video is introduced in voice-over as "Sesame Street's 25th Birthday: A Musical Celebration." FRAME 1: Everyone enjoys a day in the park as the calypso version of the Sesame Street Theme plays. Big Bird, Prairie Dawn and Telly watch as everyone expresses themselves with music, dance and other talents. Big Bird is reminded of a quote his Granny Bird told him, "The whole world is a stage." Prairie gets the idea to put on a show. Prairie assures them that their search will be an adventure! "Adventure" (EKA: Episode 2951). FRAME 2: They split up their duties - Telly and Prairie will look for dancers and musicians, while Big Bird looks for "la-la"-ers. Telly and Prairie come across Jamal, Angela, Celina, Carlo, the kids and other Muppets singing an a capella version of "Do-Op Hop" at a hot dog cart. They've found their singers for the show! Big Bird has formed a "LA LA LINE" to audition la-la-ers. After a failed audition by Humphrey and Natasha, The Count steps up, not wanting to la-la, but to count those in line. Big Bird thinks his day will drive him batty, cuing the next song. "The Batty Bat" (EKA: Episode 2096). FRAME 3: The Count swoops in, counting "One wonderful song." "The Alligator King" (EKA: Episode 0411) (The Ending Says Seven Cuts Off). The Count counts "Two wonderful songs." "I Love Trash" (Season 22 Version) (EKA: Episode 2785) (Introduction Cut, New Sound Effect Added At The End). The Count counts "Three wonderful songs!" "Count It Higher" (EKA: Episode 0553). FRAME 4: Big Bird's next audition is with a duck. The duck happens to belong to The Amazing Mumford, who knows a spell that will make everyone la-la. Although, when he tries it, the spell instead makes them quack. Rubber Duckie medley: "Rubber Duckie" (EKA: Episode 0136)/"The Honker-Duckie-Dinger Jamboree" (EKA: Episode 1920)/"Put Down The Duckie" (EKA: Episode 2320)/"Do De Rubber Duck" (EKA: Episode 2304). FRAME 5: Mumford tries his trick again, but makes people "baa-baa" like sheep. Telly and Prairie now find a jam session going on and think they're the musicians they need. Elmo, playing the drum, comments that playing it is almost as easy as "A-B-C." "C Is For Cookie" (EKA: Episode 0372). "Monster In The Mirror" (EKA: Episode 2689). FRAME 6: Telly and Prairie ask Big Bird if he'd like to help them find dancers, but he's busy with his line. The next auditions don't do well, and Big Bird remarks he'll go bananas. Joey and Davey Monkey pop up at the mention of "bananas." Big Bird gripes "What's next here? Aardvarks?" "I'm An Aardvark" (re-filmed version) (EKA: Episode 2520). FRAME 7: Herry appears to say that he's not an aardvark and proud to be a fuzzy, blue monster. "Fuzzy And Blue" (EKA: Episode 1644) (Cuts Off Before Frazzle Appears, New Sound Effects Added). "Skin" (EKA: Episode 2749). "Bein' Green" (EKA: Episode 0087). FRAME 8: Prairie and Telly run into Jason and Savion while looking for dancers. Savion tells them that there are dancers everywhere in the park. Prairie comments at all the people dancing. Elmo pops up to add "And cute, little, red, furry monsters too!" "Happy Tapping With Elmo" (EKA: Episode 2832) (Introduction And Closing Cut). Transition with footage of Baby Tooth and the Fuzzy Funk slides across the screen. "Doin' The Pigeon" (EKA: Episode 0536) (Intro Cut). Transition with footage of Baby Tooth and the Fuzzy Funk slides across the screen again. "Dance Myself To Sleep" (EKA: Episode 1705) (Season 13 finale). "Feel The Beat" (EKA: Episode 2943) (Part 1 Only). FRAME 9: Big Bird shows Telly and Prairie Dawn the la-la-ers he's chosen - The Martians. He tells them they're going to become stars, causing the Martians to vanish for the stars in space. "I Don't Want To Live On The Moon" (EKA: Episode 1910) (Introduction Cut). FRAME 10: The next la-la-ers in Big Bird's line is a man who plays accordion, while a chicken clucks. Big Bird begins to lose hope. "We Are All Earthlings" (from that 1991 special Big Bird's Birthday Or Let Me Eat Cake). FRAME 11: Big Bird's line is now empty. Mumford tries his trick again, but no one's around to be entranced by it. Big Bird slinks over to a bench and begins singing "Sing" to himself. Ladysmith Black Mambazo immediately answers with a chorus of la-las, exactly what Big Bird's been searching for. Mumford tries his trick again, summoning all of Big Bird's friends to sing with him. Will & Grace Direct-To-Video NBC Program 1998 Sesame Street Version We All Sing Together 2003 DVD Special Report: Will & Grace is set in New York City and focuses on the relationship between Will Truman, a gay lawyer, and his best friend Grace Adler, a Jewish woman who owns an interior design firm. Also featured are their friends Karen Walker, a demonically alcoholic socialite, and Jack McFarland, a gay actor. The interplay of relationships features the trials and tribulations of dating, marriage, divorce, and casual sex; as well as comical key stereotypes of gay and Jewish culture. We All Sing Together 2003 DVD. Kevin already bought that from Kevin's birthday Friday September 16 2022. FRAME 1: Herry is the anchor of “The Monster Report”. Today’s subject is “kids” (who are they, what they look like, etc.). Herry mentions their fur, until reporter Elmo rushes in with a visual aid that proves kids don’t have fur, but skin! Skin (EKA: Episode 2749). FRAME 2: Herry confirms kids have skin, but shifts over to the subject of the fur on their heads. Elmo rushes in again and points out that the fur on their heads is called “hair”. Fixin' My Hair (EKA: Episode 2734). Herry and the other monsters begin combing their hair (while one is still caught up on the phone). Herry then takes us into the field where Telly, “Monster on the Spot” reporter, is with Dominique, a real kid. Elmo brings him even more of his real kid friends. Telly, overwhelmed, faints. One Thousand Faces (EKA: Episode 2894). FRAME 4: A brief bumper for "The Monster Report" is shown. I Wanna Be Me (EKA: Episode 2791) (No Intro). FRAME 5: Herry returns from the commercial break and asks “How many kinds of kids are there?” He takes us into the field again, where The Count has been counting kids all day, having counted 4,533 different kids. He then meets a pair of twins, who are both different despite being the same in looks. Herry wonders if there are any blue kids, when Elmo pops in with another discovery – kids can’t be blue on the outside, but can feel blue on the inside. Dancin' Shoes (EKA: Episode 2949). FRAME 6: Herry dances, singing the previous song, then realizes he’s on camera and introduces their next topic – kids and their families. Herry’s family rushes in when they hear about this. The family is shocked to learn that even kids have families and Herry turns their attention to the next song. Mom And Me (EKA: Episode 2462). FRAME 7: Herry and the rest of the crew (including the blue monster, now covered in phones he’s still on the line with) say goodbye to Herry’s family and Herry tries to close the report, saying that all kids are different. Elmo then rushes in the studio with Buster, claiming to have the biggest news of the day – that kids are different AND the same! His source is “straight from the horse’s mouth” (literally) as we zoom into Buster’s mouth to see… Different Yet The Same (EKA: Episode 2054), No Matter What (EKA: Episode 2782). FRAME 8: Herry is still skeptical about Buster’s source and is told he learned straight from kids and we zoom into his mouth again. We All Sing With The Same Voice (EKA: Episode 1708). FRAME 9: The crew begins dancing out of the studio. The blue monster who has been busy on the phone the whole video finally gets off. Herry tells them to come back, as the report isn’t finished, and Elmo tells him that they’re going to play with the kids. Herry rips off his tie and joins them, as Buster takes center stage and begins “The Horse Report”. The entire crew congas with some kids as the credits roll and a conga version of “We All Sing with the Same Voice” plays. Seven Days Direct-To-Video UPN Science Fiction Sesame Street Celebrates Around The World 2004 DVD: The plot follows a secret branch of the US National Security Agency, which has developed a time travelling device based upon alien technology found at Roswell. As the opening of the show recounts, the Chronosphere, or Backstep Sphere, is capable of sending “one human being back in time seven days” to avert disasters. The show's title refers to the chief limitation of the technology, namely that a traveler can only backstep seven days due to limitations imposed by the device's fuel source and its reactor. As the fuel source is limited, there is a strict mandate that the backstep is confined to events relating directly to national security. The backstep team and the equipment are stationed in a base in a secret location somewhere in the desert of Nevada called Never Never Land—a play on Area 51, or Groom Lake Flight Test Facilities, also known as Dreamland. Sesame Street Celebrates Around The World 2004 DVD. Home video version of Sesame Street Stays Up Late PBS program December 29 1993. Kratts' Creatures Direct-To-Video VHS From Polygram Video Time-Life Kids PBS TV Hit Program: The first in a series of programs produced by the Kratt Brothers, Chris and Martin Kratt, Kratts' Creatures was made to be the first wildlife show aimed specifically towards young children. It featured the Kratt Brothers as they traveled worldwide, exploring different animals and their habitats. They received assistance from their friends Allison Baldwin (Shannon Duff) and Ttark, an animated anthropomorphic dinosaur (voiced by Ron Rubin). Sweet as it did, six fabulous stills from funding for the show: birds, dolphins, bear, monkey, some elephants, more birds, catchy Cratts' Creatures music for a fabulous trip. Plus at the end here of some episodes: To Learn More About Kratts' Creatures, Visit Us At PBS Online At The Address On Your Screen: http://www.pbs.org. Brats Of The Lost Nebula Direct-To-Video Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Kids WB Hit Show 1998 Sesame Street Version Hit Show: It combines puppetry and computer animation. The series follows five orphaned children from different war-torn planets. As they search for their surviving family members, they must also band together to fight an evil invading force known as "The Shock". Donny & Marie Direct-To-Video Talk Show 1998 Sesame Street Version Learning About Letters 2004 DVD: The show had a "house band", featuring Jerry Williams (musical director/keyboards), Kat Dyson (guitar), Paul Peterson (bass), and Nick Vincent (drums), and would also occasionally perform with musical guests. Learning About Letters 2004 DVD: FRAME 1: Big Bird and Snuffy welcome the viewer and announce that today, they'll be going over the alphabet, even reading some words. Snuffy doesn't quite remember how the alphabet goes, but soon realizes the correct order with the help of a song "The Alphabet Song" for Lena Horne, Mr. Johnson, Farley and fun Anything Muppets (EKA: Episode 0575) (On-screen Letters Added). Following the song, Snuffy remarks how great the alphabet is and reveals the first letter - A. He then leaves to find things that start with A. As he leaves, a voice beckons Big Bird outside. The voice is that of Telly Monster's, who hurries Big Bird along, hoping everything goes smoothly while talking about the alphabet. He shows off some A words, followed by some B words, then a C word - cow. "C Is For Cookie" (EKA: Episode 0372). Now at the letter D, Telly drags in a Dentist, who wishes to speak about flossing before she's shoved off. Telly then knocks on Oscar's trash can; not to see Oscar, but his Elephants. Frances Fairy's F words (EKA: Episode 0335). FRAME 3: Telly and Big Bird now show some F words. Buster the Horse illustrates a G word - gallop. The word itself follows suit. Speech balloon G for gorilla (EKA: Episode 0085). FRAME 4: Buster zooms past the letter H, for Horse. Consonant sound H for horse (EKA: Episode 1167) (Beginning Edited). FRAME 5: Oscar displays the letter I, for Irvine, who has Ice cream, which Luis finds Icky. Telly does some jumping to show the word "Jump." The word does the same. Speech ballon K for key (EKA: Episode 0040). "La La La" (EKA: Episode 0321). FRAME 6: Big Bird shows Henrietta Honker the L in the CLOSED sign. He goes on, saying letters can be found everywhere. City Alphabet (EKA: Episode 0132) (Joe Raposo instrumental with kid voiceover). Tracing fun letter M with Kermit (EKA: Episode 0516). "M-M-M Monster Meal" (EKA: Episode 0380). FRAME 7: In Big Bird's Nest, Henrietta takes a Nap. O for Orange (EKA: Episode 0673). FRAME 8: Telly displays his Piggy bank, which has a sole Quarter. Wizard says R words (EKA: Episode 0369). FRAME 9: Telly shows some words that start with S and T. The letter U prefers to speak for himself. Villian in panama hat (EKA: Episode 0507). FRAME 10: The gang wraps up the alphabet - Big Bird has a Waffle, the dentist has an X-ray, Luis has a Yo-Yo, and Buster appears as a Zebra. "Madgrial Alphabet" (EKA: Episode 0615). FRAME 10: Luis reads the gang the story of "The King Banishes the Letter P." (EKA: Episode 0712) (This segment is edited, replacing Luis' original narration scenes with linking footage.) Big Bird returns to his nest to find Snuffy, who's brought an Apple and is ready to move onto B. Big Bird explains they've already finished, making Snuffy sad. Big Bird cheers him up, promising that they'll simply start everything again. He tells the gang his plan and Telly frantically gets everyone organized. Big Bird announces the sponsors from A to Z. Dumb Bunnies Direct-To-Video CBS Hit 1998 Sesame Street Version Learning About Numbers 2004 DVD: Based on books by created by Dav Pilkey, the author of Captain Underpants, under the pseudonym "Sue Denim". They involve the adventures of a dumb family of bunnies. The Dumb Bunnies did everything in reverse, including sleeping under beds and putting flowers upside down in vases. Learning About Numbers 2004 DVD: Kevin already bought 1986 VHS from Christmas 2018 plus that red barcode words on top blue screen in the end. FRAME 1: The Count introduces Big Bird's Number Show and his guests tonight. Big Bird arrives on "stage" and opens with a joke about the cold weather, discovering he's missing one of his mittens. One penny with Grover and John-John (EKA: Episode 0438). Guru counts 20 (EKA: Episode 0276). FRAME 2: Big Bird has found his glove and retells his joke. He then presents his first, fiddle-playing guest. Toucan Two-Step (EKA: Episode 0353). FRAME 3: Big Bird brings out his next guest - Chip and Dip. They promote a new film they produced starring their friends. Big Bird plays the clip they brought. Doll House (EKA: Episode 0131). FRAME 4: Big Bird reads a fan letter that complains about the show's lack of roller coasters and chickens. Big Bird appeases the request. Number 3 ball film girl tasting ice cream (EKA: Episode 0744). Three Waltzing Chickens (EKA: Episode 1183). I Just Adore 4 (EKA: Episode 0734) (New intro by The Count, applause and brief moan by the Orange Gold square when Big Bird grabs him at the end added). Four lions (EKA: Episode 0300). FRAME 5: A Honker alerts Big Bird that The Count has gone home, but he is needed later to count honks. Big Bird looks through the phone book for his home number. Five telephone rings (EKA: Episode 0539) (Ending Cut). FRAME 6: Big Bird gets through and speaks to Ernie. He puts The Count on, who says he is unable to come; he has a new job as an elevator operator! Counting 10 floors on the elevator (EKA: Episode 1970). FRAME 7: Big Bird lures him back with the promise of being able to count higher than the elevator can provide. The Count leaves Big Bird with a final message about soccer socks. Six Soccer Socks (EKA: Episode 1670). Seven flowers seven sneezes (EKA: Episode 0433). The King Of Eight (EKA: Episode 0225). Martian Beauty (EKA: Episode 0316). Counting to 10 backwards with Grover and John-John (EKA: Episode 0547). FRAME 8: Big Bird is told by the Honker that The Count is back. Big Bird then introduces them. Counting 20 honks (EKA: Episode 1569). FRAME 9: Big Bird thanks his guests and signs off. Hughleys Direct-To-Video Sitcom Program ABC UPN TV 1998 Sesame Street Version Program Play-Along Games And Songs 2005 DVD: The show starred D. L. Hughley as the main character, vending machine salesman Darryl Hughley. Elise Neal portrayed Darryl's wife Yvonne. Former Living Single co-star John Henton portrayed the couple's best friend Milsap from the "old neighborhood", who often visited the family and helped them out (much resemblance to Willona visiting James and Florida on Good Times). Ashley Monique Clark portrayed Darryl and Yvonne's 12-year-old daughter Sydney, and Dee Jay Daniels portrayed their 10-year-old son Michael; both children sometimes acted out and sometimes caused complete chaos. Michael's best friends included Ronnie (Preston Wamsley), Otto (played by Connor Matheus in Seasons 1 and 2, then Ian Meltzer in Seasons 3 and 4), and Miles (Martin Spanjers). Play-Along Games And Songs 2005 DVD. FRAME 1: Big Bird tells Forgetful Jones that it's time to play games, but Forgetful claims he's "No-Games Jones," even though he's currently playing go fish with Elmo. Big Bird plans to quiz Forgetful on how much he remembers after they've played all the games. Forgetful likes the idea, and Big Bird goes to round up two kids (Jesse and Desiree) who are seen playing with Oscar the Grouch. The group starts the first game: "Follow That Penguin!" They watch a cartoon of a penguin making beats, (EKA: Episode 0239) and Big Bird points to someone who has to repeat that beat. When it's Forgetful's turn, he forgets the beat, so Elmo helps him remember. In the third round, the penguin taps out a random series of beats, which Elmo and the others interpret through scatting. Herry plays a game with his ball, feather and his head (EKA: Episode 1613) (third round here edited). FRAME 2: The next game is "The Rhyme Game," where Big Bird says a word, points to a person and they must make a rhyme. His word is "top," and when he calls on Forgetful Jones, they all hop to help him think of a word. He takes so long to guess that they all get tired. Big Bird tells him to play along with the next segment. Beat The Time with Cookie Monster (EKA: Episode 0446). FRAME 3: Big Bird's next game features him drawing shapes in the air, having the others guess what it is. He makes a rectangle, a triangle and his own creation - a ball of squiggly lines called "Fun." One Of These Things with Cookie Monster (EKA: Episode 0174). I Heard My Dog Bark (EKA: Episode 2169). Painting of four elephants (EKA: Episode 0292). Shape Organization part 4 (EKA: Episode 0419) (Edited). Over, Under, Around And Through (EKA: Episode 0258). FRAME 4: The final game is "The Remember-the-Games Game." Big Bird quizzes Forgetful on all the games and segments they saw with 60 seconds on the clock, but Forgetful forgets everything. Big Bird reminds the viewer that they can play the same games with their friends and family, and even with their Sesame Street friends again. Brother's Keeper Direct-To-Video ABC TV Program Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 1998 Sesame Street Version Big Bird's Story Time 2005 DVD: The series centers around Porter Waide (Ragsdale), a milquetoast college history professor and widowed single father, raising his son, Oscar (Cooper), by himself until his brother, Bobby (O'Bryan), a football placekicker who had just been signed to play with the San Francisco 49ers and has a reputation for being a bad boy, moves in with his brother and nephew, as part of a stipulation in his new multimillion-dollar contract in which Bobby has to live with someone who is more responsible than him, in order to change his troublemaking ways. Big Bird's Story Time 2005 DVD. FRAME 1: Big Bird, Snuffy and Maria have gathered at Big Bird's nest, ready for story time before their naps. While they have mostly everything ready (from their blankets to their snacks), they forget the storybook, which prompts Big Bird and Snuffy to head over to the library to get one. "At Your Library" (EKA: Episode 1908). FRAME 2: Back at the nest, Big Bird and Snuffy are unable to find another book due to the library being closed. However, they got a newspaper instead from Hooper's Store for Maria to read to them, specifically the "Fairy Tales" section where they read the article about Princess Rapunzel. Rapunzel (EKA: Episode 0409) (Edited With Opening Logo Omitted). FRAME 3: In another article, Maria reads to Big Bird and Snuffy about Humpty Dumpty. Humpty Dumpty (EKA: Episode 0657) (Edited With Opening Logo Omitted). FRAME 4: In the next article, Maria reads to Big Bird and Snuffy about a wicked witch and the magic mirror. Wicked Witch (EKA: Episode 0685) (Edited With Opening Logo Omitted). FRAME 5: Following the articles read, Big Bird thinks it's silly that Sesame Street News has only one reporter on its entire staff, and wakes up Snuffy (who has dozed off) to tell him how much fun it is to imagine all those fairy tale characters. "Imagine That" (EKA: Episode 2142) (Different Sound Effects Added). FRAME 6: Snuffy tries suggesting Maria to tell him a story involving three animals, but forgets what kind they are. After several guesses by Big Bird, Snuffy thinks that it might be about Goldilocks and the Three Bears, which Maria tells him the story of. During Maria's story, Snuffy and Big Bird imagine how the story goes on, with themselves filling in the role of Goldilocks. Soon enough, Big Bird begins to doze off halfway through and Snuffy begins to do the same. As Maria tries to leave, Snuffy wakes up, remembering that the story was not what he had in mind. Instead of bears, it was pigs. Immediately, Maria grabs the newspaper again and finds an article regarding them, reading it to him and Big Bird (who has just woken up). Three Little Pigs (EKA: Episode 0551) (Edited With Opening Logo Omitted). FRAME 7: Maria finally sends Big Bird and Snuffy to their naps, wishing them and the viewer to have a good rest. Kermit joins in, resting next to Snuffy's snuffle, having been exhausted from his reporter job. Fantasy Island Direct-To-Video TV Drama Fantasy Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 1998 Sesame Street Version Based On Fantasy Island By Gene Levitt Rock & Roll 2003 DVD: The role of Mr. Roarke was played by Malcolm McDowell and, in contrast to the first series, the supernatural aspect of his character and of Fantasy Island itself was emphasized from the start, along with a dose of dark humor. Director Barry Sonnenfeld, known for his work on The Addams Family movies, was a chief creative force on the new series. Another difference was that the new series was filmed in Hawaii instead of California. The remake followed the fantasies of at least two of Roarke's guests with an additional subplot involving members of his staff – usually Cal and Harry. Whereas the original series featured a separate writer and title for each subplot, the new series was written as several stories but featuring a unified theme and title. Rock & Roll 2003 DVD. Kevin already played that Christmas 2018 with 1990 VHS with rectangles words on top blue screen in the end. FRAME 1: The announcer introduces "Sesame Street Rock 'N' Roll Request Show," with host Jackman Wolf! Jackman Wolf gets a request to play "Monster in the Mirror." Monster In The Mirror (EKA: Episode 2689). FRAME 2: Jackman Wolf gets a request from Gina to play a song by Little Jerry and the Monotones, her favorite band. Jackman reveals they'll be playing a special song over the phone, but never receives the call. He begins to wonder what's wrong. Telephone Rock (EKA: Episode 0733) (Beginning and ending cut, new sound effects added). FRAME 3: Jackman Wolf can't get a connection with Little Jerry, so he asks her to pick a different request. Gina decides to pick two songs from her other favorite band, Little Chrissy and the Alphabeats ("You're Alive" and "Rock 'N' Roll Readers"), but can't decide which one to pick. So Jackman Wolf plays both songs for her. You're Alive (EKA: Episode 1415) (Introduction cut, new sound effects added). Rock N Roll Readers (EKA: Episode 2612) (Beginning Cut). FRAME 4: While reading The Three Little Pigs, Jackman Wolf gets a request from Bert (with Ernie listening in) to play "It's Hip to be a Square," dedicated to his paper clip collection. It's Hip To Be A Square (EKA: Episode 2615) (edited with comment from Bert). FRAME 5: Jackman Wolf gets a request from Count von Count and the Countess to play a song with the number 40, or a song for the number 9, dedicated to each other. They can't make up their mind, so Jackman Wolf plays both songs for them. Delighted, they let out their usual laugh which is accompanied by the sound of thunder and the howling of a wolf, which startles Jackman and causes him to drop his phone. Count Up To Nine (EKA: Episode 1134) (Opening And Closing Cut). Forty Blocks From My Home (EKA: Episode 2614). FRAME 6: Jackman Wolf tries to call Little Red Riding Hood from the Bureau of Missing Rock Groups to see if she could find Little Jerry and the Monotones. She can't, but has a request to play "(I Can't Get No) Co-Operation" and "Hand Talk." I Can't Get No Co-Operation (EKA: Episode 1521) (Closing Cut). Hand Talk (EKA: Episode 2622). Jackman Wolf gets a request from Oscar the Grouch to play "The Word Is No." The Word Is No (EKA: Episode 2548). FRAME 8: The show's almost over, and Jackman Wolf gives up on trying to look for Little Jerry and the Monotones. Gina pops up, excited to hear the group singing on the show. Jackman Wolf explains to the officer that he did intend them to sing on his show, and continues to let them sing as the credits roll. "All Right Then. Until Next Time, This Is Jackman Wolf Saying Fangs For Watching And Toodle-oo!" Hyperion Bay Direct-To-Video WB Drama 1998 Sesame Street Version Dance Along 2003 DVD: The series centers around Dennis Sweeny (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) who, after a successful career in the computer software business, returns home to open a local division for the company he works for. The series follows the drama when the new meets the old in the little coastal town of Hyperion Bay, California. Dance Along 2003 DVD. Kevin already bought that from Christmas 2018. Gina, Mike, Big Bird and the Kids host the Sesame Street Dance Along, where they dance and play Sesame Street songs that involve dancing. New Way To Walk (EKA: Episode 2268), A Very Simple Dance (EKA: Episode 2729), The Batty Bat (EKA: Episode 2096) (First Verse Cut Together), Stop Dancing with Ann Marie DeAngelo and Skeeter Rabbit (EKA: Episode 2600), The Birdcall Boogie (EKA: Episode 2644), ABC Disco (EKA: Episode 1324), Doin' The Pigeon (EKA: Episode 0536), The Any Way You Feel Dance, The Birdland Jump with Joe Williams (EKA: Episode 2260). Legacy Direct-To-Video Country Drama Western UPN Program 1998 Sesame Street Version The Best Of Elmo 2001 DVD Fun Adventure 60 Minutes: A family-run horse farm nestled among the rolling bluegrass country provides the picturesque backdrop for Legacy, a family drama series that chronicles the proud and close-knit Logan family as they struggle to maintain their deep-seated family values of hard work and integrity in a society increasingly driven by money, power, and self-indulgence. The Best Of Elmo 2001 DVD. Kevin already bought 1994 VHS from Christmas 2018. FRAME 1: As Maria leaves the Fix-It Shop carrying a large board of wood, Elmo walks by and accidentally bumps into her, dropping a bunch of pictures from his hands. After Maria helps pick them up, Elmo reveals that he's bringing them to the Monster Art Show, and wants his friends to help decide what picture is best. Maria notices a drawing with Ernie. One Fine Face (EKA: Episode 2220). FRAME 2: Maria tells Elmo that she likes the previous drawing the most, which Elmo, to her surprise, says she can keep (as there's plenty more pictures to choose for the show). Maria spots another picture and asks where he got all his ideas; Elmo says it's because of using his imagination. In Your Imagination (EKA: Episode 3119). FRAME 3: At Finders Keepers, Ruthie startles Elmo while fiddling with a chandelle boa. After Elmo regains posture, Ruthie looks at his pictures and learns they're for the Monster Art Show, which incidentally she also bought pictures from. She notices two of his – one of Elmo scaring Julia Roberts, and one of Elmo sitting on the ledge with tap shoes. Happy Tapping With Elmo (EKA: Episode 2832). Afraid with Julia Roberts (EKA: Episode 2790). FRAME 4: Elmo assures Ruthie there's lots of drawings left for the show, as the two look at a couple of more pictures. She finds one of the number 3 (from Elmo's number collection), and one with two backup singers. Elmo explains the latter is about the number 5, despite having no numbers on the picture. Five Jive With Elmo Jammer (EKA: Episode 2939). Three (EKA: Episode 3123). FRAME 5: Now at the Park, Elmo has laid his drawings on the ledge, commenting about how he's already just given out a few of them. Zoe suddenly appears and sees his pictures, asking one by one if she can keep them as they go down the line. Two pictures in particular stand out – one with Elmo and Telly, and one with Elmo and Whoopi. Skin with Whoopi Goldberg (EKA: Episode 2746). Heavy And Light (EKA: Episode 2809). FRAME 6: Grasping the previous two pictures, Zoe notices two more – one with a face and one with trees. Elmo, meanwhile, starts to feel bummed as the number of pictures gets smaller ("It's not easy being the best."). The Sound That's In The Air (EKA: Episode 2948). FRAME 7: Zoe bids farewell to Elmo, clinging onto the pictures she likes. Now alone, Elmo shows his last picture to the viewer – a drawing of Elmo playing the piano. Elmo's Song (EKA: Episode 2710) (Ending Cut). FRAME 8: Elmo decides it's time to pick the best drawing for the Monster Art Show, but finds he just has the last picture remaining in his hand. He decides to hang it up at the show, but a sad blue Honker comes by, explaining that he's never gotten one of Elmo's pictures and feels left out. This leaves Elmo with a conundrum, asking the viewer what they would do. He realizes that friends' feelings are more important than a contest, and generously gives his last drawing to the Honker. However, now Elmo feels sad that there's no pictures left to enter, and walks away. Elmo finds everyone gathered in front of 123 Sesame Street looking at his pictures, and explains his problem. They all decide to give their pictures back, with Maria telling Elmo that he can return the pictures to them after the show. Elmo gleefully thanks them for their good deed, but now faces another problem: what picture should he pick for the show? Everyone laughs together as Elmo asks the viewer what they liked best. Felicity Direct-To-Video WB Program Imagine Touchstone Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 1998 Sesame Street Version Put Down The Duckie 2003 DVD: The series opens at Felicity's high school graduation, where she asks Ben Covington, a classmate on whom she has a crush, to sign her yearbook. Moved by his comment that he wished they had gotten to know each other further, she changes her education plans completely, deciding to follow Ben to New York rather than attend Stanford University as a pre-med student. Felicity's overbearing parents, concerned about Felicity's seemingly rash decision, come to New York to try to persuade her to return home and "get back on track". Felicity has second thoughts about her decision, but soon realizes that she came not only to follow Ben, but to discover her true inner self. While Felicity works to sort out her emotions, she continues the basic motions of student life and moves into her dorm. There, she meets the resident advisor Noel Crane. Eventually, the two develop a romantic relationship, and the love triangle among Felicity, Ben, and Noel forms the basic dramatic conflicts in the show throughout the series. A number of other characters appear and play large roles in Felicity's life. Her roommate for the first two years is Meghan Rotundi, a goth Wiccan who occasionally casts spells on Felicity and others. Julie Emrick is one of Felicity's best friends, as is Elena Tyler, who often takes classes with Felicity. Felicity also has male friends, including Sean Blumberg, who is always trying to produce new off-kilter inventions, and Javier Clemente Quintata, who manages the Dean & DeLuca where Felicity works for most of her college career. A recurring episode opener of the show is a stark camera shot of Felicity sitting in a dormitory room or apartment holding a tape recorder, recalling events in order to make a cassette tape to send to an old friend named Sally Reardon (voiced by Janeane Garofalo). This occasionally provides a method for Felicity to narrate an entire episode. At the end of episodes like this, Felicity is often shown to be listening to a tape that Sally has sent in reply. Put Down The Duckie: An All-Star Musical Special 2003 DVD. The video replaces the special's title card. The release also omits the pledge drive segments featuring Kermit the Frog and Oscar the Grouch. FBI Files Direct-To-Video Discovery Channel Program Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 1998 Sesame Street Version Barney Songs 2006 DVD: The show described actual FBI cases, with dramatic reenactments and interviews with agents and forensic scientists who worked in the investigations. Barney Songs 2006 DVD. Title date in this: November 7 1995. Join Barney as he leads the viewers into fun songs from Season 3 episodes. New Addams Family Direct-To-Video Fox Family Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 1998 Sesame Street Version Sitcom Barney's Musical Scrapbook 2004 DVD: The Addams Family consists of husband and wife, Gomez and Morticia Addams, their children, Wednesday and Pugsley, as well as Grandmama, Uncle Fester, and their butler, Lurch. The Addams' are a close-knit extended family with decidedly macabre interests and supernatural abilities. No explanation for their powers is explicitly given in the series. Some of the episodes in this series are remakes of the original TV series' episodes with some episodes being exclusive to this show. Barney's Musical Scrapbook 2004 DVD. Title date in this: May 6 1997. Remember when Barney and his friends sailed to Coco Island? Or when the wind came long and blew BJ's hat away? Aaaaah, the memories. One look through Barney's Scrapbook and you'll be reminded of some of the best Barney moments ever... complete with 14 wonderful songs. Relive all the fun, all the music and all the purple...in Barney's scrapbook. It'll be your favorite for years to come. Vengeance Unlimited Direct-To-Video ABC TV Program Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 1998 Sesame Street Version 60 Minutes McNamara Warner Bros. Barney's Adventure Bus 2004 DVD: Mr. Chapel was a mysterious stranger keen on serving justice to those who had been ignored by the law. To achieve those ends, Mr. Chapel made use of promised favors from former clients. People in trouble were usually contacted by Chapel with an envelope on their front doorstep containing newspaper clippings related to previous clients, along with the phone number 555-0132. When Mr. Chapel took a case, his demand was simple: either pay a fee of one million dollars, or promise to do a favor at some time in the future—whatever, whenever, wherever and for however long he needed you—then your debt would be paid in full. In the series pilot, it was clear that Mr. Chapel had been doing this for some time, as he called in a number of favors to help his current client. Barney's Adventure Bus 2004 DVD. Tape date in this: September 2 1997. It's Saturday, and the kids are playing together. Barney becomes a bus driver, and he turns a toy school bus into a real big one. He takes his friends on his adventure bus ride. With some imagination, Barney and all his pals take a trip to different kinds of real places like the castle, the pizzeria, the wild wild west, and the circus. V.I.P. Direct-To-Video Created By J.F. Lawton Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 1998 Sesame Street Version It's Time For Counting 2006 DVD: Anderson stars as Vallery Irons, a woman who accidentally saves a celebrity and then is hired by a real bodyguard agency (V.I.P. aka Vallery Irons Protection) as a famous figurehead while the rest of the agency's professionals work to solve cases. Her lack of investigation skills ends up defeating the antagonists in every episode. It’s Time For Counting 2006 DVD. Tape Date In This: January 13 1998. When the numbers from Stella's alarm clock get missing, Barney and the kids help search for the rest of the numbers. They head to the school library, where they read some classic children's stories. When all the numbers are returned to the alarm clock, Stella has a very special surprise for Barney and his friends! First Wave Direct-To-Video Space Channel Program Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 1998 Sesame Street Version Hit Barney's Halloween Party 2003 DVD: Former thief turned security specialist Kincaid Lawrence "Cade" Foster's life was idyllic, with a beautiful wife, good job and a nice house. Unbeknownst to him, a race of extraterrestrials called the Gua have identified him as subject 117 in an Alien experiment - AHX2323 - to test human will. As part of this experiment, his life is systematically ruined, including the murder of his wife, for which he is framed. He is the only one of the 117 subjects to solve the riddles of the experiment and escape arrest to live as a fugitive. The Gua are among humans in the form of hybridised genetic clones and plan to enslave humanity—the first of three "waves" intent on conquering and finally destroying the human race. Constantly pursued by the police, and a strange government agency called the Illuminati, Foster discovers previously unknown quatrains of Nostradamus, which tell of three waves that will destroy the planet unless the "twice-blessed man" can stop them. For this reason, Foster investigates strange occurrences that may have ties to the Nostradamus quatrains, hoping to find what he needs to stop the Gua. Barney's Beach Party 2003 DVD. Title date in this: August 25 1998. It’s Halloween, and Barney and his friends prepare for the big Halloween party at the school gym. From Indian corn to smiling jack-o-lanterns, the gym is aglow with the colors of fall. Meanwhile, BJ and Baby Bop are putting the final touches on their Halloween costumes as they get ready for a fun-filled night of trick-or-treating. Finally, evening arrives, the Halloween party begins, and the trick-or-treaters set out to search for goodies. Unfortunately, after a full night of trying, BJ comes up just a bit empty-handed. But when BJ and Baby Bop return to school, they soon find out that their friends have plenty of goodies and surprises waiting for them. Together the two learn that sometimes, the best treats at Halloween are good friends. Fox Files Direct-To-Video Fox Family Hit Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 1998 Sesame Street Version Barney's Imagination Island 2004 DVD: Join in the fun with cool fox files fun as it did a pal with together. Barney's Imagination Island 2004 DVD. Home video version of the NBC program on October 4 1994 that day was Ronald Makes It Magic CD and cassette. Min and Tosha are having a sleepover; and Tosha's mom reads them a story about a mystical place called "Imagination Island" unable to finish the story. When Barney comes to life, he shows the two girls that they can go on a sailing adventure if they use their imaginations. With that, Barney mystically takes the two girls on deck aboard a huge ship destined for Imagination Island. Along the way, they meet up with Shawn, Derek, Baby Bop, and BJ. As the ship sails closer to the island, a big storm causes a huge tidal wave to knock the ship up onto some palm trees on the island. While Baby Bop and BJ stay on the ship, Barney and the children go explore the island. After hiking through the island's jungle, they eventually find a tropical house where they meet Professor Tinkerputt, a toy inventor who doesn't like to share his creations. He explains to the group the he moved to Imagination Island to be alone with his toys. The professor shows the group his new balloon maker that does not properly work. After Tosha realizes that her heart-shaped locket is the key to make the machine work, she gives the professor her locket. Through the process, Barney helps him understand that sharing with others makes people happy. By finally sharing different toys with the group, the professor realizes that making other people happy makes him happy too. Wanting to leave the island himself, Tinkerputt agrees to help the explorers get off the island. After a moment of thinking, Tinkerputt gets an idea of how to get the ship out of the trees. They can fly back with help from his balloon machine. The group returns to the ship where Tinkerputt inflates many balloons to attach to the ship. Tinkerputt takes control of the ship, and the ship flies up to the sky. Baby Bop and BJ return home, and Barney reminds the kids the importance of home. Later, the ship reaches back home, and Barney and the kids leave. With Tosha and Min falling asleep, the ship sails off into the night sky with the professor heading to build a new toy factory. Faux Pause Direct-To-Video Game Show Network Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 1998 Sesame Street Version Sing And Dance With Barney 2004 DVD: Get ready to play Faux Pause for now that game show with such a fun event. Sing And Dance With Barney 2004 DVD. Title date in this: January 12 1999. The kids get a mysterious invitation for a party and later find out it was from Barney. He plans a party for all of his friends. The group begins going on magical journeys, beginning with an adventure to Grandpa's Farm. When they return, some of Barney's old friends, Michael, Kathy, and Tosha, show up and recall some memories. Linda, Danny and Kim join them and the group goes camping in the forest. Coming back from that trip, Jason and Min arrive as a surprise for Barney. The last trip of the day is to Storybook Land, a magical place where fairy tales become reality (complete with a castle). Back in the treehouse, Barney tells everyone (including the viewer) that they're special and they tell him the same and that he can count on them. Starting Friday January 1 2027 at 12:01 AM to 9:00 PM to Friday December 31 2027 at 12:31 AM to 9:00 PM will be Cosby Show Direct-To-Video Sitcom NBC Program 1985-1992 Top Story The Alligator King A Casey Middle Pool Rubber Duckie Had A Barn With Show Tape: This show starring Bill Cosby. The show focuses on the Huxtable family, an African-American upper middle class family, living in a brownstone in Brooklyn Heights, New York, at 10 Stigwood Avenue. The father is Cliff Huxtable, an obstetrician and son of a prominent jazz trombonist. The mother is his wife, lawyer Clair Huxtable. They have four daughters and one son: Sondra, Denise, Theo, Vanessa, and Rudy. Despite its comedic tone, the show sometimes involves serious subjects, like Theo's experiences dealing with dyslexia, inspired by Cosby's dyslexic son, Ennis. The show also deals with teenage pregnancy when Denise's friend Veronica (Lela Rochon) becomes pregnant. Swimming at Casey Middle can be seen in that 2002 Punky Brewster program to it probably fun as it did Pool New Years Party Swimming At Casey Middle: New Years Eve Jokes. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven! Said The Alligator King To His Seven Sons, "I'm Feelin' Mighty Down. Whichever Of You Can Cheer Me Up Will Get To Wear My Crown." His First Son Brought Seven Oyster Pearls From The Bottom Of The China Sea. The Second Gave Him Seven Statues Of Girls With Clocks Where Their Stomachs Should Be. The Third Son Gave Him Seven Rubies From The Sheikdom Of Down There Beneath. The King Thought The Rubies Were Cherries And He Broke Off Seven Of His Teeth. The Fourth Son Tried To Cheer Him Up With Seven Lemon Drops. The King Said, "I'm Sorry, Son. Since That Ruby Episode, I Just Haven't Got The Chops." The Fifth Son Brought The King Perfume In Seven Fancy Silver Jars. The King Took A Whiff And He Broke Out In Spots Cause It Smelled Like Cheep Cigars. The Sixth Son Gave Him Seven Diamond Rings To Wear Upon His Toes. The King Snagged His Foot On The Royal Red Rug And Crumpled Up His Nose. The Seventh Son Of The Alligator King Was A Thoughtful Little Whelp. He Said, "Daddy, Appears To Me That You Could Use A Little Help." Said The Alligator King To His Seventh Son, "My Son, You Win The Crown. You Didn't Bring Me Diamonds Or Rubies But You Help Me Up When I Was Down. Take The Crown It's Yours, My Son. I Hope You Don't Mind The Dents. I Got It On Sale At A Discount Store Costs Me All Of Seven Cents!" Seven! Saturday January 1 2028 at 12:01 AM to 9:00 PM to Sunday December 31 2028 at 12:31 AM to 9:00 PM will be Law And Order Direct-To-Video Police Legal Drama Program Tape TV NBC Show With Count The Oles Tape The Alligator King A Casey Middle Pool Rubber Duckie Had A Barn With Show Tape: Set and filmed in New York City, the series follows a two-part approach: the first half-hour is the investigation of a crime (usually murder) and apprehension of a suspect by New York City Police Department detectives; the second half is the prosecution of the defendant by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office. Plots are often based on real cases that recently made headlines, although the motivation for the crime and the perpetrator may be different. Count the oles with part of that program Beach Party At Walt Disney World such a fun surprise eight in the beginning 24 in the middle plus altogether that calypso beat that makes 32. Swimming at Casey Middle can be seen in that 2002 Punky Brewster program to it probably fun as it did Pool New Years Party Swimming At Casey Middle: New Years Eve Jokes. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven! Said The Alligator King To His Seven Sons, "I'm Feelin' Mighty Down. Whichever Of You Can Cheer Me Up Will Get To Wear My Crown." His First Son Brought Seven Oyster Pearls From The Bottom Of The China Sea. The Second Gave Him Seven Statues Of Girls With Clocks Where Their Stomachs Should Be. The Third Son Gave Him Seven Rubies From The Sheikdom Of Down There Beneath. The King Thought The Rubies Were Cherries And He Broke Off Seven Of His Teeth. The Fourth Son Tried To Cheer Him Up With Seven Lemon Drops. The King Said, "I'm Sorry, Son. Since That Ruby Episode, I Just Haven't Got The Chops." The Fifth Son Brought The King Perfume In Seven Fancy Silver Jars. The King Took A Whiff And He Broke Out In Spots Cause It Smelled Like Cheep Cigars. The Sixth Son Gave Him Seven Diamond Rings To Wear Upon His Toes. The King Snagged His Foot On The Royal Red Rug And Crumpled Up His Nose. The Seventh Son Of The Alligator King Was A Thoughtful Little Whelp. He Said, "Daddy, Appears To Me That You Could Use A Little Help." Said The Alligator King To His Seventh Son, "My Son, You Win The Crown. You Didn't Bring Me Diamonds Or Rubies But You Help Me Up When I Was Down. Take The Crown It's Yours, My Son. I Hope You Don't Mind The Dents. I Got It On Sale At A Discount Store Costs Me All Of Seven Cents!" Seven! Little Wendy Tales Segment From Between The Lions TV Season 3 With Seen On PBS Kids: It is a parody of Japanese magical girl anime, specifically Sailor Moon. The segment demonstrates how the placement of punctuation marks can change the meaning of a sentence. Starting 2029 new category page from Monday January 1 at 12:01 AM to 9:00 PM to Monday December 31 at 12:31 AM to 9:00 PM will be Music Variety Show Arthur Murray Party Direct-To-Video ABC DuMont CBS NBC Program K-A-I-T-L-I-N Show: The show was set up like a large party, with Kathryn hosting a variety of guests, from sports stars to actors or musicians. Murray dance studio instructors would help Kathryn and Arthur to show their guests how to perform a particular dance step. At the end of the show, the couple would perform a Johann Strauss waltz. The dancers often dressed in elegant clothing, which could cause amusing problems at times. In one surviving episode (February 15, 1954), available on Internet Archive, the well-dressed female dancers are heard squealing with teenage-like excitement at guest star Johnnie Ray. Buddy Holly and The Crickets performed "Peggy Sue" on the December 29, 1957 telecast, also preserved on a kinescope. The J. Fred and Leslie W. MacDonald Collection at the Library of Congress contains thirteen kinescoped programs and partial programs of the various incarnations of Arthur Murray on TV. These include a complete one-hour show from late 1950 featuring guests The DeMarco Sisters plus Andy and Della Russell; a complete half-hour show from August 17, 1954, featuring guest Don Cornell; a segment from September 27, 1956, in which The Platters perform "You'll Never Know" and Andy Williams sings "Canadian Sunset"; and a segment from August 5, 1957, in which celebrities Jack E. Leonard, Bert Lahr, Paul Winchell, and June Havoc compete in a dance contest. New category page for Now I've Sung in 2030 from Tuesday January 1 at 12:01 AM to Tuesday December 31 at 12:31 AM to 9:00 PM will be National Velvet Direct-To-Video Title Show Do Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Now I've Sung Show 1960-1962 Produced By Metro-Goldwyn Meyer Television Show Hits Between The Lions Tape Seen On PBS Kids: National Velvet stars Lori Martin as Velvet Brown, a girl who lives on a dairy farm with her parents, Martha (Ann Doran) and Herbert Brown (Arthur Space), an ex-jockey Mi Taylor, played by Scottish actor James McCallion (1918-1991), her brother, Donald (Joey Scott), and sister, Edwina (Carole Wells). Velvet owned a thoroughbred stallion named King which she hoped would one day run in the Grand National Steeplechase. FightBox Direct-To-Video TV Title BBC Hit Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 BBC 3 Television Program Television Richard Scarry's Best ABC Video Ever 2001 DVD Fun Alphabet Day Wish The Alpha Fabian Song: Contestants design their fighters and submit them to the BBC. Out of hundreds of submissions, only sixty were chosen to appear on the programme. As well as battling each other, the fighters would face one of six "Sentients", warriors who had won previous (unseen) tournaments and achieved this honour. The Sentients were Banshi, Big George, Kodiak, Nail, Pearl and Vesuvius. Although immortal, they did have certain weaknesses which a fighter could use against them. After winning the first series, competitor warrior Kill Frenzy, created by Usman Arshad, achieved sentience and joined the current six. These seven Sentients featured in the video game mentioned below. Six Games were played during the show these were: Conquest, Demolition, Duel, Helix, Panic and Revolution. Another game was Showdown, a straight one on one battle to determine the winner of each tournament. Richard Scarry's Best ABC Video Ever 2001 DVD. Title Date In This Here: March 15 1989. The video begins with the busy people working in Busytown, and then it goes on to Huckle Cat, Lowly Worm and his friends riding the bus to the Busytown Schoolhouse. They say good morning to their teacher Miss Honey after she says good morning to her students who declares that today in school is Alphabet Day. Her students, totaling 26, whose names begins with each letter of the alphabet, start by singing The Alphabet Song. The class goes through every letter of the alphabet and the word that start with that letter... Arthur Pig has the letter A which starts in "airplane". Betty Dog has the letter B which starts in "bread". Christine Beaver has the letter C which starts in "crayon". David Raccoon has the letter D which starts in "drum". Edna Bunny has the letter E which starts in "egg". Freddie Fox has the letter F which starts in "fire engine". Glenda Goat has the letter G which starts in "guitar". Huckle Cat has the letter H which starts in "house". Iris Pig has the letter I which starts in "ice cream". Jimmy Bunny has the letter J which starts in "jar". Kathy Cat has the letter K which starts in "kite". Libby Leopard has the letter L which starts in "ladder". Mary Mouse has the letter M which starts in "motorcycle". Ned Alligator has the letter N which starts in "nurse". Ole Owl has the letter O which starts in "octopus". Polly Pig has the letter P which starts in "pie". Quincy Cat has the letter Q which starts in "quilt". Ralphie Raccoon has the letter R which starts in "rabbit". Susie Tiger has the letter S which starts in "soup". Tom Wolf has the letter T which starts in "train". Ursula Dog has the letter U which starts in "uniform". Vincent Van Goat has the letter V which starts in "violin". Wilma Walrus has the letter W which starts in "watermelon". Xavier Mouse has the letter X which starts in "xylophone". Yolanda Yak has the letter Y which starts in "yo-yo". Zara Rabbit has the letter Z which starts in "zipper". By the time they've finished "Z," the final bell rings, and Miss Honey tells the children that they finished learning the alphabet just in time and to be sure to practice the alphabet when they get home. Then, everyone says goodbye to Miss Honey and go home. When Huckle and Lowly came home, he told his parents that every letter of the alphabet simply Miss Honey taught, then Huckle sings the alphabet song again as Lowly shapes the letters. After that, Lowly takes a nap as Huckle giggles in amusement. As the video ends, the entire Busytown is seen on birds-eye view and an airplane pulls the "The End" banner. French And Saunders Direct-To-Video BBC Hit Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 BBC2 BBC 3 Program Richard Scarry's Best Counting Video Ever 2001 DVD Lily's Great Counting Day The Alpha Fanny Song: It is also the name by which the performers are known on the occasions when they appear elsewhere as a double act. The show was given one of the highest budgets in BBC history to create detailed spoofs and satires of popular culture, movies, celebrities, and art. French and Saunders continued to film holiday specials for the BBC, and both have been individually successful starring in other shows. In a 2005 poll to find The Comedian's Comedian, the duo were voted among the top 50 comedy acts ever by fellow comedians and comedy insiders. Their last special, French and Saunders Christmas Celebrity Special, aired on 27 December 2005 on BBC One. In 2006, both French and Saunders announced their sketch show was now dead, and that they had moved on to more age-appropriate material. Their last time performing as a duo, the Still Alive tour, ran initially until late 2008, then resumed in Australia in summer 2009. In 2009, the duo were jointly awarded the BAFTA Fellowship. Richard Scarry's Best Counting Video Ever 2001 DVD. Title Date In This Here: September 12 1989. Ruben Studdard's birthday party. The video starts off with the entire Busytown. Then we fade with the busy people working in Busytown and Mr. Frumble chases his hat. Then it goes on to Lily Bunny reading a counting book at the Bunny Family's house. Her father decides to make today a counting day and tells her to start by counting 1 of something, and then count 2 things, until she reaches to 10, in which it is her lunch time. Lily starts by counting one of herself, and then counts her two hands, feet and ears. Then she goes outside to find 3 of something while she sings the counting day song (Won't You Come and Count With Me? (Tra La La, 1, 2, 3)). She counts 3 friends riding 3 tricycles with 3 horns. On the way to the farm, she counts 4 mooing cows, and 5 funny frogs splashing in a pond. Then, Lily goes to Farmer Fox's farm, where she counts 6 crows and 6 scarecrows, and then the wind blows away the hats. She counts the 6 silly hats, including another one making 7, which she wonders where that hat came from. The hat appears to belong to Mr. Frumble, who is still chasing it. Lily counts seven airplanes flying in the sky. One of them crashes into Farmer Fred's tractor, then 8 watermelons roll off and bounce away. Lily counts them and Farmer Fred has to chase them. Then, Lily goes to Farmer Fox's farm stand while she sings the counting day song again. By the time she gets there, Farmer Fox is helping Bananas Gorilla order 9 banana cream pies, with Lily counting them. Then, Farmer Fox shows Lily a surprise - 10 baby chicks hatching from their eggs, thinking Lily is their mom. Lily is glad that she's counted up to 10. Lily says goodbye to Farmer Fox as she goes home for lunch. Back home, Lily sings to her parents about her day counting up to 10 (Lily's Counting Day Song). Next, Lily's dad has her count all the way up to 20, so Lily comes over to Huckle's house and tells him it's her counting day. She asks him if he and Lowly wants to come with her to help her count what they see. Huckle and Lowly agree, so they go to Busytown while they sing another reprise of the counting day song. Lily and Huckle spot a car count a family of 11 pigs coming out and going to Busy Burger for lunch. At Busy Burger, they count 12 pancakes... and one hungry hippo (Mr. Hippo), who eats them all in one bite. Lowly sneaks in and eats his own stack of pancakes, when is called to come back by Huckle convincing him that they have to find 13 of something. Outside, Huckle and Lily count 13 scouts crossing the street. They then go to the zoo, where they see Lowly buying 14 balloons, and gets lifted off by them, but luckily, Erholz, the giraffe saves him. At Father Cat's grocery store, Huckle and Lily count 15 delicious apples as Mrs. Crocodile buys them. Lowly is hiding in one of the apples, scaring her, causing a mess in the store. Mr. Frumble continues to chase his hat, but trips over the apples and falls on the ground. In the playground, Huckle and Lily count 16 children sliding down a slide. In the library, they count 17 books, which Mr. Lion is carrying. He tries to juggle them, but fails. Then they see Lowly at a florist buying 18 roses. Lowly brings them to Mrs. Hippo on her birthday. She sneezes them away, leaving 18 beautiful stems. Next, the trio watches a musical parade and count 19 big bass drums, followed by Lowly being in a tuba and being blown out when it sounds. As it begins to get late, Huckle and Lowly are about to go home, but Lily tells them they haven't counted to 20 yet. However, Huckle apologizes, saying he and Lowly must go home in time for dinner. This makes Lily sad, as she however agrees with Huckle and Lowly that she must go home, too. So Lily sadly says goodbye to both Huckle and Lowly as she watches them go out of sight. Then she goes home alone. Upon returning home, Lily tells her family that she and Huckle only counted up to 19, but they didn't make it to 20. Lily’s dad tells her that her counting day isn’t finished and she might be able to find something to count at home. Lily realizes that there are no more things around her at first, until she sees what's on the table. She finally counts 20 carrots at the dinner table and her family applauds for her. At bedtime, Lily’s parents tell her that she'd had a very busy day. Her mother sings Tomorrow You Can Count Again to Lily. As the video ends, a silhouette of Mr. Frumble chases his hat and the fireflies arrange the words "THE END." Fully Booked Direct-To-Video TV BBC Hit Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 BBC1 BBC2 Scotland Program Richard Scarry's Best Learning Songs Video Ever 2001 DVD The Great World Show In Huckle's Backyard: The first series is presented by Zoe Ball and Grant Stott, and set in a fictional hotel. The presenters were joined by actor Paul Brophy, who appeared as a series of comic characters (such as 'Jan Van der Vall', 'Les Vegas' and 'Wee Alistair McAlistair'), and by a large puppet, a talking Highland cow named Morag who was the hotel's receptionist. The second series had Ball being replaced by ex-Neighbours star Sarah Vandenbergh, due to the former's promotion to co-hosting Live & Kicking. Stott, along with Brophy's characters and Morag, all returned. This series was not broadcast live but was 'recorded as-live', meaning that it was recorded in one session with no editing and broadcast as if it were a continuous live show (though without any live interactivity). This format was also used for the third series. Due to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in the early hours of 31 August 1997, the edition of Fully Booked recorded for broadcast that morning was postponed, ultimately airing as part of the CBBC morning schedule on BBC Two on 2 September at 7:30am. The fourth series had a new logo, title sequence and set introduced, along with a remix of the theme music. The presenters and characters of the show's previous incarnation were all removed, with a new presentation team consisting of Chris Jarvis, Gail Porter and Tim Vincent. The show continued to use the magazine format, with guests, games, features, inserts and music; however, the 'hotel' gimmick was largely dropped in favour of relatively straightforward magazine presentation. The fifth series continued in this new format, but with Gail Porter having decided to quit kids' TV, Kate Heavenor was brought in to replace her. Heavenor had previously been presenting programmes for BBC Choice, and was one of the first presenters to graduate from a digital BBC channel to a show on one of the mainstream terrestrial channels. The show gained a reputation for allowing alternative bands to perform alongside the mainstream pop acts, and booked groups including Electrasy, Shed Seven, Catatonia, The Dandys and St. Etienne to appear during this era. The sixth and final series was replaced by a new live series. A new studio set, title music and graphics were introduced to tie in with the retitled name FBi. The show was still hosted by Kate Heavenor, but Chris Jarvis and Tim Vincent were not involved, and were replaced by Vernon Kay (previously a presenter on digital channel UK Play) and former Boyzone member Keith Duffy. The show had a similar mixed-magazine format to its predecessors, but aimed to increase the level of live interactivity by encouraging viewers to take part in the show via the internet, email, text messaging and telephone. Viewers were given the opportunity to take part in games and features and submit questions for studio guests. Richard Scarry's Best Learning Songs Video Ever 2001 DVD. Title Date In That: August 17 1993. Robert De Niro's birthday party. Huckle Cat and his friends put on a big musical show in his backyard with Huckle himself as the emcee and Lowly Worm as the stage manager as they take turns singing songs like "The Alphabet Song", "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes", "If You're Happy And You Know It" and many others! Funnybones Direct-To-Video TV Program BBC Hit Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 S4C BBC 1 BBC 2 Richard Scarry's Best Busy People Video Ever 2001 DVD Jobs With Great Of Growing Up: It was based on the eponymous series of nine storybooks, by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, which were illustrated by André Amstutz, and focused on the adventures of a pair of skeletons who were the eponymous Funnybones, in the book of the same name, which was released in 1980. The characters in the series are Big Funnybone (whose catchphrase was "good idea"), Little Funnybone (the brains of the group), Dog, Funnybone (whose catchphrase was "Woof") and Cat (whose catchphrase was "Meow"). Each of the show's episodes was five minutes in length. The English voices were provided by popular comedian Griff Rhys Jones, who also sang the theme song as the Moon Man whilst the original Welsh voices were provided by Ray Gravel, who also sang the theme song as the Moon Man. Richard Scarry's Best Busy People Video Ever 2001 DVD. Title Date In That: August 17 1993. Robert De Niro's birthday party. At the Busytown Schoolhouse, Huckle Cat and his friends imagine their occupations to know what they want to be when they grow up. Freddie Fox wants to be a baker, Rhonda Raccoon wants to be a truck driver, Ralph Pig wants to be a firefighter, Gary Goat wants to be a farmer, Huckle Cat wants to be a grocer just like his dad, Lily Bunny wants to be a builder (though in her fantasy, she is shown to be an architect, as she was the one who drew how the house was supposed to look), Larry Lion wants to be a doctor, Olive Owl wants to a mail carrier just like her uncle Ollie Owl, Sally Cat wants to be a travel agent just like her mom, Hilda Hippo wants to be a pilot and Bruno Bear wants to be a captain. At the end of the video, Henry Dog wants to be a teacher just like Miss Honey. Then, an airplane pulls the "The End" banner. Programs Title VHS Between The Lions Tape Seen On PBS Kids 1996 Sesame Street Version Record Elmo's World Up And Down Tape VHS World 6:30 Super Why Low Pitch Four Tabs:

Here's the opening to the 1996 reprint VHS of the iMovie stuff. Here's the order.

  1. Sesame Street VHS and audio preview
  2. Warning screen
  3. Sony Wonder logo
  4. Children's Television Workshop logo (1983-1997)
  5. MY SESAME STREET HOME VIDEO logo (shortened)
  6. Start of each program

Here's the closing to the 1996 reprint VHS of the iMovie stuff. Here's the order.

  1. End of Program
  2. Thanks For Helping Screen
  3. Copyright Screen
  4. And Now A Special Offer Screen
  5. Sesame Street Magazine commercial

Programs Title VHS Between The Lions Tape Seen On PBS Kids 1998 Sesame Street Version Record Elmo's World Up And Down Tape VHS World 6:30 Super Why Low Pitch Four Tabs: The opening to that.

  1. Sesame Street Audio And Video Preview (1997-2000)
  2. Sesame Street CDs And Cassettes Preview (1998-2000)
  3. Sony Wonder FBI Warning Screen (1995-2007)
  4. Sony Wonder Logo (1995-2007)
  5. CTW Logo (1997-2000)
  6. Start Of Program

The closing of this.

  1. End Of Program
  2. Thanks For Helping Screen

Previews in the end.

Further Adventures Of SuperTed Direct-To-Video BBC Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Hit Title From 1989 Richard Scarry's Best Silly Stories And Songs Video Ever 2001 DVD With Library Do The Park: The original SuperTed, created by Mike Young became the first British cartoon series to be aired on Disney Channel in the United States in 1984. Young moved to the United States to work on more animated series and in 1988 he made a SuperTed-sequel-type cartoon called Fantastic Max (originally based on the cartoon pilot Space Baby) produced by Hanna-Barbera, who decided to create a new series of SuperTed. This new American version of the show takes on a more epic format, with Texas Pete, Bulk and Skeleton also joined by new villains. The theme song was replaced with a more American overture, and the show poked fun at all aspects of American culture, from the Grand Ole Opry to Star Wars. Only two of the original cast were used for this new series, with Victor Spinetti and Melvyn Hayes returning to voice Texas Pete and Skeleton. Unlike the original, the series used digital ink and paint. In the UK, Mike Young and the BBC decided to rerecord the series to use the original voices of Derek Griffiths for SuperTed and Jon Pertwee for Spotty, which also resulted in some minor script changes. The episodes were also split into two parts, thus creating 26 10-minute stories, which resulted in the series not being broadcast until January 1990 on the BBC. It was repeated again twice in 1992 and 1993. Richard Scarry's Best Silly Stories And Songs Video Ever 2001 DVD. Title Date: August 23 1994. Huckle and Lowly are going to the Busytown Library. Their librarian Mr. Read-a-Lot picks out what kind of books Huckle likes to read. Mr. Read-a-Lot picks out the book called The Silly Storybook. Huckle and Lowly are about to read some in the park. They walk to the park. Then, when they got to the park, Huckle read three fun stories. He read the first story "Absent-Minded Mr. Rabbit", he read the second story "Mr. Fixit Fixes It", and he also read the third story "Pa Pig's New Car". Huckle responds to Lowly that these three stories would be beautiful to share these fun stories with all of Huckle's friends here in Busytown because these stories will know how they did that. But after the end of the third story, Pa Pig forgot to take his glasses again. Then Sally and Harry Pig wave goodbye and a power shovel shows the words "THE END". Fudge Direct-To-Video Tape Hit Program Titles Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Based On The Fudge Books By Judy Blume Richard Scarry's Best Sing-Along Mother Goose Video Ever 2002 DVD Singing Rhymes Nursery Bedtime: The series ran for two seasons, with 24 episodes following a telefilm adaptation of Blume's novel Fudge-a-Mania. Richard Scarry's Best Sing-Along Mother Goose Video Ever 2002 DVD. Title Date Here: August 23 1994. The video begins with the entire Busytown at night seen on birds-eye view. Then it goes on to Huckle Cat's house. At bedtime in Huckle's bedroom in his house, Mother Cat sings the nursery rhyme, "Little Jack Horner", on the Mother Goose book. Then Huckle sings the last line of the rhyme as Little Jack Horner himself. Mother Cat closes the book and tells Huckle that is enough Mother Goose for tonight. She tucks Huckle in bed and tells him it's time to go to sleep. But he doesn't want to go to sleep without Lowly. He asks Mother Cat if they can look for him some more. But Father Cat tells his son he's sure Lowly is around here somewhere, so he'll find him later. But right now, it's time for Huckle to go to sleep. He asks Mother Cat if she could sing just one more song (Starlight, Starbright). Mother Cat responds. Then she sings just one more. Then, Huckle says the last two lines of the lullaby. Then, she kisses Huckle good night. Huckle wishes he could find Lowly and dreams of himself dressed as a young emperor in a strange land at sunset that doesn't look like Busytown anymore. When he finds a golden crown on the ground he puts it on his head in between his two black pointy ears, he becomes Emperor Huckle and wonders if Lowly is here. Emperor Huckle looks around and calls for his friend. But he can't find him because it's getting late. So he has to start looking for him. While Emperor Huckle starts looking for Lowly, he stops to look at Empress Lily Bunny, Freddie Fox, Dennis and Patty Elephant playing London Bridge. Empress Lily asks Huckle if he wants to come and play with them. Huckle agrees to play, but maybe just for a little while. The Emperor gets caught by Dennis and Patty. After that, he tells Freddie, Lily, Dennis and Patty that was fun and they would like to play again. Huckle likes to, but right now had better look for his friend, Lowly Worm. He's lost. Huckle asks them where he is and thinks he's lost too. Patty tells him he's in Mother Goose Land. The Empress says it's the nicest place to be. She asks Huckle to stay and play with them some more. But Huckle really must find Lowly, then asks Lily if they've seen Lowly. She asks Huckle what Lowly looks like. He says he kind of looks like Lowly Worm. Patty, Dennis, Freddie and Lily haven't seen him and they are sorry. But Huckle guesses he'll have to keep looking. So he goes on his way while looking and calling for Lowly again. On the way, Huckle stops and looks at Mary and her little lamb, Fluffy. Mary tells Fluffy that it can't go with her to school today, so it has to stay here and be good while she's gone. But when the lamb follows Mary to school, the children at the playground laughed at them and Miss Honey is afraid. She tells Mary that she will have to take that lamb home again. Mary and Fluffy agree sadly. But she tells Mary that she can bring Fluffy in just this once to make it her show-and-tell for today. Huckle comes up to school, excuses Miss Honey and asks her if she's seen Lowly Worm, but she hasn't. She asks him if he’s in kindergarten, but he tells Miss Honey he isn’t. Then she's afraid she haven't seen him. She tells him to go and ask Old Mother Hubbard who lives just down the road. The Emperor agrees and heads on his way to Hubbard's house while still calling for his friend. At Hubbard's house, she goes to the cupboard to fetch poor Gerald Dog a bone. But when she gets there, it is bare and so poor Gerald had none. Hubbard goes to the fishmonger's, the grocer's and the cobbler's to buy some fish, fruit and shoes. But when she comes back to her house, Gerald licks the dish, plays the flute and reads the magazine. The magazine says "BIG SALE ON BONES." Suddenly, there's a knock at the door, she opens it. It was Huckle who misses his friend, Lowly Worm. Huckle tells Hubbard and Gerald he was wondering if they've seen his friend. Hubbard thinks of Lowly Worm and then asks Huckle what he looks like. Huckle tells her that he still kind of looks like Lowly Worm. Hubbard is sorry that she didn't seen him in the grocer's or the cobbler's. She would like to help Huckle look for him, but she has to go down to the butcher's shop, because they're having big sale on bones. So she and Gerald go down to the butcher's shop. Emperor Huckle guesses he'll have to keep looking for his friend again. And so, he goes on his way to keep looking for his friend again while still calling for his friend again. Little Bo Peep (Rhonda Raccoon) is looking and calling for her sheep. Some of her sheep's names are Fred, Ginger, Isabella, and Ferdinand. After the song, when Emperor Huckle looks for his friend Lowly, he bumps into Bo Peep. She tells him that she lost her sheep and she doesn't know where to find them. Emperor Huckle tells Bo Peep that he lost Lowly and he doesn't know where to find him either. Bo Peep tells the Emperor that they're behind that bush. The Emperor and Bo Peep look into the bush but they can't find them, so they called for her sheep and his friend again. But they still can't find them, because they're not here. Maybe her sheep are over there in that field. Bo Peep tells him she will go look over there and he'll go look up the road. So they had to split up to find them. Elsewhere in Mother Goose Land, Luis Cat plays the fiddle, the cow jumps over the moon (which is not seen in this video nor at the end), D.W. Dog laughs to see such sport, and the dish runs away with the spoon. Meanwhile, Emperor Huckle keeps looking and calling for his friend Lowly and does not watch where he is going. The dish and the spoon trip over his foot and doesn't ask if they've seen Lowly, but they’re excused and kind of in a rush, because they're late for dinner and run off. Poor Emperor Huckle wanders off sadly that he'd lost his friend, dragging a small brown stone in the road by kicking it with his foot. Little Miss Muffet (Mrs. Hippo) eats her curds and whey, when suddenly she sees a spider. Then she screams and runs away from the spider and bumps into Emperor Huckle with fright while she keeps running away. He thinks that the spider has seen Lowly Worm. He puts the crown back on his head, gets up and walks to see the spider, who sat down beside her and frightened her away. The spider doesn't know why Miss Muffet has a problem with him. He's really a very nice fellow. The Emperor is sure the spider is. He looks lost. The spider asks him how he can help him. Emperor Huckle is looking for his friend, Lowly Worm. He asks the spider if he's seen him go past here. The spider hasn't, but he did see all the king's horses and men run by. He guesses Humpty Dumpty must have fallen off the wall again and they can't put him back together. Huckle thanks the spider and sets off to keep looking for Lowly again by calling, "Lowly! Lowly!" But it's getting late again. Emperor Huckle stops to look in the window of the Three Little Kittens' house and sees Mary Mouse who runs up and down the clock. He doesn't ask her if she's seen Lowly. After that, she says she's got to get the clock fixed. The Emperor wonders if there's anyone home. Then he hears sad meows and goes up to the backyard of the house. They were the Three Little Kittens (Kathy, Quincy, and Abby Cat) in their backyard. While Mother Kitten is hanging up the wet clothes, Emperor Huckle comes up to ask them what is wrong and he can help them. They’re sad because they’re missing their mittens...again. So they ask Huckle if he's seen them. But Huckle tells them he’s sorry and he hasn't seen them. Then he asks them if they have seen Lowly. He's lost him. They haven't because they have trouble at finding things, but the only thing they do is lose them. So they need help from him. If they don't find their mittens, they won't be able to have any more pie. But when he finds their mittens are in the bush, the Three Little Kittens are surprised and excited. Then they run to pull them out, put them on and thank him. Then they tell their mother they'd found their mittens. Mother Kitten is so surprised and glad then they should have some pie. She thanks Emperor Huckle for helping the Three Little Kittens find their mittens before letting them have some pie. She asks him if he would like to have some, but he can't, because he would like is to find his friend, Lowly Worm. So the Emperor asks Mother Kitten if she's seen Lowly too. She hasn't seen him yet. She tells Huckle to go down the road to the farm and talk to Little Boy Blue by the haystack. Emperor Huckle tells them he could ask him, but he has to go. So he goes on his way to the farm to find him. On his way to the farm, Emperor Huckle Cat and Little Bo Peep are calling for his friend (Lowly Worm) and her sheep (Fred, Ginger, Isabella and Ferdinand) when suddenly they bump into each other again. Bo Peep greets Emperor Huckle again. She guesses he hasn't found his friend yet and she hasn't found her sheep either. The Emperor tells Bo Peep he was just going to ask Little Boy Blue if he's seen Lowly. Maybe they could go to the farm and ask him about her sheep. When they got to the barn, they don't ask him if he's seen Lowly and her sheep. But he's fast asleep under the haystack and his feet are shown. Then, after the rhyme/song, Bo Peep found her sheep at last. She tells them where they have been. She was so worried about them. Then Bo Peep notices Little Boy Blue is still sleeping under the haystack. She tells her sheep they can't just run off like that. Her sheep have to watch where they're going as she leads them down the road. It looks like the poor Emperor will not find Lowly, and so he wanders off sadly. Old Woman lives in a shoe. She has so many bunny rabbit children but she doesn't know what to do. So, she calls them to line up by ringing the bell. Then she gives them some broth or soup without any bread and kisses them all soundly and put them to bed. After the song, she gives some soup to one of her children in named Betsy, which the Old Woman mistakes as Bonnie. Then, at last, she gives the last spoonful to one of her children and tells him he's off to bed. He is not one of her children. But his name is Emperor Huckle and he's looking for his friend, Lowly. The Emperor asks the Old Woman if she's seen him. She thinks of Lowly and then asks the Emperor if he is one of her children. Emperor Huckle doesn't think so, because Lowly is a worm. Then Old Woman definitely hasn't seen him. But she tells Huckle to go the town square and ask Wee Willie Winkie who knows where everybody is. Emperor Huckle thanks the Old Woman and gets on his way to the town square in Mother Goose Land. At 8 o'clock at night, Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town square in Mother Goose Land upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown while rapping at the window and crying through the lock, "Are there children all in bed for now it's 8 o'clock?" When Huckle reaches the town square after the rhyme, he asks Willie if he's excused. Willie is sorry, but he can't stop the talk. He has to make sure all the children are in the bed. Emperor Huckle sits on the front porch steps of one of the houses and Willie asks Huckle why isn't he in bed. Emperor Huckle was in bed, but now he's looking for his friend Lowly. He's lost. Willie thinks that's too bad. He'd like to help Huckle look for Lowly, but Willie hasn't finished his job here. He's sorry again, but he has to go. So he says goodbye and runs away to finish his job. Poor Emperor Huckle puts his paws on his cheeks, thinking that he'd lost his friend again while he hears Willie shouting, "Lights out! It's 8 o'clock! Time for bed!" Then Emperor Huckle is about to cry while he hears laughing. Then he looks up. The laughing is coming from the big castle. Maybe the people in the big castle will know where Lowly is, Emperor Huckle thinks. It belongs to Old King Cole. And so, Huckle decides to go to see King Cole's party in his castle. At King Cole’s party in his castle, Emperor Huckle stops and sees Little Bo Peep, Gerald Dog who plays the flute, Luis Cat who plays the fiddle, D.W. Dog, the dish, the spoon, Little Miss Muffet, the spider and King Cole dancing. While they're dancing, King Cole calls for his pipe, his bowl, and his fiddlers three (The Piglets) by clapping his hands. After the rhyme/song, Emperor Huckle and King Cole applaud for them and he tells him that was fun. That's what they do in his castle. Then, King Cole asks Emperor Huckle if they want to play hide and seek. He'd love to, but he needs to find his friend Lowly. He asks King Cole if he's seen him. King Cole asks him Lowly is very long and thin, and wears a green hat, and one shoe... but he hasn't seen him. But if he does, he'll tell him Emperor Huckle's looking for Lowly because that's what he looks like. Emperor Huckle is so upset again, but Old King Cole tells him they haven't had their pie yet. King Cole asks him if he can stay for a piece of pie. Huckle likes to, but he has to find Lowly. Emperor Huckle accidentally goes into the kitchen and he thinks that this isn't the way out. Baker Fox greets him to come in that he is just in time, so he can help him take the pie in to Old King Cole. Suddenly, a blackbird pops out of the pie. Baker Fox tells the blackbird to get back into the pie, because it's supposed to be a surprise. So Emperor Huckle and Baker Fox take the pie with 4-and-20 blackbirds in to King Cole at his party. Meanwhile, Lowly Worm appears from the outside kitchen window and jumps onto the table then into the bag of flour, pops up from the bag and he's all covered with flour, and makes the surprise pie for Emperor Huckle in the kitchen. After Emperor Huckle and Baker Fox take the blackbird pie to King Cole at his party, he opens the pie and there are blackbirds everywhere. King Cole is very pleased. Then he greets Huckle again and asks him if he's found his friend Lowly. Huckle says no. But he tells King Cole that he looked everywhere and asked everybody in Mother Goose Land, and nobody can help him. King Cole asks Huckle if he has asked Mother Goose. If anyone can help him, it's Mother Goose herself. She knows everything that goes on in Mother Goose Land. Huckle asks King Cole how he will find her. King Cole tells Huckle to come with him and they go outside the castle. She comes out of the sky after Emperor Huckle and King Cole called Mother Goose her by saying the magic words: "Higgledy Piggledy, pudding and pie! Come, Mother Goose, from out of the sky!" and she greets to Huckle. She asks Huckle he called her. Huckle guesses he did. He asks Mother Goose to help him find his friend Lowly Worm. She agrees. They'll look for him together. Emperor Huckle climbs onto her back, she carries him to the sky for home, and King Cole waves and says good-bye to Huckle and he shouts goodbye back. All on his way home, they see the cow who jumped over the moon (Mother Goose thinks that was the highest jump yet), Wee Willie Winkie who checks all the children are in bed, but he should be in bed too, Little Boy Blue who finally woke up blowing his horn, but now is the time he should be sleeping, the Three Little Kittens who lost their mittens again, but Mother Goose is sure they will find them, and Mary's little lamb fast asleep. But Emperor Huckle asks Mother Goose where Lowly is. Mother Goose looks down and shouts, "There he is! There's Lowly!". But when Huckle wakes up from his dream, he sees Mother Cat who answers him Lowly's right here and they had found him, because he's been in the house all along. Huckle thanks her. When Lowly Worm who arrives home from the kitchen at King Cole's castle in Mother Goose Land to Huckle Cat's bedroom at his house in Busytown, Father Cat tells Huckle he's been making him a surprise pie. Huckle is so glad and thanks Lowly. Lowly dusts off the flour while he gives it to Mother Cat. Then she puts the surprise pie here in the window tonight, and the family will all have a piece tomorrow. Then Father Cat kisses Huckle goodnight and tucks him in his bed. Then Mother Cat tucks Lowly in his bed too and takes his hat off. Then she sings a lullaby (Sleep, Baby, Sleep) as Huckle and Lowly go to sleep. Father Cat joins in too. During the last four lines of the lullaby, we pan to the left to the bedroom window with the surprise pie and fade to the outside of the bedroom window of Huckle's house as the blackbirds fly out of the pie. After that, we fade to the entire Busytown at night seen on birds-eye view to the stars in the sky. Then, they form into words "THE END". Furchester Hotel Direct-To-Video Sesame Workshop Program Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Spin-Off Of Sesame Street Six Richard Scarry DVDs From 2001 A BBC Between The Lions Tape Seen On PBS Kids: Set in the titular hotel, the series stars a monster family that runs the hotel: father Furgus Fuzz, mother Funella Furchester and daughter Phoebe Furchester-Fuzz. Elmo appears in the series as Phoebe's cousin, who is taking an extended stay at the hotel due to his fascination with it. Cookie Monster appears as the room-service and dining room waiter. Other characters include Isabel, a character with a bell in her head for the guests to ring, Gonger, the hotel chef and Harvey P. Dull, a long-term guest of the hotel. Genre VHS Show Tape Thunderstorm EP/SLP Heigh-Ho 1993 Means No Swimming The ABC Song Afternoon Sing I Love You Ho So Mall Walk And Games: Too stormy to be outside there probably stay inside sweet those did top mall walk and games. Boulevard, Outlet, Walden, Guess That Logo, Food Logo, Song, Band, plus other sorts of fun games. Swim got cancelled, but instead: gym. "Yo Ho" was removed to "The Dwarfs' Yodel Song" instead. With Brian Cummings in voice-over: "Be Sure To Stay Tuned For More Disney Sing Along Fun." No previews in the beginning, promo in the end. Sing-along Songs 1993 Promo for it. ABC afternoon simply around the world. Here come the letters for ABC for today. Same A, Same B, Same C for now. Kevin was glad ABC was there for today. Kevin says Good Afternoon to ABC for Now I Know for The ABC Song for the first ABC Song appearance. Mrs. Walter To Kevin Singing: "Y And Z". Sung that song over from 12:00 PM to 5:57 PM for Now I Know while Kevin wasn't participating. "Sing It Again, Puppets!" Sung the song over then over then over simply it. Sung that over Kevin wasn't listening to here at all. Sung it over couple of times from it to that. Sung that song over simply it. Here at 5:00 the final appearance. Kevin To Mrs. Walter Going: ABC Song One More Time. Then at 5:57 means time to sing it final time before ABC Bye-Bye. "Sing........ With........ Me. We're All Done." Kevin To Mrs. Pordan Waving: ABC Song Is All Done. Here at 5:58 Kevin calls his letters time to say goodbye. "Letters, It's Time To Say Goodbye." So at 5:59 was ABC Bye-Bye head back to Letterland they'll sing it again real soon. From January to December simply it for now different kinds of weather possibly to do that. So at 6:00 will be time to sing I Love You. Mrs. Walter To Kevin: We're A Happy Family. Genre VHS Show Tape Title Program SP Mode Fun Onscreen Letters With Different Lyric For Alphabet Song Fun: Play any tape for SP mode for it fun as it did to do that probably. Some onscreen letters were on the top of the screen to sing along. Different lyric comes after Y And Z to sing it. But with same words based on fun ABC Song afternoons but a different lyric for Alphabet Song instead. "Everybody Ready? Sing It With Us. Sure. Ha!" Genre VHS Show Tape Cloudy Day White Square No Rectangles For Arthur Season 7 Mall Walk And Games Cold Do Pants The Alpha Baa Baa Twinkle: White square no rectangles cloudy day first reminds here as it did for Arthur Season 7 from Cast Away to April 9th 2-part story some stories here like The Great Sock Mystery, Francine's Split Decision, Ants In Arthur's Pants, D.W.'s Time Trouble, Muffy Goes Metropolitan, Don't Ask Muffy, Pick A Car, Any Car, Is There A Doctor In The House, Buster's Amish Mismatch, The World Of Tomorrow, Return Of The Snowball, Elwood City Turns 100 2-part story, Jenna's Bedtime Blues, Waiting To Go, and To Tibble The Truth. Too cold to be outside there probably stay inside sweet those did top mall walk and games. Boulevard, Outlet, Walden, Guess That Logo, Food Logo, Song, Band, plus other sorts of fun games. Genre VHS Show Tape Thunderstorm VHS With Rectangles White Square Mall Walk And Games Zero Bowling Days Tape The Alpha Baa Baa Twinkle: Nine rectangles on that top and bottom Thursday May 23 2019 there are zero bowling days because of heavy rain too yucky to be outside there probably stay inside sweet those did top mall walk and games. Boulevard, Outlet, Walden, Guess That Logo, Food Logo, Song, Band, plus other sorts of fun games. Genre VHS Show Tape Title Program No Words On Top 87 Down Below Park Walk For Steps Show Do Swing The Alpha Baa Baa Twinkle: No words on top, 87 down below, Kevin takes park walks for Steps. Genre VHS Show Tape Title Program Hit Credits Of Great Videos From 1976-1994 Go To Pineview Tape A VHS Play John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Full A Steady March Pretend Library Softer Loud Key Of F Major Hit The Alpha Baa Baa Twinkle: This is the last title to have the end credits 1976-1994 together. Starting December 1994 with, these videos from 1976-1994 words of credits have to go to Pineview together to go play John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet his name which begins with J starting January 1995-present together: Shawn, Min, and Kenneth singing same song loudly librarian Kathy asked them to sing a little quieter because Barney and his friends are still trying to read here in a pretend library 28 letters, 36 notes, 4 words, 8 syllables, 32 words for lyrics, 8 Da's key of F Major. Fun line His Name Is My Name, Too that lyric would go Wherever I Go Out, The People Always Shout There Goes his name Kevin learned that from loud to quieter then the eight Da's could go for now Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Kevin learned that in the song were Shawn, Min, and Kenneth singing same song loud librarian Kathy hushes them asks them to sing a little quieter because Barney and his friends are trying to read here in a pretend library singing special song loud then quieter and quieter and quieter then softer and softer Kevin learned that there are 28 letters, 8 super-dee-duper syllables, 36 notes, 32 words for lyrics key of F Major he replies to that song reminds of parades simply as those did full a steady march. Genre VHS Show Tape Title Program Hit Credits Of Great Videos From 1995-present Scroll Up VHS DVD Program During End Credits For VHS DVD Program Tape Title Program TV Show Fun Show Hits Tape In Title The Alpha Baa Baa Twinkle: This is the first title to have the end credits 1995-present together. Captain Kangaroo Direct-To-Video From View-Master Video The Creator Of Kidsongs VHS Tapes, CDs, Cassettes And DVDs: The show was conceived by Bob Keeshan, who also played the title character "Captain Kangaroo", and who based the show on "the warm relationship between grandparents and children". Keeshan had portrayed the original Clarabell the Clown on NBC's The Howdy Doody Show during the network's early years. Captain Kangaroo had a loose structure, built around life in the "Treasure House" where the Captain (the name "kangaroo" came from the big pockets in his coat) would tell stories, meet guests, and indulge in silly stunts with regular characters, both humans and puppets. Keeshan performed as the Captain more than 9,000 times over the nearly 30-year run of the show. Frontline Direct-To-Video Program VHS Tape Do Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Show By WGBH Boston: The program debuted in 1983, with NBC anchorwoman Jessica Savitch as the show's first host, but Savitch died later after the first-season finale. PBS NewsHour's Judy Woodruff took over as host in 1984, and hosted the program for five years, combining her job with a sub-anchor place on The MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour when Jim Lehrer was away. In 1990, episodes of Frontline began airing without a host, and the narrator was left to introduce each episode. Nova Direct-To-Video 60 Minutes Tape Do Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Produced By WGBH Boston: Nova often includes interviews with scientists doing research in the subject areas covered and occasionally includes footage of a particular discovery. Some episodes have focused on the history of science. Zobilee Zoo Direct-To-Video Tape Program Show Do Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Produced By SFM Entertainment: Each episode is opened by a greeting from host Ben Vereen, dressed as a spotted snow leopard, who plays the mayor of Zoobilee Zoo. Speaking directly to viewers that he refers to as "Zoobaroos", Vereen usually appears throughout each episode to summarize the main themes or to perform a song and dance. The plot in each episode revolves around the main characters, called Zoobles, as they play together and encounter difficulties common to young children. The primary themes are cooperation, making friends, and creativity. Animal Crackers Direct-To-Video Cinar And Alphanim: The show that tells about a group of anthropomorphic animals that live in a fictional jungle in Africa called Freeborn. George Martin Direct-To-Video BBC TV VHS Program UK From 1998: George Martin hosts a musical tape In My Life. Song Factory Direct-To-Video Chip's Musical Challenge The Game Hosted By Chip In Voiceover Fun Instructions From Chip: The series centers around a factory where music is created. In it, live presenters alongside children come inside and sing a number of nursery rhymes, which depend on per episode. In this game, help Chip follow the music patterns from the objects. He's a white teacup in voiceover three backside teacups, one blue harp. Charlie Brown And Snoopy Show Direct-To-Video VHS Volumes From Kartes Video Communications Paramount Fully Animated: The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show is one of the few television series produced by Bill Melendez, whose animation studio generally produced specials. Kino's Storytime Direct-To-Video PBS Top Program VHS Produced By KECT Los Angeles Distributed By Strand Home Video And Video Treasures: It was co-hosted by Anne Betancourt as Lucy, Marabina Jaimes as Mara and Kino, voiced and performed by puppeteer Mark Ritts. Conrad Bloom Direct-To-Video 1998 Sesame Street Version TV NBC Program Hit Wee Sing Together 2004 DVD: The show is centered around Conrad Bloom, a copywriter in New York City, looking for love whilst trying to pursue his career. Conrad has to deal with the women in his life: A mother, a sister, an ex-girlfriend still harboring feelings for him, a boss and a co-worker. Conrad balances work, life, friends and family whilst trying to remember that love is out there. Conrad Bloom, a Marco Pennette-created sitcom, aired on NBC from September to December 1998. Despite its cancellation, stars Mark Feuerstein and Linda Lavin later reunited for the CBS series 9JKL in 2017. The show, centered around NYC copywriter Conrad Bloom, explores the delicate balance between love, career, and family. Wee Sing Together 2004 DVD. Title Date In This: October 15 1985. Sally gets a surprise when her two favorite stuffed animals, Melody Mouse and Hum Bear who are best friends, magically come to life and take her and her little brother, Jonathan, and their dog, Bingo, to the magical Wee Sing Park to meet a marching band and celebrate her birthday party with their friends. They sing, dance, and learn how to conquer their fears when a storm hits. King Of Queens Direct-To-Video 1998 Sesame Street Version NBC Program King Cole's Party 2004 DVD Program: The show exhibits undertones of the original 1950s TV production The Honeymooners, starring Jackie Gleason and Audrey Meadows. Doug (Kevin James) and Carrie Heffernan (Leah Remini) are a middle-class couple living at "3121 Aberdeen St." in Rego Park, Queens, New York, along with Carrie's father, Arthur Spooner (Jerry Stiller). Doug works for the fictional International Parcel Service (IPS) as a delivery driver, while Carrie works as a legal secretary in Manhattan. Their lives are plagued by the demands of Arthur; so much so that they eventually hire Holly, a professional dog walker, to spend time with him as she walks dogs in the park. Doug Heffernan represents the "everyman" with his love of sports, TV, eating tons of food, and his wife. His constant deceit and schemes through various situations leave him humiliated as his plans backfire. Also featured on the show are Doug's friends Deacon Palmer (Victor Williams), Spence Olchin (Patton Oswalt), and Richie Iannucci (Larry Romano), as well as Doug's cousin Danny Heffernan (played by James' real-life brother Gary Valentine). Deacon's wife Kelly (Merrin Dungey) is Carrie's best friend, having met through the relationship her husband has with Deacon Palmer. Most scenes take place in the Heffernans' home, but other common locations include Doug and Carrie's workplaces, the restaurant/pub "Coopers", and the residences of friends and family. While locations seen during the opening montage were filmed in areas around New York including the Empire State building, the Statue of Liberty and Sbarro Pizza, the series was filmed in California. The series begins after Doug and Carrie have been married for 3 years, and how they met is somewhat unclear due to continuity issues. In one flashback episode, "Meet By-Product", Doug meets Carrie while he is a bouncer at a nightclub that Carrie attends. However, in another episode, "Road Rayge", Carrie reflects on a song that she says Doug asked her to dance to when they were in junior high school. King Cole’s Party 2004 DVD. Title Date In This: August 11 1987. Jack, Jill, Mary, and Little Boy Blue journey toward King Cole's palace to join him and his other subjects in celebrating 100 years of peace in the kingdom, bringing various gifts: a kitten, a pair of mittens, and a fuzzy blanket, among other things. The main message is that the best gifts come from the heart, but it also teaches the importance of helping others and using good manners. Costello Direct-To-Video 1998 Sesame Street Version Fox Program Grandpa's Magical Toys 2004 DVD: The series was about an Irish-American family in South Boston. The central character is Sue Murphy (Sue Costello), a barmaid who has broken up with her boyfriend and is trying to improve herself, despite the incomprehension of her blue-collar family. Grandpa’s Magical Toys 2004 DVD. Title Date In This: July 12 1988. A young boy named Peter and his two friends, David and Sara, visit his grandfather and discover his many toys and their secrets, all in the search of a missing music box key that he misplaced. When he leaves the room, the kids shrink down and the toys come to life. This story encourages children, teenagers, and adults alike that no matter how old you are on the outside or body type you have, you'll always be young at heart. Charmed Direct-To-Video 1998 Sesame Street Version WB Program Wee Sing In Sillyville 2004 DVD: The series narrative follows a trio of sisters, known as The Charmed Ones, the most powerful good witches of all time, who use their combined "Power of Three" to protect innocent lives from evil beings such as demons and warlocks. Each sister possesses unique magical powers that grow and evolve, while they attempt to maintain normal lives in modern-day San Francisco. Keeping their supernatural identities separate and secret from their ordinary lives often becomes a challenge for them, with the exposure of magic having far-reaching consequences on their various relationships and resulting in a number of police and FBIinvestigations throughout the series. The series initially focuses on the three Halliwell sisters, Prue (Shannen Doherty), Piper (Holly Marie Combs), and Phoebe (Alyssa Milano). Wee Sing In Sillyville 2004 DVD. Title Date In This: October 3 1989. Two kids named Laurie and Scott, along with their dog friend, Barney, magically enter their coloring book to help Sillywhim resolve the townspeople's differences. They encounter the four yellow Spurtlegurgles, the three blue Twirlypops, the two green Jingleheimers and a group of green Fruggy Frogs. They also assist a family of red Bitty Booties, and Purple Pasha and her menagerie. The primary message is that being different should never be a barrier to being friends. Hyperion Bay Direct-To-Video 1998 Sesame Street Version The Best Christmas Ever 2004 DVD: The series centers around Dennis Sweeny (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) who, after a successful career in the computer software business, returns home to open a local division for the company he works for. The series follows the drama when the new meets the old in the little coastal town of Hyperion Bay, California. The Best Christmas Ever! 2004 DVD. Title Date In This: December 10 1990. Just five days before Christmas, when Poofer the Elf tries to help his best friend Gusty the Elf, he gets lost and winds up in the home of the Smiths, a loving family, and meets their caroling neighbors as well. He and the Smiths journey to the North Pole in an effort to aid Gusty, who has grown unexceptionably clumsy. After the elves and even Santa Claus himself wrestle with the issue, Susie realizes what's wrong - Gusty needs a new pair of glasses. This story encourages children to wear glasses, but also has subtle messages about cultural diversity, helping others, the importance of working together and wearing a seat belt and helmet while traveling, and that an adoptive family can be as close and loving as any other. Power Play Direct-To-Video 1998 Sesame Street Version The Big Rock Candy Mountains 2004 DVD Hit Program: The show starred Michael Riley as Brett Parker, a former New York City sports agent who became the general manager of a (fictional) National Hockey League franchise, the Hamilton Steelheads. One of the throughline plots of the series dealt with Parker's ongoing love–hate relationships with the sport, the team and his superior at McArdle Industries, corporate executive Colleen Blessed, played by Kari Matchett. The cast also included Gordon Pinsent as team owner Duff McArdle, Jonathan Crombie, Jennifer Dale and Al Waxman. The show's theme song was a modernized version of the Stompin' Tom Connors classic, "The Hockey Song", performed partly by Connors himself, and then transitioning to the performance of the band Rusty. The Big Rock Candy Mountains 2004 DVD. Title Date In This: May 14 1991. When her friends, Debbie and Eric can't agree on what game to play, and now that they're gone, a young girl named Lisa and her stuffed animals, Snoodle and Doodle, use their imaginations and go on a slide trip to the Big Rock Candy Mountains. They arrive where the inhabitants, Profster, Kaiso, and Felicity are awaiting their arrival. The Meecy Mice arrive late because of their issues with Little Bunny Foo Foo, who keeps hitting them on the head. Seven Days Direct-To-Video 1998 Sesame Street Version The Marvelous Musical Mansion 2004 DVD: The plot follows a secret branch of the US National Security Agency, which has developed a time travelling device based upon alien technology found at Roswell. As the opening of the show recounts, the Chronosphere, or Backstep Sphere, is capable of sending “one human being back in time seven days” to avert disasters. The show's title refers to the chief limitation of the technology, namely that a traveler can only backstep seven days due to limitations imposed by the device's fuel source and its reactor. As the fuel source is limited, there is a strict mandate that the backstep is confined to events relating directly to national security. The backstep team and the equipment are stationed in a base in a secret location somewhere in the desert of Nevadacalled Never Never Land—a play on Area 51, or Groom Lake Flight Test Facilities, also known as Dreamland. The Marvelous Musical Mansion 2004 DVD. Title Date In This: August 11 1992. Three kids named Alex, Kelly, and Benji and their Auntie Anabella go visit their Great Uncle Rubato in his Marvelous Musical Mansion where the music boxes come to life, the hat rack sings and dances, and the door knocker requires you to solve a riddle before you enter. However, in the darkness of the night, several small but important items vanish, requiring the children to locate the thief. Each segment teaches the viewer about musical theory or terminology. Guys Like Us Direct-To-Video 1998 Sesame Street Version The Wee Sing Train 2004 DVD UPN Program: The series is centered around bachelors Sean Barker (Hardwick) and Jared Harris (Robinson), and Jared's six-year-old brother Maestro (Maestro Harrell), who comes to live with them after Jared's father accepts a freelance position overseas. Now the two bachelors must give up some of their perks to develop their crude parenting skills. The show's premise, in which a younger sibling moves in with their older sibling after a parent gets a job overseas, would later be applied to the premise of two other sitcoms created by Dan Schneider, The WB sitcom What I Like About You and the Nickelodeon series iCarly. The Wee Sing Train 2004 DVD. Title Date In This: September 14 1993. Two kids named Casey and Carter are magically transported into the world of their toy train set and begin a journey through several very different locations. Along the route their friend, Tusky the Elephant, learns how to be careful and think things through. Mercy Point Direct-To-Video 1998 Sesame Street Version Under The Sea 2004 DVD UPN Program Hit Title: Set in the year 2249, Mercy Point revolves around doctors and nurses working in a hospital space station in deep space. The "state-of-the-art hospital" is described as "the last stop for anything going out, the first stop for anything coming back" by one of the show's characters. It is noted for existing on the "fringes of the galaxy", on a colony called Jericho. The facility includes advanced medical equipment, such as "artificial wombs, holographic three-dimensional X-ray projections [and] zero-gravity operating tables". A talking computer known as Hippocrates, voiced by series co-creator Trey Callaway, is shown as the primary method to monitor a patient's status. The doctors and nurses work on both human and extraterrestrial patients over the course of the series. In the series, the medical staff is referred to as "med-nauts". Despite the futuristic setting, the characters' clothing and hairstyles adhere to 1990s fashion trends. In Frank Garcia and Mark Phillips' book Science Fiction Television Series, 1990–2004, they compared the concept behind the show to James White's Sector General series, Murray Leinster's stories about a doctor who travels to different planets, and G. Harry Stine's book Space Doctor. Mercy Point's setting and filming style also received comparisons to the television medical drama ER; the series itself was promoted as "ER in space". Under The Sea 2004 DVD. Title Date In This: October 6 1994. An ambitious young boy named Devin and his grandmother find an enchanted conch shell that takes them to the ocean floor where they encounter many undersea creatures, including an underwater jazz band (which includes Ink, a multi-percussion band playing scatman octopus, and Spike, a bass-imitating beatnik pufferfish) and even Baby Ottie, a fuzzy baby sea otter. Along the way they help Weeber the lost penguin find his way back to the South Pole and help him be comfortable with his odd light blue color, which makes him different. This story also touches on the destructive effects of pollution. Soothing Musical Story Of Brambletown PBS Kids Program: Come join in with 2024 PBS Kids program tells a story about Fox and Badger together. This program seen on Friday July 26 2024 Kevin took his friends to Walden Galleria to explore the mall then went bowling together Kevin prepares a cookout outside there at Pineview with Mr. Jesse's friends plus BFFs friends together that day that Kevin’s friends Ma and Dub head to the Bisons game Kevin took Dad both ways to Pineview together. Sesame Street Beginner Book Video volumes seen in a category page will be Sesame Street Beginner Book Video Volumes From 1996 TV Program Sony Wonder TV VHS From 1996: Read with the gang six volumes here series featured stills from various Sesame Street books being narrated by a voice-over each tape features 2 fun stories words go with that cool paragraph plus in the end credits gang from Sesame Street reading. Modern Family Direct-To-Video ABC TV Program Produced By Lloyd-Levitan Picador Productions Steven Levitan Productions: The show follows the lives of three diverse family set-ups living in suburban Los Angeles, who are interrelated through their patriarch, Jay Pritchett. Lloyd and Levitan conceived the series while sharing stories of their own "modern families." Modern Family employs an ensemble cast and is presented in a mockumentary style, with the characters frequently speaking directly to the camera in confessional interview segments. The series was renewed for an eleventh and final season on February 5, 2019, which premiered on September 25, 2019. The series finale aired on April 8, 2020. Modern Family was highly acclaimed by critics throughout its first few seasons. Its critical reception became more mixed as it progressed. The final season received positive reviews, and the finale episode had 7.37 million first-run viewers. The retrospective documentary that aired before the final episode had 6.72 million first-run viewers. The show was awarded the Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series in each of its first five years and the Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series four times, twice each for Eric Stonestreet and Ty Burrell, as well as the Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series twice for Julie Bowen. It won a total of 22 Emmy awards from 75 nominations. It also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy in 2011. The broadcast syndication rights to the series were sold to NBC Universal's USA Network, the stations of Fox Television Stations, and various other local stations in other markets for a fall 2013 premiere. The success of the series led to it being the 10th-highest revenue-generating show for 2012, earning $2.13 million an episode. Summit Central Show Direct-To-Video Pineview With Mr. Phil Plus Pasta With Dub Quote Top Sony Hits: Come visit Summit Central from Monday to Friday fun it did with such a hit surprise. Five Dipsies Show Direct-To-Video A VHS Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 WNED PBS Channel 17: Five Dipsies from Numbers 5 India and Drum Dance Taiwan have five lines on their heads, 10 ears, five noses, five mouths, 10 arms, 10 hands, 5 televisions in their tummies turned off, 10 toes: the narrator counts: 1 Dipsy, another Dipsy appeared: 2 Dipsies, another Dipsy appeared: 3 Dipsies, another Dipsy appeared: 4 Dipsies, another Dipsy appeared: 5 Dipsies, then it came with 5 Dipsies say Eh-Oh. Five Pos Show Direct-To-Video A VHS Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 WNED PBS Channel 17: Five Pos from Flower Festival Spain have five circles on their heads, 10 ears, five noses, five mouths, 10 arms, 10 hands, 5 televisions in their tummies turned off, 10 toes: the narrator counts: 1 Po, another Po appeared: 2 Pos, another Po appeared: 3 Pos, another Po appeared: 4 Pos, another Po appeared: 5 Pos, then it came with 5 Pos say Eh-Oh. Five Tinky Winkies Show Direct-To-Video A VHS Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 WNED PBS Channel 17: Five Tinky Winkies from Go Karts Morocco have upside-down triangles on their heads, 10 ears, five noses, five mouths, 10 arms, 10 hands, 5 televisions in their tummies turned off, 10 toes: the narrator counts: 1 Tinky Winky, another Tinky Winky appeared: 2 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared: 3 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared: 4 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared: 5 Tinky Winkies, then it came 5 Tinky Winkies say Eh-Oh. Five Laa-Laas Show Direct-To-Video A VHS Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 WNED PBS Channel 17: Five Laa-Laas from Indian Dance India and Balancing Pots South Africa have five twirls on their heads, 10 ears, five noses, five mouths, 10 arms, 10 hands, 5 televisions in their tummies turned off, 10 toes: the narrator counts: 1 Laa-Laa, another Laa-Laa appeared: 2 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared: 3 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared: 4 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared: 5 Laa-Laas, then it came with 5 Laa-Laas say Eh-Oh. Eight Pos Show Direct-To-Video Picking Mandarins From Spain WNED PBS Channel 17 Four For Top Bottom: Eight Pos Show where the narrator counts Po four on top plus also the bottom together. Eight Pos did with Picking Mandarins from Spain: 4 on top, 4 on the bottom, 8 circles on their heads, 16 ears, 16 eyes, 8 noses, 8 mouths, 8 televisions on their tummies turned off, here 16 toes, here and 16 knees, the narrator counts: Po appeared there, 1 Po, another Po appeared: 2 Pos, another Po appeared: 3 Pos, another Po appeared there: 4 Pos, another Po appeared there: 5 Pos, another Po appeared there: 6 Pos, another Po appeared there: 7 Pos, another Po appeared there: 8 Pos, then 8 Pos say Eh-Oh. Four Laa-Laas Show Direct-To-Video Titles Tape Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Two With Top Bottom: Four Laa-Laas can be seen it for now from Idlis (India) Sandwich (India) 2 on top, 2 on the bottom, 4 twirls on their heads, 8 ears, 8 eyes, 4 noses, 4 mouths, 4 televisions on their tummies turned off, here 8 toes, here and 8 knees, the narrator counts: Laa-Laa appeared there, 1 Laa-Laa, another Laa-Laa appeared: 2 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared: 3 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared there: 4 Laa-Laas, then 4 Laa-Laas say Eh-Oh. Four Tinky Winkies from Sign Painting Taiwan: 2 on top, 2 on the bottom, 4 upside-down triangles on their heads, 8 ears, 8 eyes, 4 noses, 4 mouths, 4 televisions on their tummies turned off, here 8 toes, here and 8 knees, the narrator counts: Tinky Winky appeared there, 1 Tinky Winky, another Tinky Winky appeared: 2 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared: 3 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared there: 4 Tinky Winkies, then 4 Tinky Winkies say Eh-Oh. Ten Laa-Laas Show Direct-To-Video For VHS WNED PBS Channel 17: Ten Laa-Laas from Ehru Fiddle Taiwan 10 twirls on their heads, 20 eyes, 10 noses, 10 mouths, 10 knees, 10 ears, 10 toes, 10 televisions in their tummies turned off, 10 mittened hands altogether, the narrator counts: 1 Laa-Laa, another Laa-Laa appeared: 2 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared: 3 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared: 4 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared: 5 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared: 6 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared: 7 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared: 8 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared: 9 Laa-Laas, another Laa-Laa appeared: 10 Laa-Laas, then 10 Laa-Laas say Eh-Oh. Ten Tinky Winkies Show Direct-To-Video For VHS WNED PBS Channel 17: Ten Tinky Winkies from Mechanical Toys South Africa 10 upside-down triangles on their heads, 20 eyes, 10 noses, 10 mouths, 10 knees, 10 ears, 10 toes, 10 televisions in their tummies turned off, 10 mittened hands altogether, the narrator counts: 1 Tinky Winky, another Tinky Winky appeared: 2 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared: 3 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared: 4 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared: 5 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared: 6 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared: 7 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared: 8 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared: 9 Tinky Winkies, another Tinky Winky appeared: 10 Tinky Winkies, then 10 Tinky Winkies say Eh-Oh. Sarah Cartwheel Fun Adventures Of Jane Tuesday Direct-To-Video Show Of Suspense With Fun Hit Show Mystery: Sarah do a cartwheel to a girl together simply a story with such a hit surprise. The series was created and produced by Adam Matalon, and starred Kyla Taub as Jane Tuesday, a seven-year old private detective, whose name is a riff on Joe Friday from Dragnet. The earliest segments involved Jane solving mysteries, which were often complicated by her brother, Billy (Taylor Matalon, the producer's son). Later segments were less narrative focused, and instead featured Jane Tuesday expounding on a topic, such as red or blue colored fruits. Jane Tuesday Show Direct-To-Video Do Clue Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Full In Fun Mystery: The series was created and produced by Adam Matalon, and starred Kyla Taub as Jane Tuesday, a seven-year old private detective, whose name is a riff on Joe Friday from Dragnet. The earliest segments involved Jane solving mysteries, which were often complicated by her brother, Billy (Taylor Matalon, the producer's son). Later segments were less narrative focused, and instead featured Jane Tuesday expounding on a topic, such as red or blue colored fruits. Now With Bill Moyers Direct-To-Video Program Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 TV Talk Show Host: First airing in January 2002, and originally called Now with Bill Moyers, the program was launched as a collaboration between NPR news and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). The program featured documentary reporting, interviews and commentary on current events. Bill Moyers served initially as sole host of the program while NPR reporters and commentators produced individual segments for the hour long-program. In the autumn of 2003, David Brancaccio was introduced as a co-host. In 2004, Kenneth Tomlinson, the Chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, paid an outside consultant $14,000 to watch NOW with Bill Moyers and analyze the politics of the show. The study was not approved by the CPB. After the study became public in 2005, the CPB-funded NPR, among other organizations, criticized the resulting study as being full of errors and a waste of money. In the summer of 2004 the Corporation for Public Broadcasting announced that it would no longer provide funding for Now. Moyers subsequently announced that he would leave the show after the 2004 U.S. elections and appeared for the last time on December 17, 2004. After his departure, the show was reduced to a half hour. Maria Hinojosa was credited as a senior correspondent for the show while presenting many investigative pieces. She and Brancaccio became the only two presenters and usually alternated segments. In November 2009 it was announced that the program had been canceled, and its last episode aired on April 30, 2010. DIY Science Time Direct-To-Video TV PBS Kids Program From 2021 Kids Love Fun Science: Come join in with full of science experiments fun it did with such a hit surprise. No Those Places Show Top Do Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Maya And Miguel Tapes, No Those Places Show Top Do Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Maya And Miguel Title that category page with such a hit surprise such a programming treasure garden, zoo, flower, toy. From Silly Songs album used from Sesame Street track 9 of 15 Love In The Junkyard there sung by Oscar such a country ballad that can't show how much he loves that in the garden, at the zoo, flower, or that toy. Such a reference with here in that ballad here in lyric chorus to do that together such a ballad with to do that together: The Biggest Pile Of Junk You've Ever Seen. That cool program Potluck Ballet Muffet Junkyard Dinner Great Sweet Moonlight girls learned that love can be such fun here at the school playground that jukebox that Miss Carlotta bought that Tiptie lip-synced that country ballad here Love In The Junkyard sung by Oscar such a country ballad track 9 of 15 here in Silly Songs to it with Clover in brackets: "See, Their Friends Are Having Dinner For Moonlight For Now. Speaking Of Some, I'll Tell You. Wait, Grouches Don't Love Here In A Garden. Yup, Love Some Animals. Could Not Do That. Miss Carlotta Taught This. True, Just Meet That. Yup, Very Often To It Just Now, But..." "Wait, Grouches Just Love With That Flower, No. Plus Also That Toy. Filling Up With Joy. Yes, Miss Carlotta's Right. Yes, Meet Us At Tiptie's Moonlight. Wait Till You Share. Play It, Boys!" "See, Grouches Love These Gardens And Zoos. Yup, They Also Taught Flowers And With Toys." "Yup, You're Right, Tiptie. That's A Big Pile Of Junk. Yup, Which Miss Carlotta Taught That. Come On, Tiptie, Let's Go To Miss Carlotta's Great Trip That Wonderful Dinner At The Moonlight." Catalogue number will be 7648, title date in this June 8 1997. Come play tape with for a fun moonlight, You’ll Find Out Just Exactly What I Mean, Cause My Love For You Is Bigger Than The Biggest Pile Of Junk You’ve Ever Seen. Just that sweet Oscar solo of that ballad 10 notes here in C Major then modulating to D Major plus special Oscar solo of that second verse of that ballad plus the instrumental break of that ballad D Major plus Oscar solo at the end here much much bigger. Gardens are pieces of the ground, some zoos are the animals with, flowers are great to show and smell with such a fun surprise, toys are great with great to share together. Key of C Major then D major here in that ballad here Norman Stiles and Christopher Cerf wrote that country ballad track 9 of 15 there sung by Oscar from album Silly Songs. No, Those Places I Just Could Not Put My Heart In, No, Those Places Somehow Just Would Never Do. But If You'll Meet Me In The Moonlight In The Junkyard, first verse of that ballad. Cause Things Like That Just Do Not Have The Power, To Make A Grouch's Heart Fill Up With Joy with second verse of that ballad together it did here in that ballad. You Got To Meet Me In The Moonlight In The Junkyard fun it did second verse of that ballad. And You'll Find Out Exactly What I Mean to it with here in that ballad. Straight to WYRK.com to listen to that ballad track 9 of 15 Love In The Junkyard there sung by Oscar used in cars, taxis, cabs, vans, motorboats, buses, motorcycles, trolleys, tugboats, jet planes, airplanes, boats, rowboats, trains. Remember, You Can Read More Maya And Miguel, In Their Adventures From Today's Show, With Books. Genre VHS Show Tape Todd Tubsie Top VHS Dancin' The Day Away Show Full Recorded Tape Extended Play Outstanding The Alpha Baa Baa Twinkle: Record that tape with then playback that tape for each show with for a hit recording. This 10th episode doesn't have the G in the end so instead the apostrophe. Five color letters with for that episode's theme: red D, yellow A, purple N, orange C, and blue E this program seen in Halloween 1997 spooks up. Genre VHS Show Tape Title Program SP Mode Fun Onscreen Letters With Different Lyric For Alphabet Song Fun: Play any tape with for each fun show sweet as it did such a hit surprise. For Alphabet Song the different lyric. Some onscreen letters were on the top of the screen to sing along. Different lyric comes after Y And Z to sing it. But with same words based on fun ABC Song afternoons but a different lyric for Alphabet Song instead. "Everybody Ready? Sing It With Us. Sure. Ha!" (FUN ALPHABET SONG PLAYS SINGING ALONG). "Sing With Me. That Was Fun." Outta Hit Tape From Random House Home Video Fun End Label 1984-1994 In Jane Tuesday PSA Tape With Shows Fun: Random House Home Video logo in the beginning, warning screen in the end, fun end label possibly from 1984 to 1994, this includes tapes from Wild West Cowboys Of Moo Mesa, The Berenstain Bears, Sesame Street, Richard Scarry, and Dr. Seuss four Jane Tuesday PSAs were used Tuesday February 26 2008. Fun Random House warning screen in the end: Duplication in whole or in part of this video cassette is prohibited. WARNING: Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution or exhibition of copyrighted works. The size of the text and/or font may vary depending on the tape. Sound Of Baby Version Writing A Song Heigh-Ho Clumsy Ballet From The Episode Sticks And Stones Teletubbies At Miss Candy's Duckieland From Show 4103 Show Programs A VHS The Ten Second Tidy: Laa-Laa was the boo shouter voices sound redubbed. Teletubbies at Miss Candy's Kevin took Ma to a blue rubber band place Kevin first see. To it windmill was about to stop spinning that means just in time for Sesame Street. Duckieland from show 4103 that plot will be "Baby Bear Writes A Story About Porridge King". Two sponsors on this: "F", 11. Genre VHS Show Tape Todd Tubsie Top VHS Dancin' The Day Away Show Full Recorded Tape Extended Play Outstanding The Alpha Baa Baa Twinkle: Record that tape with then playback that tape for each show with for a hit recording. This 10th episode doesn't have the G in the end so instead the apostrophe. Five color letters with for that episode's theme: red D, yellow A, purple N, orange C, and blue E this program seen in Halloween 1997 spooks up. Title VHS Show Program White Screen Show Ending Pineview With Mr. Phil Seeing Miss Angela With Sony Programs Dad's Birthday 2023 Sing-Along Songs Under The Sea 1990 VHS Tape What's The Name Of That Mister Rogers' Neighborhood: It is a white screen, sometimes followed by a tone, whether it be low pitched or high pitched. These started appearing on tapes from 1978 and finished up in as late as 2006. White background to it for now first said "Kevin Play Tape For Maple East" has that gift on Dad's birthday Friday April 21 2023 Kevin played Sing-Along Songs Under The Sea 1990 VHS that pink box has Sebastian, Ariel, undersea band title date in this May 18 1990 simply it's version 1 with vertical sticker label long version of Disneyland 35th Anniversary promo then 1990 title card then in the end Sing-Along Songs 1990 Promo (From Under The Sea). Title VHS Show Program Words On Top Blue Screen In The End Show Ending Pineview With Mr. Phil Seeing Miss Angela With Sony Programs Dad's Birthday 2023 Sing-Along Songs Under The Sea 1990 VHS Tape What's The Name Of That Mister Rogers' Neighborhood: Words on top, blue screen in the end. Blue background to it for now first said "Kevin Play Tape For Maple East" has that gift on Dad's birthday Friday April 21 2023 Kevin played Sing-Along Songs Under The Sea 1990 VHS that pink box has Sebastian, Ariel, undersea band title date in this May 18 1990 simply it's version 1 with vertical sticker label long version of Disneyland 35th Anniversary promo then 1990 title card then in the end Sing-Along Songs 1990 Promo (From Under The Sea). Title VHS Show Program World White And Black Screen Show Ending Pineview With Mr. Phil Seeing Miss Angela With Sony Programs Dad's Birthday 2023 Sing-Along Songs Under The Sea 1990 VHS Tape What's The Name Of That Mister Rogers' Neighborhood: White and black background to it for now first said "Kevin Play Tape For Maple East" has that gift on Dad's birthday Friday April 21 2023 Kevin played Sing-Along Songs Under The Sea 1990 VHS that pink box has Sebastian, Ariel, undersea band title date in this May 18 1990 simply it's version 1 with vertical sticker label long version of Disneyland 35th Anniversary promo then 1990 title card then in the end Sing-Along Songs 1990 Promo (From Under The Sea). Volunteer J-E-S-S-I-C-A Programming Title Tape Do Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 WNED PBS Channel 17 Dad's Birthday 2023 Sing-Along Songs Under The Sea 1990 VHS More Barney Songs Barney's Musical Scrapbook You Can Be Anything Barney Songs Hits: Join in the fun with J-E-S-S-I-C-A that's a girl name two S's, one C in her name. Wings Direct-To-Video NBC Program The Alphabet Song From Sing Along Grub Street Productions Paramount Network Productions: Brothers Joe and Brian Hackett own Sandpiper Air, a small single-plane airline on Nantucket Island. Their childhood friend, the beautiful Helen Chappel, runs the airport’s lunch counter. She has always been in love with elder brother Joe. Helen's dream is to play the cello in an orchestra and she attends auditions when not making sandwiches. Roy Biggins, the brothers' unscrupulous business rival, runs Aeromass, a larger airline in the same airport. Lowell Mather is the dimwitted airport mechanic, who maintains the planes for both Aeromass and Sandpiper. They are joined by an Italian immigrant, Antonio Scarpacci, who operates a taxi service and Fay Cochran, a sweet but scatterbrained widow who runs the Sandpiper ticket counter. Later in the series, Helen's snobbish older sister Casey moves to the island and becomes the unwitting object of Antonio's affections. She later becomes romantically involved with, and roommates with, Brian. Big Bird, Bob, Gordon, David, Hoots, Maria and kids sing The Alphabet Song from Sing Along to it sung about 128 times to it key of here E Flat Major. Caroline In The City Direct-To-Video Sitcom NBC TV Program Barron/Pennette Productions 3 Sisters Entertainment CBS Productions: Caroline Duffy (Lea Thompson), a cartoonist who lives in Manhattan, spends a lot of time with dates and lovers, and meddles in the lives of her friends and neighbors. In the pilot episode, she has broken up with Del Cassidy (Eric Lutes), who quickly finds another date. She hires Richard Karinsky (Malcolm Gets) to be her new colorist, and he pretends to be her new boyfriend during a dinner to prevent her from being embarrassed over Del's moving on. During the first season, Richard develops feelings for Caroline. Caroline's success as a cartoonist is displayed throughout the first season; her cartoon character gets a balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, she has a park dedicated to her in her native Peshtigo, Wisconsin, and she even has an offer for a cereal brand. When she was a child, she drew violent pictures of her brother Chris, and after dropping out of college, she started doodling at a copywriting job. It took less than five years for her cartoon to become nationally syndicated, and she even appeared on The Today Show. Towards the end of season one, Del proposes to Caroline. Richard is distressed by this, and searches for a new job. Although Richard has kept his feelings secret, their friends Annie Spadaro (Amy Pietz) and Remo (Tom La Grua) figure out that he loves Caroline. The day before the wedding, Richard writes her a love letter where he asks Caroline to meet him at Remo's if she loves him. He leaves the letter in a pile of wedding thank-you cards. Caroline arrives at Remo's but does not mention the letter, and continues with the wedding plans. Richard decides to leave Manhattan. When Caroline and Del call off the wedding, Caroline visits Richard's apartment but he has left. In the second season, Richard returns to Manhattan after having been in Paris where he had tried to sell paintings. Caroline gives the thank-you cards to a friend; Richard tries to find and destroy the love letter; he tosses it out of the window, only to have Annie find it. He resumes his old job as Caroline's colorist. Later, Caroline discovers that she has feelings for Richard; however, Richard has reunited with his former girlfriend Julia, whom he met in Manhattan. Caroline leaves a message on his answering machine telling him that she loves him, but Julia discovers it and erases it. Richard and Julia get married which prompts a bitter love triangle among the three. Richard eventually splits with Julia. Caroline and Richard eventually become a couple. However, they split after arguing over whether to have children; Richard learned that Julia had a child. In the final episode, which ends on an unresolved cliffhanger, Annie and Del are now in a new relationship, while Caroline is about to marry another man—her childhood friend Randy—when Richard shows up at the wedding. Delta Direct-To-Video ABC Program Perseverance Inc. Bungalow 78 Productions Universal Television Laa-Laa's Watering Can True Song Mary Mary Quite Contrary Dad's Birthday April 21 2020 Musical Dance With The Teletubbies Title Program: Burke portrays Delta Bishop, a young woman with dreams of writing and singing country music. She became a hairstylist at Mona's House of Hair, married Charlie Bishop and thought she had found happiness. After eight years of marriage, she became restless: she was eager to follow in the footsteps of her childhood idol, Patsy Cline, and become a country music star. She quits her job, leaves her husband and friends behind, and travels to Nashville, Tennessee. There, she finds an apartment over the garage of a home owned by her cousin, Lavonne Overton (Gigi Rice), and her husband, Buck (Bill Engvall). She also finds a job waiting tables at The Green Lantern, a local bar that hosts an amateur night which she believes that if she could sing her songs there, it could jumpstart her career. Burke, most popular for her role as Suzanne Sugarbaker on Designing Women, reportedly utilized her own singing talents for the role of Bishop, and dyed her familiar brunette hair blonde to play the role. The theme song was "Climb That Mountain High" by Reba McEntire which was not a charted single; the tune was featured on Reba's 1990 MCA album Rumor Has It. A watering can appears in Teletubbyland. Laa-Laa finds it and she waters some flowers who say: "Lovely water!", then a voice trumpet rises up and sings the nursery rhyme "Mary Mary Quite Contrary", Laa-Laa has fun watering flowers, then the Windmill spins and Laa-Laa says "Uh-oh!" and runs to the TV transmission. Right visitor story on Tuesday April 21 2020 Kevin played both programs first was that tape Dance With The Teletubbies he already played with that box has Sun Baby but Voice Trumpet but no windmill there Get Up And Dance that program from 1997 that day that birthday dad went to take Lucy to Love Your Dog they stayed with Taylor that birthday dad went back to Love Your Dog to take Lucy back home again. Tape intro Tinky Winky there in the beginning, Po was the boo shouter in the end. Laa-Laa dances ballet, Tinky Winky jumps up and down just for fun. Tinky Winky watches Larette tap-dancing in the garden with white tap shoes on, Dipsy watches children dancing. Green, Yellow, Red, Purple. Special magical event: tap-dancing teddy bear. From the beginning of that cool Follow The Leader Dance, Rolf Saxon states that Follow The Leader Dance in the US version. Voice Trumpet says Trot Trot repeatedly here instead of Trit Trot those cool fun same lines. This was fixed in the US version as there is now the TV receiver music playing when Tinky Winky says "Very tired" in the US version. There will be Daniel Tiger cake with that fantastic fork, full of rainbow cookies, there vanilla birthday brownies.

Summit Entertainment Show John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Barney Videotapes DVD Program 12:30 Walk 6:30 Walks WNED PBS Channel 17 Between The Lions Tape Seen On PBS Kids: Come visit Summit with Barney videotapes DVD program showing it out with such a hit surprise these viewers know which purple clamshell covers here of each Barney video and DVD white writing purple letters here of each Barney videotape plus also Barney DVD bonus features here of each Barney DVD with Baby Bop, B.J., and the kids in these Barney videos and DVDs. Play any Barney video or DVD white tape purple writing with favorite Barney songs. Barney Theme Song which tune of Yankee Doodle before Barney title card before it first started. Program starts with that stuffed animal Barney probably he or she will shout out his name. Whenever they're all done playing a tape probably might be time to sing I Love You. To the tune of This Old Man Barney sings that first verse with some kids hugging then joining second and final verse to this then it was just time to end this will be time for Barney to say goodbye stuffed animal Barney winks before ending that tape then the end credits featuring some fabulous stills then previews of the other videos from Barney. Kids love spelling out words of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet between singing it loudly and quieter and quieter and quieter and quieter and softer and softer and softer and softer his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet fun it did together simply a song which song reminds of parades for the melody with full a steady march. Kids love spelling out: J, O, H, N, J, A, C, O, B, J, I, N, G, L, E, H, E, I, M, E, R, S, C, H, M, I, D, T: these viewers can spell the song various different ways for words with each single letter. Come play for those teach the alphabet, counting, shapes, colors, weather, games, songs, and more. Plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major singing special song loud then quieter and quieter and quieter then softer and softer Kevin learned that there are 28 letters, 8 super-dee-duper syllables, 36 notes, 32 words for lyrics, 8 Da's between singing it loud and quiet key of F Major to play that different kinds of weather Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways here like he can listen to the song in Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saint Patrick's Day, Dad's birthday, Ma's birthday, Father's Day, Kevin's birthday, Mother's Day, Halloween, Christmas Eve, Veterans Day, Cinco De Mayo, Columbus Day, Valentine's Day, Arbor Day, Earth Day, April Fools Day, David's birthday, Ryan's birthday from North French, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Thanksgiving, Dub's birthday, Aunt Kathleen's birthday, Renarae's birthday, in the pool between the indoor pool and the outdoor pool, Labor Day, Allison's birthday party, Mr. Chapman's birthday, Miss Victoria's birthday, Miss Jamie's birthday, Mr. Teddy's birthday, Mr. Deon's birthday, in wind, in the rain, plus the sleet, also some hail, in the snow, plus sweet hurricane, snowy wintry blizzards, background music for stores, background music for malls, background music for restaurants, playgrounds, parks, waterslides, radios, cars, vans, motorboats, buses, airplanes, boats, garbage trucks, helicopters, minivans, jet planes, computers, TVs, countrysides, picnics, schools, roller coasters, scramblers, libraries, bakeries, subway trains, hotels, beach houses, oceans, lunchrooms, car shows, breakfast, lunch, dinner, farms, ponds, lakes, caves, forests, jungles, undersea adventures, bookstores, supermarkets, town halls, classrooms, offices, post offices, treehouses, castles, trolleys, motorcycles, bicycles, wagons, police cars, submarines, and toy shops fun line His Name Is My Name, Too that lyric would go Wherever I Go Out, The People Always Shout There Goes his name Kevin learned that from loud to quieter then the eight Da's could go for now Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Kevin learned that in the song were Shawn, Min, and Kenneth singing same song loud librarian Kathy hushes them asks them to sing a little quieter because Barney and his friends are trying to read here in a pretend library he replies to that song reminds of parades simply as those did full a steady march. That video here on Elmo's camcorder: Julia Plays John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that video Julia plays that song where Shawn, Min and Kenneth singing loudly then quieter librarian Kathy isn't just singing it she loves that song singing loud and quiet. Sweet fundings here of that program of tape not doing shows with from ending to beginning for each PBS program and PBS Kids program plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major. Used that song on the back cover here Riding In Barney's Car name begins with 'J'. That box shows that Barney was going to take Shawn, Kathy, Min, Kenneth (cameo with John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt from Are We There Yet), and Carlos for a car ride, despite Kenneth leaving before Carlos showed up. From Monday to Thursday line: When The School Is New. Possibly Friday simply When The Street Is New. This Christmas Kevin played Between The Lions tapes simply a surprise with seen on PBS Kids. Here Announcer Bunny program preview in the beginning PBS Kids logo with Dot in the end. Announcer Bunny here to show you what's coming up, next on Between the Lions! Announcer Bunny here, check out what's coming up, here on Between the Lions! Announcer Bunny here, don't touch that remote! Here comes Between the Lions! Please stay tuned to see what happens next on my favorite show. That's right, Between the Lions! So in the end for now he says... If you think that was fun, watch this! Segments in the show here like Sam Spud, Chicken Jane, Cliff Hanger, Word Doctor With Dr. Ruth Wordheimer, Gawain's Word, plus a few other segments here for it. So in the end here of some awesome Between The Lions tapes website promo from Click: There Are Games And Stories At The Between The Lions Website: Pbskids.org, Or America Online Keyword: PBS Kids.

Surprise Milk Cookies John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Pretend Library Steady March Come On Over To Barney's House Goodnight Moon And Other Sleepytime Tales B.J. And The Rockets: Come taste some of yummy cookies some milk uses Christmas now with go and see Santa. Kids love spelling out: J, O, H, N, J, A, C, O, B, J, I, N, G, L, E, H, E, I, M, E, R, S, C, H, M, I, D, T: these viewers can spell the song various different ways for words with each single letter. Come play for those teach the alphabet, counting, shapes, colors, weather, games, songs, and more. Plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major singing special song loud then quieter and quieter and quieter then softer and softer Kevin learned that there are 28 letters, 8 super-dee-duper syllables, 36 notes, 32 words for lyrics, 8 Da's between singing it loud and quiet key of F Major to play that different kinds of weather Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways here like he can listen to the song in Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saint Patrick's Day, Dad's birthday, Ma's birthday, Father's Day, Kevin's birthday, Mother's Day, Halloween, Christmas Eve, Veterans Day, Cinco De Mayo, Columbus Day, Valentine's Day, Arbor Day, Earth Day, April Fools Day, David's birthday, Ryan's birthday from North French, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Thanksgiving, Dub's birthday, Aunt Kathleen's birthday, Renarae's birthday, in the pool between the indoor pool and the outdoor pool, Labor Day, Allison's birthday party, Mr. Chapman's birthday, Miss Victoria's birthday, Miss Jamie's birthday, Mr. Teddy's birthday, Mr. Deon's birthday, in wind, in the rain, plus the sleet, also some hail, in the snow, plus sweet hurricane, snowy wintry blizzards, background music for stores, background music for malls, background music for restaurants, playgrounds, parks, waterslides, radios, cars, vans, motorboats, buses, airplanes, boats, garbage trucks, helicopters, minivans, jet planes, computers, TVs, countrysides, picnics, schools, roller coasters, scramblers, libraries, bakeries, subway trains, hotels, beach houses, oceans, lunchrooms, car shows, breakfast, lunch, dinner, farms, ponds, lakes, caves, forests, jungles, undersea adventures, bookstores, supermarkets, town halls, classrooms, offices, post offices, treehouses, castles, trolleys, motorcycles, bicycles, wagons, police cars, submarines, and toy shops fun line His Name Is My Name, Too that lyric would go Wherever I Go Out, The People Always Shout There Goes his name Kevin learned that from loud to quieter then the eight Da's could go for now Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Kevin learned that in the song were Shawn, Min, and Kenneth singing same song loud librarian Kathy hushes them asks them to sing a little quieter because Barney and his friends are trying to read here in a pretend library he replies to that song reminds of parades simply as those did full a steady march. Sweet fundings here of that program of tape not doing shows with from ending to beginning for each PBS program and PBS Kids program plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major. Used that song on the back cover here Riding In Barney's Car name begins with 'J'. That box shows that Barney was going to take Shawn, Kathy, Min, Kenneth (cameo with John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt from Are We There Yet), and Carlos for a car ride, despite Kenneth leaving before Carlos showed up. Come On Over To Barney's House. August 15 2000. The video begins with the season three intro of Barney & Friends before transitioning into the CGI depiction of Barney. From there, Barney surfs down a music note slide and then tells viewers on what they can expect in the video. It then cuts to a group of children creating a house for Barney made out of cardboard and various creative materials before transitioning into a full sized house that the viewers are transported to. Barney invites the viewer into his house. Having a feeling the viewer would be visiting, he baked some cookies for their arrival, which aren't finished baking however. He then starts showcasing a few other things inside his house such as his library and his paint by numbers painting. Eventually the doorbell rings and Barney finds Jill and Jeff at the door. Both the of the children are looking for BJ so they could practice for their rock and roll band BJ and the Rockets. They decide to look for BJ by taking the Upsy-Daisy elevator upstairs and into various rooms. While being unable to find him, they find other things in Barney's house, such as his Spin-the-Globe Radio. Suddenly, the doorbell rings and Barney finds Wee Willie Winkie at his door. Wondering if the children are in their beds due to him thinking it's eight o'clock, Barney assures him that his clock is broken. As Wee Willie Winkie leaves, BJ arrives. Smelling the cookies Barney is baking, BJ has a desire for a snack. While the cookies are still baking, they decide to eat pickles, which is BJ's favorite snack. After they finishing eating, Baby Bop arrives. She wipes some pickle juice off of BJ's mouth with her blankey. Noticing her blankey now smells like pickles, Barney mentions that he can wash it as it's one of the chores he was going to do. Baby Bop decides to help Barney with his chores by watering his Every Fruit Tree and other flowers. As the flowers grow, they make Baby Bop begin to sneeze everywhere, which eventually leads her to sneeze in a big pile of tissues that leads to a mess all over Barney's living room. Barney begins to vacuum the mess which prompts BJ, Jeff and Jill to go upstairs to the Music Room. In the Music Room, BJ plays the drums, Jeff plays the guitar and Jill plays the keyboard, all in the band BJ and the Rockets. BJ then gets the idea to invent a new song and dance with a new sound. The trio then notices a blue jay outside the window who wants to be in their band. Back downstairs, Barney and Baby Bop have cleaned up. Eventually, the doorbell rings and BJ finds Jack and Jill asking for a pale to fetch some water. While not being careful, they fall down, hence losing the bucket BJ gave them. Barney eventually comes back to inquire about band practice, only to find out that they need help in finding types of dances. Barney leads them to his computer where they find Murray the Web-Surfing Mouse, who tells them about different kinds of dances. Baby Bop then gives them the idea of doing ballet for their new dance, leading to a sequence of Baby Bop dancing at a ballet class. With the exception of Barney, everyone goes back upstairs to practice. The doorbell eventually rings and Barney find Nick and Debi at the door. The both of them came to bring back the book they borrowed. Barney then allows them to borrow another book, this time about puppies. As they open the book, a dog runs out and eventually plays hide and seek in Barney's house. After a quick game, the trio eventually finds him and Barney leaves Nick and Debi to read some more books. Back upstairs, everyone is thinking of a new dance they can all do. Back downstairs, Barney makes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich using his PB&J machine, given that the cookies are still baking. The doorbell eventually rings and Barney find the Big Bad Wolf at his door. The Big Bad Wolf mentions that he doesn't have any friends, with Barney suggestion that he can blow up a toy that he can share with. Barney then gives him his peanut butter and jelly sandwich for him to enjoy. Given that he gave his sandwich away, he decides to make another one. Nick and Debi also desire a sandwich, with Barney offering them various types of bread for them to have. BJ, Baby Bop, Jeff and Jill come racing downstairs to tell Barney that they came up with a new song and dance, leading into "The Dino Dance" being performed at Barney's house. Afterwards, the gang sings "I Love You" with Barney then noticing that the cookies have finished baking. He shares with everyone, including the viewer. Afterwards, Barney suggests for the viewers to come back to his house again soon. Goodnight Moon And Other Sleepytime Tales. December 14 1999. One of the most beloved children's books of all time comes to life for the first time ever on TV in Goodnight Moon & Other Sleepytime Tales: an all-new HBO animated special starring the voices of Tony Bennett, Natalie Cole, Billy Crystal, Lauryn Hill, Patti LaBelle, Aaron Neville and Susan Sarandon.

Tidies Fantastic World John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Pretend Library Steady March Sing And Dance With Barney Anniversary 10 Years Barney's Rhyme Time Rhythm Fun Nursery Rhymes Together: Come join the fun for a special stop for a big world to do that together. Kids love spelling out words of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet between singing it loudly and quieter and quieter and quieter and quieter and softer and softer and softer and softer his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet fun it did together simply a song which song reminds of parades for the melody with full a steady march. Kids love spelling out: J, O, H, N, J, A, C, O, B, J, I, N, G, L, E, H, E, I, M, E, R, S, C, H, M, I, D, T: these viewers can spell the song various different ways for words with each single letter. Come play for those teach the alphabet, counting, shapes, colors, weather, games, songs, and more. Plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major singing special song loud then quieter and quieter and quieter then softer and softer Kevin learned that there are 28 letters, 8 super-dee-duper syllables, 36 notes, 32 words for lyrics, 8 Da's between singing it loud and quiet key of F Major to play that different kinds of weather Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways here like he can listen to the song in Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saint Patrick's Day, Dad's birthday, Ma's birthday, Father's Day, Kevin's birthday, Mother's Day, Halloween, Christmas Eve, Veterans Day, Cinco De Mayo, Columbus Day, Valentine's Day, Arbor Day, Earth Day, April Fools Day, David's birthday, Ryan's birthday from North French, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Thanksgiving, Dub's birthday, Aunt Kathleen's birthday, Renarae's birthday, in the pool between the indoor pool and the outdoor pool, Labor Day, Allison's birthday party, Mr. Chapman's birthday, Miss Victoria's birthday, Miss Jamie's birthday, Mr. Teddy's birthday, Mr. Deon's birthday, in wind, in the rain, plus the sleet, also some hail, in the snow, plus sweet hurricane, snowy wintry blizzards, background music for stores, background music for malls, background music for restaurants, playgrounds, parks, waterslides, radios, cars, vans, motorboats, buses, airplanes, boats, garbage trucks, helicopters, minivans, jet planes, computers, TVs, countrysides, picnics, schools, roller coasters, scramblers, libraries, bakeries, subway trains, hotels, beach houses, oceans, lunchrooms, car shows, breakfast, lunch, dinner, farms, ponds, lakes, caves, forests, jungles, undersea adventures, bookstores, supermarkets, town halls, classrooms, offices, post offices, treehouses, castles, trolleys, motorcycles, bicycles, wagons, police cars, submarines, and toy shops fun line His Name Is My Name, Too that lyric would go Wherever I Go Out, The People Always Shout There Goes his name Kevin learned that from loud to quieter then the eight Da's could go for now Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Kevin learned that in the song were Shawn, Min, and Kenneth singing same song loud librarian Kathy hushes them asks them to sing a little quieter because Barney and his friends are trying to read here in a pretend library he replies to that song reminds of parades simply as those did full a steady march. That video here on Elmo's camcorder: Julia Plays John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that video Julia plays that song where Shawn, Min and Kenneth singing loudly then quieter librarian Kathy isn't just singing it she loves that song singing loud and quiet. Sweet fundings here of that program of tape not doing shows with from ending to beginning for each PBS program and PBS Kids program plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major. Used that song on the back cover here Riding In Barney's Car name begins with 'J'. That box shows that Barney was going to take Shawn, Kathy, Min, Kenneth (cameo with John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt from Are We There Yet), and Carlos for a car ride, despite Kenneth leaving before Carlos showed up. Sing And Dance With Barney. January 12 1999. John Oliver's birthday party. The kids get a mysterious invitation for a party. All of the children get together and gather in the treehouse as directed by the invitations they received. As the kids gather inside the treehouse, Barney springs to life, delighted and happy to see all of his friends. Barney hints that they'll be seeing more friends as the day goes on. Eventually, BJ and Baby Bop join the gang as they received invitations as well. Barney makes it known that they've all arrived at his "Super-Dee-Duper Sing-Along", decorating the treehouse in balloons and streamers and eventually providing snacks. Barney makes it known that the sing-along will be filled with more surprises. Eventually, the gang gets surprised by the sound of a cow and they arrive at Grandpa's Farm. After their trip at the farm, they arrive back at the treehouse to be surprised by more of Barney's friends (Tosha, Michael and Kathy). They explain that they've been friends with Barney for a long time, since they were children, showcasing old pictures with them. As BJ, Baby Bop and the children head to get snacks, the older crowd thanks Barney for inviting them to the party and recall some memories they with him, further emphasizing that they can always count on him. Given that he has so many friends who can count on him, Barney makes the point that his friends are just like his family. Eventually, while carrying balloons, BJ runs into Linda, Danny and Kim. He explains that there's a sing-along occurring in the treehouse. Seeing that BJ lost his balloons, it reminds the gang of an airplane flying in the sky, in which they eventually pretend to be in one. Eventually, the gang runs into Baby Bop who's using her blankey for her toys. She explains the various other uses she has for her blankey and eventually sings about her love for it. Linda, Danny and Kim arrive in the treehouse and thank Barney for inviting them. He introduces the three to Michael, Tosha and Kathy. Linda wonders if they've played any games yet, prompting them to sing and play along to "The Clapping Song". Danny soon wonders what's next to do, prompting Barney to reveal that more surprises are in store. Kim whispers to Barney of her suggestion and gives Linda and Danny a hint of her suggestion, Danny fails to guess correctly when he said go hiking so Kim gives them another hint. Linda succeeds when she guesses that their going camping, Linda, Danny and Kim head down to the school's playground to see a tent, with BJ and Baby Bop in front of it. Everyone heads inside the tent and is lead into Barney's Fun-tastic Forest. It eventually turns into nighttime and Barney and a few others go to look at the stars. Kathy finds Linda alone near the tent wondering as to why she didn't go with the others. Holding her teddy bear, she explains that she's afraid of the dark. Kathy explains that she felt the same way and explains that her teddy bear made her feel safe when she was little too. At another area in the forest, Barney, Tosha, Robert and Hannah look at the moon and stars. After their camping trip, Stephen wonders what other surprises Barney has left for them. Barney's older friends decide to surprise Barney with the arrival of Min and Jason. The gang recalls more memories as they look at old photos. Min shows everyone a book she enjoyed reading when she was younger, which has a picture of a castle on it. It reminds her of the time that Barney took her, Derek, Michael, and Tina to see a real castle. Robert asks Barney if he could take them to see a castle now, prompting some of Barney's old and new friends to be in Storybook Land, a magical place where fairy tales become reality (complete with a castle). Later, Kim, Jeff, Linda and Hannah arrive in Storybook Land and are amazed that they are dressed like the people who live in castles. Baby Bop and BJ show off that they're pretending to be a queen and Old King Cole respectively to Barney. Baby Bop eventually sees a book with candy on the cover, Linda thought the story was candy, then thunder comes and it's a story of rain, prompting everyone to imagine that it's raining candy. After the pretend rain stops, they see a rainbow. Back in the treehouse, Barney tells everyone (including the viewer) that they're special and they tell him the same and that he can count on them. Barney thanks his friends for making it a special day for him. While the children express their favorite parts of the day, Barney tells them that the best part was spending time with his friends. Then confetti comes down and the party continues. Barney's Rhyme Time Rhythm. March 21 2000. Taylor's birthday party. Emily is struggling on writing an original rhyme for school. She dresses like Mother Goose to see if it would give her an idea, but she's still struggles with the assignment. Barney suggests that his friend Mother Goose could help her. Mother Goose drops by the treehouse to assist Emily with her assignment. The first thing she suggests for Emily to do is to smile when writing a rhyme. The other kids decide to also try their hand in writing a rhyme, prompting everyone to go have fun on the school's playground. After having fun on the playground, they all decide to go inside the classroom to see if they could get more ideas of rhymes. The gang eventually heads back outside and sing rhymes about sheep. Discussing about animals, Barney tells the rhyme of "This is the House that Jack Built", which is a rhyme that has lots of animals. Feeling right at home by everyone doing many Mother Goose Rhymes, Mother Goose suggests they all visit her land to get more ideas for rhymes. With a little imagination, everyone arrives at The Land of Mother Goose. Going inside her home, Mother Goose shares various things from various Nursery Rhymes. The gang eventually spots BJ outside dressed as Simple Simon and later see Baby Bop singing "A Tisket, A Tasket". The little dinos soon join the others in the Nursery Rhyme festivities. Excluding BJ and Baby Bop, everyone arrives back at the treehouse smiling and laughing. Noticing that everyone is all smiles, Barney suggests that it would be a great time for everyone to write their rhymes. After they finished writing their own Rhymes, they share with each other by reading-aloud. Given how good they were, Mother Goose decides to go home to write them in her book of rhymes. The children eventually leave Barney to go share their rhymes with the other children. Before she leaves with the others, Emily shares one more rhyme with Barney.

Tiny Fantastic World John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Pretend Library Steady March Songs From The Park Songs From Season 7 Let's Play School Baby Bop's School More Barney Songs Clean Closet Barney's Christmas Star Missing Star Attic: Join in special fun for a fabulous stop showing it out with such a hit surprise. Kids love spelling out words of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet between singing it loudly and quieter and quieter and quieter and quieter and softer and softer and softer and softer his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet fun it did together simply a song which song reminds of parades for the melody with full a steady march. Kids love spelling out: J, O, H, N, J, A, C, O, B, J, I, N, G, L, E, H, E, I, M, E, R, S, C, H, M, I, D, T: these viewers can spell the song various different ways for words with each single letter. Come play for those teach the alphabet, counting, shapes, colors, weather, games, songs, and more. Plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major singing special song loud then quieter and quieter and quieter then softer and softer Kevin learned that there are 28 letters, 8 super-dee-duper syllables, 36 notes, 32 words for lyrics, 8 Da's between singing it loud and quiet key of F Major to play that different kinds of weather Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways here like he can listen to the song in Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saint Patrick's Day, Dad's birthday, Ma's birthday, Father's Day, Kevin's birthday, Mother's Day, Halloween, Christmas Eve, Veterans Day, Cinco De Mayo, Columbus Day, Valentine's Day, Arbor Day, Earth Day, April Fools Day, David's birthday, Ryan's birthday from North French, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Thanksgiving, Dub's birthday, Aunt Kathleen's birthday, Renarae's birthday, in the pool between the indoor pool and the outdoor pool, Labor Day, Allison's birthday party, Mr. Chapman's birthday, Miss Victoria's birthday, Miss Jamie's birthday, Mr. Teddy's birthday, Mr. Deon's birthday, in wind, in the rain, plus the sleet, also some hail, in the snow, plus sweet hurricane, snowy wintry blizzards, background music for stores, background music for malls, background music for restaurants, playgrounds, parks, waterslides, radios, cars, vans, motorboats, buses, airplanes, boats, garbage trucks, helicopters, minivans, jet planes, computers, TVs, countrysides, picnics, schools, roller coasters, scramblers, libraries, bakeries, subway trains, hotels, beach houses, oceans, lunchrooms, car shows, breakfast, lunch, dinner, farms, ponds, lakes, caves, forests, jungles, undersea adventures, bookstores, supermarkets, town halls, classrooms, offices, post offices, treehouses, castles, trolleys, motorcycles, bicycles, wagons, police cars, submarines, and toy shops fun line His Name Is My Name, Too that lyric would go Wherever I Go Out, The People Always Shout There Goes his name Kevin learned that from loud to quieter then the eight Da's could go for now Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Kevin learned that in the song were Shawn, Min, and Kenneth singing same song loud librarian Kathy hushes them asks them to sing a little quieter because Barney and his friends are trying to read here in a pretend library he replies to that song reminds of parades simply as those did full a steady march. That video here on Elmo's camcorder: Julia Plays John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that video Julia plays that song where Shawn, Min and Kenneth singing loudly then quieter librarian Kathy isn't just singing it she loves that song singing loud and quiet. Sweet fundings here of that program of tape not doing shows with from ending to beginning for each PBS program and PBS Kids program plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major. Used that song on the back cover here Riding In Barney's Car name begins with 'J'. That box shows that Barney was going to take Shawn, Kathy, Min, Kenneth (cameo with John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt from Are We There Yet), and Carlos for a car ride, despite Kenneth leaving before Carlos showed up. Songs From The Park. January 7 2003. Barney shares all his favorite moments and times outside in the park and inside the caboose. Let's Play School!. July 27 1999. As a plush, Barney awaits for Hannah and Ashley to finish up at school. Seeing that Barney was waiting for them, they decide to play a game with him while Robert and Jeff come out to join in the fun. Eventually springing to life, Barney inquires as to what everyone did in school. The kids excitedly tell him all at the same time, making Barney unable to understand. He figures that they did quite alot during the day. The children decide to sing "Today, We Can Say!" to summarize all that happened in school. While the children sing, Baby Bop, who's holding her blankey, overhears them, and wishes she could've went to school, but understands that she's not old enough to attend the school they go to. Barney and the children eventually see Baby Bop in the treehouse sad, causing Barney to go and find out what's wrong. Baby Bop tells Barney that she wants to go to school. With a little help from Barney while using her imagination, the school that the children go to transforms into a new school, with fun and surprises! As the school bell rings, Barney and the children hurry inside to discover Baby Bop as the teacher for the day, allowing her to make school whatever she wants it to be for the day. Baby Bop then proceeds to take attendance and notices that BJ is late for school. BJ arrives confused to see the school changed and is explained as to what is occurring for the day. After BJ's arrival, hey proceed to do a "Finger Play Medley": The Itsy Bitsy Spider then Where Is Thumbkin. After the song, BJ explains that school should be about learning important stuff, citing the alphabet, which causes the children to write them on a chalkboard. Barney notices that the way they're written are almost like a parade, which prompts everyone to participate in an alphabet parade. After the parade, Baby Bop instructs BJ to clean the chalkboard. Barney and the children eventually make it into the school's library, looking at various books. Baby Bop asks if Barney could read the story of "Little Yellow Riding Hood". After their time reading, everyone follows BJ to see what he found. The kids have fun mixing different colors together. Looking at what the kids painted, Barney is reminded of food, especially given that he's hungry. Baby Bop proceeds to tell everyone that it's lunchtime and tells them to go to the lunchroom. Baby Bop, who's also the cafeteria lady, tells everyone that everything on the lunch menu is Macaroni and Cheese (including dessert). After lunch, Baby Bop decides to teach everyone about numbers, but having BJ and the children dressed as butterflies as they sing "Five Little Butterflies". After learning about numbers, Baby Bop teaches everyone about shapes using her bubble machine. Given the bubbles everywhere, BJ notices that he's clean as a whistle. The whistle remark reminds Baby Bop that they use whistles in school, sending everyone to gym class. For gym class, Baby Bop is now the coach, but doesn't exactly know what to do, eventually having Barney help her instruct the class. Barney has the class do a few stretches. Afterwards, Baby Bop leads everyone to hop on the trampolines. After exercising in the school gym, it prompts Jeff to become a little tired. Baby Bop then tells everyone that it's nap time, giving everyone their own blankey, like how she has one to nap with. While hugging their blankeys, no one got tired, except for Baby Bop. Everyone decides to cover Baby Bop with their respective blankeys given. After her nap, Baby Bop comes outside to notice her make-believe school is gone. She wondered if she was a good teacher for the day given that they played so many games. Barney insists that they learned alot just by having fun. Baby Bop and BJ eventually leave. Hannah insists that Baby Bop is going to have fun going to real school when she's older, making Barney agree. Robert asks what he enjoyed about her school today and his response was having the opportunity to spend it with those he loves. More Barney Songs. December 28 1999. After BJ finishes pulling Baby Bop on her wagon, the two decide to play ball. Realizing they don't have a ball, a ball rolls out to them from behind a tree. Soon after, a bunch of other things come flying out from behind the tree, and eventually Barney comes from behind it with a ladder, greeting the two little dinos. Barney informs the two that his closet is so messy that he's decided to clean it up. Noticing so much stuff, the first thing Baby Bop notices is a piggy puppet, in which Barney reminisces about the time it was used to put on a puppet show. Barney remembers that the show put on a smile on his face. BJ then notices that tickling others with a feather is another way to put a smile on the face of others, where he then proceeds to use a feather to tickle Baby Bop. Baby Bop then finds her watch that BJ and Dr. TickTock made for her after she learned how to tell time. As Barney continues to clean his closet, BJ and Baby Bop deicde to clean out the treehouse and classroom. In the treehouse, Baby Bop finds a parachute and shows it to BJ. BJ begins to remember the time that he had fun with the parachute. Coming back down to the playground, Baby Bop states that today is going to be a windy fall day. BJ corrects her and mentions that he heard it was going to be a cold winter day. Barney thinks that it's going to be a day full of sunshine. The dinos then go inside the classroom to clean up, where they find musical instruments such as BJ's drum and a trumpet. Barney remembers the time that BJ played a trumpet at Grammy Johannson's farm, in which BJ remembers that he was chased by a "bull" that day. After cleaning the shelves and floor of the classroom, Barney suggests that the three of them should clean themselves up. After Barney finishes up outside, he asks BJ and Baby Bop if they found any good books to read. Baby Bop found Little Yellow Riding Hood and BJ found Paul Bunyan. Barney then gives BJ and Baby Bop a few toys. The dinos mention that they're going to share the toys with their friends, where everyone can have fun! BJ and Baby Bop then trail off. Turning to the viewer, Barney mentions that he has something to share with the viewer. He's now able to find it given that his closet is clean, but at one point, he couldn't find it anywhere. Barney eventually comes out to share an x-ray of his heart and thanks the viewer for sharing the day with him alongside his memories. Barney's Christmas Star. October 22 2002. Christopher Lloyd's birthday party. Christmas is fast approaching, so Barney and the children are quite excited. They help decorate the caboose for the Christmas holidays and build a "thinking" snowman in the park. Then, they visit a tree planted by Beth's great-great-grandfather that's now the prettiest, oldest tree in the park. Beth's grandmother is in charge of decorating the tree for Christmas this year, and everyone is shocked to find that the large star to adorn the tree's top is missing! Grammy suggests it's up in her attic and dispatches Barney and the children there to find it. Fun and playful mayhem ensue, with constant distractions from the search by various and sundry dusty "treasures" encountered. The kids, Baby Bop, and BJ discover- and they become- old-fashioned toys. All dictate a musical letter to Santa, typed on an old fashioned typewriter. When an ancient library is discovered, Barney reads 'Twas the Night Before Christmas to the group. The elusive star finally reveals itself, with some urging from the group. Barney and the children arrive back at the tree in time for the lighting ceremony. But the king conifer's grown too tall for its peak to be reached from a ladder! Barney magic ensures the proper placement of the star, and everyone is soon well on their way to a very Merry Christmas season!

Town Comfy World John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Pretend Library Steady March Fun Movin' And Groovin' Barney's Super Singing Circus It's Time For Counting Happy Mad Silly Sad: Come join now which get comfy simply it showing it out with such a hit surprise. Kids love spelling out words of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet between singing it loudly and quieter and quieter and quieter and quieter and softer and softer and softer and softer his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet fun it did together simply a song which song reminds of parades for the melody with full a steady march. Kids love spelling out: J, O, H, N, J, A, C, O, B, J, I, N, G, L, E, H, E, I, M, E, R, S, C, H, M, I, D, T: these viewers can spell the song various different ways for words with each single letter. Come play for those teach the alphabet, counting, shapes, colors, weather, games, songs, and more. Plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major singing special song loud then quieter and quieter and quieter then softer and softer Kevin learned that there are 28 letters, 8 super-dee-duper syllables, 36 notes, 32 words for lyrics, 8 Da's between singing it loud and quiet key of F Major to play that different kinds of weather Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways here like he can listen to the song in Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saint Patrick's Day, Dad's birthday, Ma's birthday, Father's Day, Kevin's birthday, Mother's Day, Halloween, Christmas Eve, Veterans Day, Cinco De Mayo, Columbus Day, Valentine's Day, Arbor Day, Earth Day, April Fools Day, David's birthday, Ryan's birthday from North French, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Thanksgiving, Dub's birthday, Aunt Kathleen's birthday, Renarae's birthday, in the pool between the indoor pool and the outdoor pool, Labor Day, Allison's birthday party, Mr. Chapman's birthday, Miss Victoria's birthday, Miss Jamie's birthday, Mr. Teddy's birthday, Mr. Deon's birthday, in wind, in the rain, plus the sleet, also some hail, in the snow, plus sweet hurricane, snowy wintry blizzards, background music for stores, background music for malls, background music for restaurants, playgrounds, parks, waterslides, radios, cars, vans, motorboats, buses, airplanes, boats, garbage trucks, helicopters, minivans, jet planes, computers, TVs, countrysides, picnics, schools, roller coasters, scramblers, libraries, bakeries, subway trains, hotels, beach houses, oceans, lunchrooms, car shows, breakfast, lunch, dinner, farms, ponds, lakes, caves, forests, jungles, undersea adventures, bookstores, supermarkets, town halls, classrooms, offices, post offices, treehouses, castles, trolleys, motorcycles, bicycles, wagons, police cars, submarines, and toy shops fun line His Name Is My Name, Too that lyric would go Wherever I Go Out, The People Always Shout There Goes his name Kevin learned that from loud to quieter then the eight Da's could go for now Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Kevin learned that in the song were Shawn, Min, and Kenneth singing same song loud librarian Kathy hushes them asks them to sing a little quieter because Barney and his friends are trying to read here in a pretend library he replies to that song reminds of parades simply as those did full a steady march. That video here on Elmo's camcorder: Julia Plays John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that video Julia plays that song where Shawn, Min and Kenneth singing loudly then quieter librarian Kathy isn't just singing it she loves that song singing loud and quiet. Sweet fundings here of that program of tape not doing shows with from ending to beginning for each PBS program and PBS Kids program plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major. Used that song on the back cover here Riding In Barney's Car name begins with 'J'. That box shows that Barney was going to take Shawn, Kathy, Min, Kenneth (cameo with John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt from Are We There Yet), and Carlos for a car ride, despite Kenneth leaving before Carlos showed up. Movin' And Groovin'. March 9 2004. Martin P. Robinson's birthday party, Ryan's birthday party. Barney and his friends are movin' and groovin'nto the beat of the music! As they learn about rhythm and create their own musical instruments, Barney leads the band with a rat-a-tat-tat and a rooty-toot-toot. And they discover there are lots of ways to get a moveon as they do the the Dino Dance. Then, after wiggling through a game of Simon Says, they're off to the races. Barney's friends discover the fun of movement while making beautiful music together! Barney's Super Singing Circus. May 16 2000. When Emily announces that she can't go to the circus on Saturday because of her family's vacation, Barney and his friends put one on for her today. Barney plays the ringmaster, while the children perform in many different acts. Meanwhile, BJ waits for his cannon to arrive, but when it turns out to be too small, Scooter McNutty is the one who gets shot out making a hole in the tent. It's Time For Counting. January 13 1998. Suzanne Fryer's birthday party, Julia Louise-Dreyfus's birthday party. When the numbers from Stella's alarm clock get missing, Barney and the kids help search for the rest of the numbers. They head to the school library, where they read some classic children's stories. When all the numbers are returned to the alarm clock, Stella has a very special surprise for Barney and his friends! Happy Mad Silly Sad. December 16 2003. Malik's birthday party. Love makes Barney's world go 'round, and the huggable dinosaur encourages his friends to express and understand their emotions in healthy ways. From creating masks to decorating a "Friends & Family Tree" with hearts, Barney uses fun songs and games to help his friends get in touch with their feelings. And he reminds them that manners, sharing and taking turns are great ways to show you care about others. It's always a happy day of fun and learning when you spend it with Barney and his friends.

Trot Duck Show John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Pretend Library Steady March Barney's Musical Scrapbook Barney's Adventure Bus Barney's Halloween Party Be My Valentine Love, Barney: Join in there which trot duck simply it showing it out with such a hit surprise. Kids love spelling out words of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet between singing it loudly and quieter and quieter and quieter and quieter and softer and softer and softer and softer his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet fun it did together simply a song which song reminds of parades for the melody with full a steady march. Kids love spelling out: J, O, H, N, J, A, C, O, B, J, I, N, G, L, E, H, E, I, M, E, R, S, C, H, M, I, D, T: these viewers can spell the song various different ways for words with each single letter. Come play for those teach the alphabet, counting, shapes, colors, weather, games, songs, and more. Plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major singing special song loud then quieter and quieter and quieter then softer and softer Kevin learned that there are 28 letters, 8 super-dee-duper syllables, 36 notes, 32 words for lyrics, 8 Da's between singing it loud and quiet key of F Major to play that different kinds of weather Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways here like he can listen to the song in Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saint Patrick's Day, Dad's birthday, Ma's birthday, Father's Day, Kevin's birthday, Mother's Day, Halloween, Christmas Eve, Veterans Day, Cinco De Mayo, Columbus Day, Valentine's Day, Arbor Day, Earth Day, April Fools Day, David's birthday, Ryan's birthday from North French, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Thanksgiving, Dub's birthday, Aunt Kathleen's birthday, Renarae's birthday, in the pool between the indoor pool and the outdoor pool, Labor Day, Allison's birthday party, Mr. Chapman's birthday, Miss Victoria's birthday, Miss Jamie's birthday, Mr. Teddy's birthday, Mr. Deon's birthday, in wind, in the rain, plus the sleet, also some hail, in the snow, plus sweet hurricane, snowy wintry blizzards, background music for stores, background music for malls, background music for restaurants, playgrounds, parks, waterslides, radios, cars, vans, motorboats, buses, airplanes, boats, garbage trucks, helicopters, minivans, jet planes, computers, TVs, countrysides, picnics, schools, roller coasters, scramblers, libraries, bakeries, subway trains, hotels, beach houses, oceans, lunchrooms, car shows, breakfast, lunch, dinner, farms, ponds, lakes, caves, forests, jungles, undersea adventures, bookstores, supermarkets, town halls, classrooms, offices, post offices, treehouses, castles, trolleys, motorcycles, bicycles, wagons, police cars, submarines, and toy shops fun line His Name Is My Name, Too that lyric would go Wherever I Go Out, The People Always Shout There Goes his name Kevin learned that from loud to quieter then the eight Da's could go for now Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Kevin learned that in the song were Shawn, Min, and Kenneth singing same song loud librarian Kathy hushes them asks them to sing a little quieter because Barney and his friends are trying to read here in a pretend library he replies to that song reminds of parades simply as those did full a steady march. That video here on Elmo's camcorder: Julia Plays John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that video Julia plays that song where Shawn, Min and Kenneth singing loudly then quieter librarian Kathy isn't just singing it she loves that song singing loud and quiet. Sweet fundings here of that program of tape not doing shows with from ending to beginning for each PBS program and PBS Kids program plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major. Used that song on the back cover here Riding In Barney's Car name begins with 'J'. That box shows that Barney was going to take Shawn, Kathy, Min, Kenneth (cameo with John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt from Are We There Yet), and Carlos for a car ride, despite Kenneth leaving before Carlos showed up. Barney's Musical Scrapbook. May 6 1997. Remember when Barney and his friends sailed to Coco Island? Or when the wind came long and blew BJ's hat away? Aaaaah, the memories. One look through Barney's Scrapbook and you'll be reminded of some of the best Barney moments ever... complete with 14 wonderful songs. Relive all the fun, all the music and all the purple...in Barney's Scrapbook. It'll be your favorite for years to come. Barney's Adventure Bus. September 2 1997. It's Saturday, and the kids are playing together. Barney becomes a bus driver, and he turns Chip's toy school bus into a really big one for himself. He takes his friends on his imaginary adventure bus ride to imagination. First, Barney takes Kristen and Robert to the castle, where Scootles, the king and queen's cat has to be rescued by Sir Chip. Next, Barney takes Chip to the pizza parlor, where he can make the pizza with peppers, pineapple, peanut butter, pepperoni, and BJ's favorite food: pickles, as being mentioned by BJ. Third, Barney takes Keesha out west, where she can ride a real pony and spin a rope, and finally, Barney takes Baby Bop to the circus where she can see an elephant, who Kristen and Robert are dressed up as onstage while sitting in the audience with Chip, Keesha, and BJ, and Kristen and Robert, as well as Chip, Keesha, and BJ, the audience members, can watch her do some tightrope walking and they can join her for some tightrope hopping on center ring after the popcorn intermission, in which they use four out of the five senses, not mentioning touch. And as a special treat for BJ, he gets to join a rock band there so everyone can watch him do it on center ring, but only onstage. As everyone leaves in the end, Kristen stays behind to see the plush Barney, dressed as the bus driver saying, "And you were the best bus driver I ever had, Barney!" kissing him and leaving, with bus driver Barney staying behind and winking. Barney's Halloween Party. August 18 1998. It’s Halloween, and Barney and his friends prepare for the big Halloween party at the school gym. From Indian corn to smiling jack-o-lanterns, the gym is aglow with the colors of fall. Meanwhile, BJ and Baby Bop are putting the final touches on their Halloween costumes as they get ready for a fun-filled night of trick-or-treating. Finally, evening arrives, the Halloween party begins, and the trick-or-treaters set out to search for goodies. Unfortunately, after a full night of trying, BJ comes up just a bit empty-handed. But when BJ and Baby Bop return to school, they soon find out that their friends have plenty of goodies and surprises waiting for them. Together the two learn that sometimes, the best treats at Halloween are good friends. Be My Valentine Love, Barney. December 26 2000. It's Valentine's Day and the kids are making valentine boxes. Jill then finds mysterious card in Barney's valentine box, which he explains is from The Queen of Hearts. With a little imagination, Barney and the children head off to visit her castle. They meet The Queen of Hearts and explore the castle. From making silly rhymes and flowers to butterflies, lollipops and decorating valentine cookies, there's fun in every corner. There's even a surprise Valentine's Day party organized by The Queen of Hearts, where Baby Bop and BJ meet up with the others. The group gets dressed up nicely and they have loads of fun. Barney and the kids give a card they made to The Queen of Hearts, which she enjoys. Back at the Treehouse, Barney gives the kids some Valentine cards.

Garden, Zoo, Flower, Toy Show Valuable John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Tape Teletubbies At Miss Candy's Duckieland From Show 4103 WNED PBS Channel 17 Pretend Library Steady March: Garden, zoo, flower, toy things in for Love In The Junkyard with from album Silly Songs. Kids love spelling out words of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet between singing it loudly and quieter and quieter and quieter and quieter and softer and softer and softer and softer his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet fun it did together simply a song which song reminds of parades for the melody with full a steady march. Kids love spelling out: J, O, H, N, J, A, C, O, B, J, I, N, G, L, E, H, E, I, M, E, R, S, C, H, M, I, D, T: these viewers can spell the song various different ways for words with each single letter. Come play for those teach the alphabet, counting, shapes, colors, weather, games, songs, and more. Plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major singing special song loud then quieter and quieter and quieter then softer and softer Kevin learned that there are 28 letters, 8 super-dee-duper syllables, 36 notes, 32 words for lyrics, 8 Da's between singing it loud and quiet key of F Major to play that different kinds of weather Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways here like he can listen to the song in Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saint Patrick's Day, Dad's birthday, Ma's birthday, Father's Day, Kevin's birthday, Mother's Day, Halloween, Christmas Eve, Veterans Day, Cinco De Mayo, Columbus Day, Valentine's Day, Arbor Day, Earth Day, April Fools Day, David's birthday, Ryan's birthday from North French, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Thanksgiving, Dub's birthday, Aunt Kathleen's birthday, Renarae's birthday, in the pool between the indoor pool and the outdoor pool, Labor Day, Allison's birthday party, Mr. Chapman's birthday, Miss Victoria's birthday, Miss Jamie's birthday, Mr. Teddy's birthday, Mr. Deon's birthday, in wind, in the rain, plus the sleet, also some hail, in the snow, plus sweet hurricane, snowy wintry blizzards, background music for stores, background music for malls, background music for restaurants, playgrounds, parks, waterslides, radios, cars, vans, motorboats, buses, airplanes, boats, garbage trucks, helicopters, minivans, jet planes, computers, TVs, countrysides, picnics, schools, roller coasters, scramblers, libraries, bakeries, subway trains, hotels, beach houses, oceans, lunchrooms, car shows, breakfast, lunch, dinner, farms, ponds, lakes, caves, forests, jungles, undersea adventures, bookstores, supermarkets, town halls, classrooms, offices, post offices, treehouses, castles, trolleys, motorcycles, bicycles, wagons, police cars, submarines, and toy shops fun line His Name Is My Name, Too that lyric would go Wherever I Go Out, The People Always Shout There Goes his name Kevin learned that from loud to quieter then the eight Da's could go for now Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Kevin learned that in the song were Shawn, Min, and Kenneth singing same song loud librarian Kathy hushes them asks them to sing a little quieter because Barney and his friends are trying to read here in a pretend library he replies to that song reminds of parades simply as those did full a steady march. That video here on Elmo's camcorder: Julia Plays John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that video Julia plays that song where Shawn, Min and Kenneth singing loudly then quieter librarian Kathy isn't just singing it she loves that song singing loud and quiet. Sweet fundings here of that program of tape not doing shows with from ending to beginning for each PBS program and PBS Kids program plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major. Used that song on the back cover here Riding In Barney's Car name begins with 'J'. That box shows that Barney was going to take Shawn, Kathy, Min, Kenneth (cameo with John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt from Are We There Yet), and Carlos for a car ride, despite Kenneth leaving before Carlos showed up. Teletubbies at Miss Candy's Kevin took Ma to a blue rubber band place Kevin first see. To it windmill was about to stop spinning that means just in time for Sesame Street. Duckieland from show 4103 that plot will be "Baby Bear Writes A Story About Porridge King". Two sponsors on this: "F", 11.

Odd Visit Squad World Squad Show John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmdt From Are We There Yet Tape Teletubbies At Miss Candy's Duckieland From Show 4103 Clumsy Ballet I've Been Working On The Railroad From Alphabet Soup March: Come visit some agents for about some science based on the Odd Squad show for it. I've Been Working On The Railroad from Alphabet Soup Kathy, Derek, here Min, and Tina wear train clothing Barney as train engineer. When Kevin Doody was so small, he used to listen to The Big Comfy Couch side A that have the 19 Sing-along Songs CD. The Ten Second Tidy was used on the CD as well. Then it comes again. Episodes, characters, voices, and other fun stuff. Clumsy Ballet was used from the episode "Sticks And Stones." After Clumsy ballet was the Ten Second Tidy before you could go right to side "B". Kids love spelling out words of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet between singing it loudly and quieter and quieter and quieter and quieter and softer and softer and softer and softer his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet fun it did together simply a song which song reminds of parades for the melody with full a steady march. Kids love spelling out: J, O, H, N, J, A, C, O, B, J, I, N, G, L, E, H, E, I, M, E, R, S, C, H, M, I, D, T: these viewers can spell the song various different ways for words with each single letter. Come play for those teach the alphabet, counting, shapes, colors, weather, games, songs, and more. Plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major singing special song loud then quieter and quieter and quieter then softer and softer Kevin learned that there are 28 letters, 8 super-dee-duper syllables, 36 notes, 32 words for lyrics, 8 Da's between singing it loud and quiet key of F Major to play that different kinds of weather Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways here like he can listen to the song in Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saint Patrick's Day, Dad's birthday, Ma's birthday, Father's Day, Kevin's birthday, Mother's Day, Halloween, Christmas Eve, Veterans Day, Cinco De Mayo, Columbus Day, Valentine's Day, Arbor Day, Earth Day, April Fools Day, David's birthday, Ryan's birthday from North French, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Thanksgiving, Dub's birthday, Aunt Kathleen's birthday, Renarae's birthday, in the pool between the indoor pool and the outdoor pool, Labor Day, Allison's birthday party, Mr. Chapman's birthday, Miss Victoria's birthday, Miss Jamie's birthday, Mr. Teddy's birthday, Mr. Deon's birthday, in wind, in the rain, plus the sleet, also some hail, in the snow, plus sweet hurricane, snowy wintry blizzards, background music for stores, background music for malls, background music for restaurants, playgrounds, parks, waterslides, radios, cars, vans, motorboats, buses, airplanes, boats, garbage trucks, helicopters, minivans, jet planes, computers, TVs, countrysides, picnics, schools, roller coasters, scramblers, libraries, bakeries, subway trains, hotels, beach houses, oceans, lunchrooms, car shows, breakfast, lunch, dinner, farms, ponds, lakes, caves, forests, jungles, undersea adventures, bookstores, supermarkets, town halls, classrooms, offices, post offices, treehouses, castles, trolleys, motorcycles, bicycles, wagons, police cars, submarines, and toy shops fun line His Name Is My Name, Too that lyric would go Wherever I Go Out, The People Always Shout There Goes his name Kevin learned that from loud to quieter then the eight Da's could go for now Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Kevin learned that in the song were Shawn, Min, and Kenneth singing same song loud librarian Kathy hushes them asks them to sing a little quieter because Barney and his friends are trying to read here in a pretend library he replies to that song reminds of parades simply as those did full a steady march. That video here on Elmo's camcorder: Julia Plays John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that video Julia plays that song where Shawn, Min and Kenneth singing loudly then quieter librarian Kathy isn't just singing it she loves that song singing loud and quiet. Sweet fundings here of that program of tape not doing shows with from ending to beginning for each PBS program and PBS Kids program plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major. Used that song on the back cover here Riding In Barney's Car name begins with 'J'. That box shows that Barney was going to take Shawn, Kathy, Min, Kenneth (cameo with John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt from Are We There Yet), and Carlos for a car ride, despite Kenneth leaving before Carlos showed up. Teletubbies at Miss Candy's Kevin took Ma to a blue rubber band place Kevin first see. To it windmill was about to stop spinning that means just in time for Sesame Street. Duckieland from show 4103 that plot will be "Baby Bear Writes A Story About Porridge King". Two sponsors on this: "F", 11.

World Volunteer A Title John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet Tape Teletubbies At Miss Candy's Duckieland From Show 4103 Dad's Birthday Cake 2024 Garden, Zoo, Flower, Toy: Come volunteer some of things in the ballad with Dad's birthday 2024: garden, zoo, flower, toy. Kids love spelling out words of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet between singing it loudly and quieter and quieter and quieter and quieter and softer and softer and softer and softer his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet fun it did together simply a song which song reminds of parades for the melody with full a steady march. Kids love spelling out: J, O, H, N, J, A, C, O, B, J, I, N, G, L, E, H, E, I, M, E, R, S, C, H, M, I, D, T: these viewers can spell the song various different ways for words with each single letter. Come play for those teach the alphabet, counting, shapes, colors, weather, games, songs, and more. Plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major singing special song loud then quieter and quieter and quieter then softer and softer Kevin learned that there are 28 letters, 8 super-dee-duper syllables, 36 notes, 32 words for lyrics, 8 Da's between singing it loud and quiet key of F Major to play that different kinds of weather Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways here like he can listen to the song in Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Saint Patrick's Day, Dad's birthday, Ma's birthday, Father's Day, Kevin's birthday, Mother's Day, Halloween, Christmas Eve, Veterans Day, Cinco De Mayo, Columbus Day, Valentine's Day, Arbor Day, Earth Day, April Fools Day, David's birthday, Ryan's birthday from North French, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Thanksgiving, Dub's birthday, Aunt Kathleen's birthday, Renarae's birthday, in the pool between the indoor pool and the outdoor pool, Labor Day, Allison's birthday party, Mr. Chapman's birthday, Miss Victoria's birthday, Miss Jamie's birthday, Mr. Teddy's birthday, Mr. Deon's birthday, in wind, in the rain, plus the sleet, also some hail, in the snow, plus sweet hurricane, snowy wintry blizzards, background music for stores, background music for malls, background music for restaurants, playgrounds, parks, waterslides, radios, cars, vans, motorboats, buses, airplanes, boats, garbage trucks, helicopters, minivans, jet planes, computers, TVs, countrysides, picnics, schools, roller coasters, scramblers, libraries, bakeries, subway trains, hotels, beach houses, oceans, lunchrooms, car shows, breakfast, lunch, dinner, farms, ponds, lakes, caves, forests, jungles, undersea adventures, bookstores, supermarkets, town halls, classrooms, offices, post offices, treehouses, castles, trolleys, motorcycles, bicycles, wagons, police cars, submarines, and toy shops fun line His Name Is My Name, Too that lyric would go Wherever I Go Out, The People Always Shout There Goes his name Kevin learned that from loud to quieter then the eight Da's could go for now Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Kevin learned that in the song were Shawn, Min, and Kenneth singing same song loud librarian Kathy hushes them asks them to sing a little quieter because Barney and his friends are trying to read here in a pretend library he replies to that song reminds of parades simply as those did full a steady march. That video here on Elmo's camcorder: Julia Plays John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that video Julia plays that song where Shawn, Min and Kenneth singing loudly then quieter librarian Kathy isn't just singing it she loves that song singing loud and quiet. Sweet fundings here of that program of tape not doing shows with from ending to beginning for each PBS program and PBS Kids program plus a copy of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt From Are We There Yet that paper Kevin printed from Italy Kevin listens to the song in different kinds of weather song indeed seen in for Riding In Barney's Car VHS from 1995 that buddy his name which begins with J that 10th letter there in the alphabet Kevin listens to the song in fabulous ways key of F Major. Used that song on the back cover here Riding In Barney's Car name begins with 'J'. That box shows that Barney was going to take Shawn, Kathy, Min, Kenneth (cameo with John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt from Are We There Yet), and Carlos for a car ride, despite Kenneth leaving before Carlos showed up. Teletubbies at Miss Candy's Kevin took Ma to a blue rubber band place Kevin first see. To it windmill was about to stop spinning that means just in time for Sesame Street. Duckieland from show 4103 that plot will be "Baby Bear Writes A Story About Porridge King". Two sponsors on this: "F", 11.

Songs from Rock & Roll released from 1990. Six Sesame Street videos can be seen on some shelves in the background simply "Monster Hits" first seen on DVD, "I Want To Go Home" on VHS, "Count It Higher: Great Music Videos From Sesame Street" also first seen on DVD, "The Best Of Ernie And Bert" seen just VHS, "Don't Eat The Pictures" first aired on PBS November 16 1983 plus also seen on 2011 DVD, and the ever popular "Sing Yourself Silly" first seen on DVD. To that one there, Frank Oz performs Grover and Bert.

  1. Monster In The Mirror
  2. Telephone Rock
  3. You're Alive
  4. Rock And Roll Readers
  5. It's Hip To Be A Square
  6. Count Up To Nine
  7. Forty Blocks From My Home
  8. I Can't Get No Co-Operation
  9. Hand Talk
  10. The Word Is NO
Zots Vote Show Wish Tape In Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Bobby Brown's Birthday Toys (2025)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.